Illya. K. Makrus
Silver Member
Just some thoughts to share.
Ted Cruz
I'm a Texan, and Cruz is our senator. He is a true fighter for conservative values, or more precisely, "very conservative values", no doubt about that. He promised that he would fight against Obama, and so he did, fiercely. Nowadays few politicians keep their promises to that extent. If you are a very conservative voter, Cruz has a proven record of being a loyal conservative -- something you may highly value.
The downside, however, is that the man stands for "very conservative values". Not everybody support all of them (certainly not me). To make the matter "worse", he has proven that he does not bother to negotiate (reasonably and effectively) with the left, or anyone who do not share his extreme conservative values. That worries a lot of people who are relatively moderate. The concern is that while he fights for his very conservative values with strong resolution, little can be achieved under our bipartisan government. After all, this is a country with highly diversified views, and he is a candidate who seems to care about only the (extreme) conservatives.
Another problem in my opinion is the lies and frauds from himself and his campaigns. Every politician lies, and lying on a few issues is probably fine. However, some dirty tricks are just disgusting. For me, the bottom line is that you (or your campaign) cannot fool voters for their votes directly. The scams about Carson, and the voter violation fraud obviously crossed that line. Also, Cruz fired his communication director for putting on a false video on Rubio recently. To me, these form a pattern of "dishonesty" unparalleled among all campaigns.
Note that an avid Cruz supporter on the forum (BOSS) argued that those dirty tricks were not from Cruz himself, and that Cruz had zero control over what his PACs did, therefore he should not be blamed. I will leave the readers of the thread to decide whether Cruz should be held responsible.
Marco Rubio
He was my favorite candidate before Trump jumped in. He is young and energetic, with a pretty good resume and an inspiring life story. He is much quicker and smarter than Jeb (which is, in my opinion, totally incompetent), and he has a good memory. Also, he is more moderate and open minded compared to Cruz, something appealing to an independent like myself.
What concerns me most about Rubio is his "unusual reaction" against pressure. He sweats like a nervous kid, recites well-prepared debate responses like a robot, and melted down in an inexcusable way against Christie. All of these are clearly signs of weakness. To me, this is much worse than disagreement on certain political positions, and it cannot be corrected in a short period of time. I do not think that someone who failed to stand the pressure of a TV debate can be trusted as the president of the United States. If he can be destroyed by Christie in a Republican debate, what can I expect of him going against leaders such as Putin or Xi? Can I count on him to fight for the American people's best interest against pressure from the Congress and other countries around the world? Rubio might become a successful leader given more time, but now he just doesn't seem ready for the job.
I'd be happy to learn more about your opinions on these two candidates (why do you like/dislike them). However, please refrain yourselves from personal attacks -- we've had enough on TV!
Ted Cruz
I'm a Texan, and Cruz is our senator. He is a true fighter for conservative values, or more precisely, "very conservative values", no doubt about that. He promised that he would fight against Obama, and so he did, fiercely. Nowadays few politicians keep their promises to that extent. If you are a very conservative voter, Cruz has a proven record of being a loyal conservative -- something you may highly value.
The downside, however, is that the man stands for "very conservative values". Not everybody support all of them (certainly not me). To make the matter "worse", he has proven that he does not bother to negotiate (reasonably and effectively) with the left, or anyone who do not share his extreme conservative values. That worries a lot of people who are relatively moderate. The concern is that while he fights for his very conservative values with strong resolution, little can be achieved under our bipartisan government. After all, this is a country with highly diversified views, and he is a candidate who seems to care about only the (extreme) conservatives.
Another problem in my opinion is the lies and frauds from himself and his campaigns. Every politician lies, and lying on a few issues is probably fine. However, some dirty tricks are just disgusting. For me, the bottom line is that you (or your campaign) cannot fool voters for their votes directly. The scams about Carson, and the voter violation fraud obviously crossed that line. Also, Cruz fired his communication director for putting on a false video on Rubio recently. To me, these form a pattern of "dishonesty" unparalleled among all campaigns.
Note that an avid Cruz supporter on the forum (BOSS) argued that those dirty tricks were not from Cruz himself, and that Cruz had zero control over what his PACs did, therefore he should not be blamed. I will leave the readers of the thread to decide whether Cruz should be held responsible.
Marco Rubio
He was my favorite candidate before Trump jumped in. He is young and energetic, with a pretty good resume and an inspiring life story. He is much quicker and smarter than Jeb (which is, in my opinion, totally incompetent), and he has a good memory. Also, he is more moderate and open minded compared to Cruz, something appealing to an independent like myself.
What concerns me most about Rubio is his "unusual reaction" against pressure. He sweats like a nervous kid, recites well-prepared debate responses like a robot, and melted down in an inexcusable way against Christie. All of these are clearly signs of weakness. To me, this is much worse than disagreement on certain political positions, and it cannot be corrected in a short period of time. I do not think that someone who failed to stand the pressure of a TV debate can be trusted as the president of the United States. If he can be destroyed by Christie in a Republican debate, what can I expect of him going against leaders such as Putin or Xi? Can I count on him to fight for the American people's best interest against pressure from the Congress and other countries around the world? Rubio might become a successful leader given more time, but now he just doesn't seem ready for the job.
I'd be happy to learn more about your opinions on these two candidates (why do you like/dislike them). However, please refrain yourselves from personal attacks -- we've had enough on TV!
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