A Boccieri Blunder


Defend Liberty
Aug 27, 2008
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Rep. John Boccieri (D-Ohio) is one of the latest Democrats to be feeling the heat back home after voting for cap-and-trade energy legislation.

Boccieri, who represents a Canton-area district whose economy is based on manufacturing, saw over 100 protesters complain about his vote at his district office last Friday:

A Boccieri blunder? - The Scorecard - POLITICO.com

John Boccieri is my Representative and there was a massive protest at his office last Friday that, as you can see, made Politico. I wasn't able to attend, but I wish I had. My favorite part was the protestors handing out pink slips to his staff.

Several protesters went to the building’s seventh floor to deliver their criticisms of what they perceived to be his positions and pink sheets titled “Termination of Representation” to Boccieri’s chief of staff, Anthony Trevena, who thanked them for their input.

Also, so many protestors jammed the elevators to get to his office that one of them broke down and required the fire department to come and get the people out. I don't expect Boccieri to keep his seat in 2010, and I certainly won't be voting for him.
They got this passed in the House by buying votes. Sweetening the pot for Congress critters on the take for pork for their districts. I am surprised any who voted for this are up for re-election in 2010. It's political suicide, a poison pill, no matter what pet projects you got for your district.
Well I couldn't see Boccieri keeping his seat in 2010 before cap-and-trade, but definitely not after. I have no doubt that some of those that voted for cap-and-trade are going to keep their seats, but Boccieri is the first Democrat we've had since the 1950's.
I think a lot of the Congressmen/women who have thought their districts safe are having to re-evaluate. This is the first time since in years that Bart Gordon ( our critter ) is feeling some heat. The "teaparty" that was held here on July 10th was decorated with a giant banner advertising Dump Bart Gordon! . It's about time.
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