A bad message for EU from Erdogan


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
US neocons & EU idiots ( Merkel is the biggest one ) have destabilized Arabic countries.The game is over, strong and powerful Erdogan will unite all Sunnite Middle East countries with Turkey at the top and proclaim the new Muslim 'Democracy' - from Morocco till Greek.
How can feminized EU withstand an amount of almost 1 billion very upset and angry Sunnite Muslims?
In a couple of years NATO can be dissolved, understandably Trump has not a desire to pay for it.
Who will fight for Europa?
Demonized Putin?LOL. He will be siting and laughing after getting the message Turkey with Arabic countries invaded Europa.
For USA Europa is nothing more as a competitor.No problem if EU getting lost.
Britain will be outside of EU, non its business.
The Truth is that nothing can prevent Erdogan to unite all destroyed Muslim countries against EU.
The second Truth is that Turkey ( already non-member of dissolved NATO ) will invade EU which has neither effective armies nor capable soldiers.
The third Truth is that christian Europe will cease to exist and no one will help it.

Perished Europeans can be tankful to Merkel, Hollande, Junker, Mogerini & Co who nourished Erdogan and help him to annhialate Ataturk's heritage in Turkey.

Lessons learned: Never allow lunatics and idiots run the countries like EU it did.

US neocons & EU idiots ( Merkel is the biggest one ) have destabilized Arabic countries.The game is over, strong and powerful Erdogan will unite all Sunnite Middle East countries with Turkey at the top and proclaim the new Muslim 'Democracy' - from Morocco till Greek.
How can feminized EU withstand an amount of almost 1 billion very upset and angry Sunnite Muslims?
In a couple of years NATO can be dissolved, understandably Trump has not a desire to pay for it.
Who will fight for Europa?
Demonized Putin?LOL. He will be siting and laughing after getting the message Turkey with Arabic countries invaded Europa.
For USA Europa is nothing more as a competitor.No problem if EU getting lost.
Britain will be outside of EU, non its business.
The Truth is that nothing can prevent Erdogan to unite all destroyed Muslim countries against EU.
The second Truth is that Turkey ( already non-member of dissolved NATO ) will invade EU which has neither effective armies nor capable soldiers.
The third Truth is that christian Europe will cease to exist and no one will help it.

Perished Europeans can be tankful to Merkel, Hollande, Junker, Mogerini & Co who nourished Erdogan and help him to annhialate Ataturk's heritage in Turkey.

Lessons learned: Never allow lunatics and idiots run the countries like EU it did.

They seem to be better led than Turkey...

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