76% of September Covid-19 deaths are vax breakthroughs


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
We are reading more and more about this except in the MSM, which is basically ignoring these occurrences.

Just eight of the 33 Vermonters who died of Covid-19 in September were unvaccinated, the Vermont Department of Heath [sic] said Wednesday.
Health Department spokesperson Ben Truman said most of the vaccine ‘breakthrough’ Covid-19 fatalities were elderly. Because they were among the first vaccinated, Vermont’s elderly “have had more time to potentially become a vaccine breakthrough case,” he said.
Expressed in percentages, 76% of Vermont Covid-19 fatalities were breakthrough cases. As of Tuesday, 88 percent of all eligible Vermonters (age 12 and over) had been vaccinated with at least one shot.
At Tuesday’s press conference, the Department of Health September mortality statistics did not show a vaccinated/unvaccinated breakdown. Despite recent emphatic references by Gov. Phil Scott and Health Department Commissioner Mark Levine to a “pandemic of the unvaccinated,” the per capita rate of vaccinated breakthrough deaths has risen in recent weeks.
Vermont Daily Chronicle asked Health Department spokesman Ben Truman Tuesday for a vaxxed/unvaxxed breakdown of the 33 September deaths. The full text of his email appears below:
“Eight of the 33 deaths in September were not vaccinated.

The winter is due to be a severe test for the Vaxed folks:
President Biden, et. al. are attempting to foist on their unsuspecting citizens one of the biggest tax increases in American history to fuel the biggest spending spree ever by confiscateing a huge portion of the American economy.

Supreme Socialist Leader Joe Biden has caused the developers of the critically needed PennEast pipeline to deliver natural gas to the energy starved States of the Northeast to scrap their project.

And, so a
winter of doom” of crushing heating costs is planned for Americans . Enjoy the Divine Judgements Americans thought were just wonderful for millions of people in the world when waging our wars of legalized murder.
Hopefully this won't happen, but we deserve it, anyway.
Shouldn't be too unexpected. The 'vaccine' is less effective over time.
The vaccine is worthless....

Unless you're into getting blood clots, heart damage, neurological issues, and other health problems that are sure to pop up as time goes on....

But I'm sure that you will "trust the science" that tells you that polar bears will become extinct due to their increasing population, or that some chicks really are born with dicks!!!!
We are reading more and more about this except in the MSM, which is basically ignoring these occurrences.

Just eight of the 33 Vermonters who died of Covid-19 in September were unvaccinated, the Vermont Department of Heath [sic] said Wednesday.
Health Department spokesperson Ben Truman said most of the vaccine ‘breakthrough’ Covid-19 fatalities were elderly. Because they were among the first vaccinated, Vermont’s elderly “have had more time to potentially become a vaccine breakthrough case,” he said.
Expressed in percentages, 76% of Vermont Covid-19 fatalities were breakthrough cases. As of Tuesday, 88 percent of all eligible Vermonters (age 12 and over) had been vaccinated with at least one shot.
At Tuesday’s press conference, the Department of Health September mortality statistics did not show a vaccinated/unvaccinated breakdown. Despite recent emphatic references by Gov. Phil Scott and Health Department Commissioner Mark Levine to a “pandemic of the unvaccinated,” the per capita rate of vaccinated breakthrough deaths has risen in recent weeks.
Vermont Daily Chronicle asked Health Department spokesman Ben Truman Tuesday for a vaxxed/unvaxxed breakdown of the 33 September deaths. The full text of his email appears below:
“Eight of the 33 deaths in September were not vaccinated.

Problem here is, what are you comparing it against?

Had these people not been vaccinated, they'd have died anyway.

Were they vaccinated more than 6 months ago and didn't get a booster?

How many people would have died without the vaccinations?
The vaccine is worthless....

Unless you're into getting blood clots, heart damage, neurological issues, and other health problems that are sure to pop up as time goes on....

But I'm sure that you will "trust the science" that tells you that polar bears will become extinct due to their increasing population, or that some chicks really are born with dicks!!!!

That's not what the stats say. But ignoring reality is what makes some people happy. Makes them feel intelligent that they can come up with "the answer" without actually having to know anything, without having to do research.
There is no "breakthrough." It is the "vaccination" fucking up peoples' immune systems so if there is a flu out there, they are susceptible to it 10 fold.
We are reading more and more about this except in the MSM, which is basically ignoring these occurrences.

Just eight of the 33 Vermonters who died of Covid-19 in September were unvaccinated, the Vermont Department of Heath [sic] said Wednesday.
Health Department spokesperson Ben Truman said most of the vaccine ‘breakthrough’ Covid-19 fatalities were elderly. Because they were among the first vaccinated, Vermont’s elderly “have had more time to potentially become a vaccine breakthrough case,” he said.
Expressed in percentages, 76% of Vermont Covid-19 fatalities were breakthrough cases. As of Tuesday, 88 percent of all eligible Vermonters (age 12 and over) had been vaccinated with at least one shot.
At Tuesday’s press conference, the Department of Health September mortality statistics did not show a vaccinated/unvaccinated breakdown. Despite recent emphatic references by Gov. Phil Scott and Health Department Commissioner Mark Levine to a “pandemic of the unvaccinated,” the per capita rate of vaccinated breakthrough deaths has risen in recent weeks.
Vermont Daily Chronicle asked Health Department spokesman Ben Truman Tuesday for a vaxxed/unvaxxed breakdown of the 33 September deaths. The full text of his email appears below:
“Eight of the 33 deaths in September were not vaccinated.

The 'vaccine' is a depopulation agenda.
Anyone jabbed will die, unfortunately.
Presstitutes know, fooled walking dead after knowledge the truth will have no compassion to them.
So, they continue to lie and hope, vaccinated will die earlier

The Vaccine Is Killing More People than Covid

Paul Craig Roberts

Dear Readers: We know that NIH funded gain-of-function research at the University of North Carolina and then in the Wuhan China lab. We know the vaccine does not protect. We know it injects a pathogen into the body. We know the vaccine causes death and illnesses. There are known facts. Yet the campaign to coerce universal “vaccination” with a “vaccine” that is far more dangerous than Covid continues. This implies the complete total dishonesty or stupidity of the medical establishment and political leaders, or it points to the implementation of a campaign decades in the making to reduce and limit the human population.

South African Doctor Explains how an Engineered Vector (called a virus) and an Engineered Substance (called a vaccine) Were Created in order to Reduce the World Population

Listen carefully. The doctor says that once you realize the game plan, the counterproductive from the standpoint of human health Covid protocol makes sense. They do intend to kill most of us. That is the purpose of the spike protein in the “vaccine.”

Note that it is health care workers who have seen the effects of the “vaccine” on people who prefer to lose their job to being “vaccinated.” Notice that the public health authorities in the Western world do not care if the result of the mandate is a dramatic shrinkage in medical personnel. This is an indication that the South African doctor is correct that the intent is to kill us off.

Britain's NHS to Lose Tens of Thousands of Staff over Mandatory COVID Vaccines - Global Research

Top NIH Unvaxxed Scientist Willing to Lose Job and License, Will Argue Against Vaccine Mandates in Livestreamed Ethics Review

Top NIH Unvaxxed Scientist Willing To Lose Job and License, Will Argue Against Vaccine Mandates in Livestreamed Ethics Review - LewRockwell

Remember: The “Covid Pandemic” was the creation of the PCR test run at high cycles designed to produce high rates of false positives. This allowed the medical establishment to designate almost all deaths from cancer, heart attack, etc. as “Covid deaths” if the patients were given the orchestrated PCR test run at cycles known to produce false positives. A person who died with a false positive was counted as a Covid death.

Remember: Italian medical authorities have corrected Italy’s Covid death count to include only people who died from Covid. The Covid death count fell from 130,000 to 3,783. In other words, in Italy the “pandemic” was created by overstating the Covid deaths by 32.5 times!

Fake Mortality Data Corrected: Italian Institute of Health Reduces Official Covid Death Toll from 130,000 to 4,000. - PaulCraigRoberts.org

Californi Gov. Newsom Injured by Moderna Booster Shot, Source Tells The Defender

The source, who asked not to be identified, said Newsom’s symptoms were similar to those associated with Guillain–Barré syndrome (GBS), a known side effect of many vaccines.

Gov. Newsom Injured by Moderna Booster Shot, Source Tells The Defender - LewRockwell

Athletes Suffer Cardiac Arrest, Myocarditis, Blood Clots, Hospitalized after COVID Injections

Athletes Suffer Cardiac Arrest, Myocarditis, Blood Clots, Hospitalized after COVID Injections - Global Research

Recent data from the U.K. Office of National Statistics reveals people who have been double jabbed against COVID-19 are dying from all causes at a rate six times higher than the unvaccinated

The CDC rushes to cover up the facts with two fake studies

Vaxxed vs. Unvaxxed: CDC Hits New Lows with Two Manipulated Studies - Global Research

Marine Corps Commandant General David Berger Agrees with Pfizer CEO that the Truth established by known facts that the Covid “vaccine” is dangerous constitutes Disinformation. Only Big Pharma’s lies are true.

Shouting down known facts and renowned experts is the pastime of Big Pharma and its shills such as Tony Fauci and the presstitutes. It now includes the Marine Corps Commandant who blames Marines far more intelligent than him for refusing the death shot because of “disinformation” by renowned scientists and experts. So a Marine general knows more than scientists and experts.

How does a person as stupid, or is it corrupt, like General David Berger get to the top?

Marine Corps Commandant Blames Vaccine Disinformation for Possibility of Losing 12,500 Troops from Marine Corp Ranks - Global Research

The vaccine is worthless....

Unless you're into getting blood clots, heart damage, neurological issues, and other health problems that are sure to pop up as time goes on....

But I'm sure that you will "trust the science" that tells you that polar bears will become extinct due to their increasing population, or that some chicks really are born with dicks!!!!

Worthless huh?

In February 2020, my cardiologist told me that if I caught COVID, there was a 100% chance I would die. I have Stage IV liver failure, type 2 diabetes, and 5 heart stents. My other doctors concurred with that opinion.

I was vaccinated using the J&J single injection May 2021. In August 2021, started exhibiting mild symptoms and took the home test, confirming I had COVID which was probably the Delta variant. A short 4 days later, I was given monoclonal antibodies and recovered almost immediately. My wife came down with the virus 4 days after me. She received the same treatment with monoclonal antibodies and felt so good the next day, she went back to working from home.

My case of COVID was so mild, I have would take that any day over my two previous bouts with pneumonia. My only major symptom was fatigue, which I get from the liver failure anyway.

Totally worthless. Thank you for your worthless opinion, Doctor Obiwan!

Before the vaccine, I lost 5 friends and family members to COVID. Since the vaccine came out, I haven't had anyone get severely ill.

P.S. I am NOT dead like my doctors told me I would have been when COVID first appeared.
We are reading more and more about this except in the MSM, which is basically ignoring these occurrences.

Just eight of the 33 Vermonters who died of Covid-19 in September were unvaccinated, the Vermont Department of Heath [sic] said Wednesday.
Health Department spokesperson Ben Truman said most of the vaccine ‘breakthrough’ Covid-19 fatalities were elderly. Because they were among the first vaccinated, Vermont’s elderly “have had more time to potentially become a vaccine breakthrough case,” he said.
Expressed in percentages, 76% of Vermont Covid-19 fatalities were breakthrough cases. As of Tuesday, 88 percent of all eligible Vermonters (age 12 and over) had been vaccinated with at least one shot.
At Tuesday’s press conference, the Department of Health September mortality statistics did not show a vaccinated/unvaccinated breakdown. Despite recent emphatic references by Gov. Phil Scott and Health Department Commissioner Mark Levine to a “pandemic of the unvaccinated,” the per capita rate of vaccinated breakthrough deaths has risen in recent weeks.
Vermont Daily Chronicle asked Health Department spokesman Ben Truman Tuesday for a vaxxed/unvaxxed breakdown of the 33 September deaths. The full text of his email appears below:
“Eight of the 33 deaths in September were not vaccinated.

Means as more time passes, more chances for BREAK THRU cases---this number will go up.
We are reading more and more about this except in the MSM, which is basically ignoring these occurrences.

Just eight of the 33 Vermonters who died of Covid-19 in September were unvaccinated, the Vermont Department of Heath [sic] said Wednesday.
Health Department spokesperson Ben Truman said most of the vaccine ‘breakthrough’ Covid-19 fatalities were elderly. Because they were among the first vaccinated, Vermont’s elderly “have had more time to potentially become a vaccine breakthrough case,” he said.
Expressed in percentages, 76% of Vermont Covid-19 fatalities were breakthrough cases. As of Tuesday, 88 percent of all eligible Vermonters (age 12 and over) had been vaccinated with at least one shot.
At Tuesday’s press conference, the Department of Health September mortality statistics did not show a vaccinated/unvaccinated breakdown. Despite recent emphatic references by Gov. Phil Scott and Health Department Commissioner Mark Levine to a “pandemic of the unvaccinated,” the per capita rate of vaccinated breakthrough deaths has risen in recent weeks.
Vermont Daily Chronicle asked Health Department spokesman Ben Truman Tuesday for a vaxxed/unvaxxed breakdown of the 33 September deaths. The full text of his email appears below:
“Eight of the 33 deaths in September were not vaccinated.

yer clearly on something there, marty. LOL

not surprised, the trump vaccine is not for all the xiden variants that are flooding the nation

xiden has no plan, the xiden pandemic is running wild
We are reading more and more about this except in the MSM, which is basically ignoring these occurrences.

Just eight of the 33 Vermonters who died of Covid-19 in September were unvaccinated, the Vermont Department of Heath [sic] said Wednesday.
Health Department spokesperson Ben Truman said most of the vaccine ‘breakthrough’ Covid-19 fatalities were elderly. Because they were among the first vaccinated, Vermont’s elderly “have had more time to potentially become a vaccine breakthrough case,” he said.
Expressed in percentages, 76% of Vermont Covid-19 fatalities were breakthrough cases. As of Tuesday, 88 percent of all eligible Vermonters (age 12 and over) had been vaccinated with at least one shot.
At Tuesday’s press conference, the Department of Health September mortality statistics did not show a vaccinated/unvaccinated breakdown. Despite recent emphatic references by Gov. Phil Scott and Health Department Commissioner Mark Levine to a “pandemic of the unvaccinated,” the per capita rate of vaccinated breakthrough deaths has risen in recent weeks.
Vermont Daily Chronicle asked Health Department spokesman Ben Truman Tuesday for a vaxxed/unvaxxed breakdown of the 33 September deaths. The full text of his email appears below:
“Eight of the 33 deaths in September were not vaccinated.

Worthless huh?

In February 2020, my cardiologist told me that if I caught COVID, there was a 100% chance I would die. I have Stage IV liver failure, type 2 diabetes, and 5 heart stents. My other doctors concurred with that opinion.

I was vaccinated using the J&J single injection May 2021. In August 2021, started exhibiting mild symptoms and took the home test, confirming I had COVID which was probably the Delta variant. A short 4 days later, I was given monoclonal antibodies and recovered almost immediately. My wife came down with the virus 4 days after me. She received the same treatment with monoclonal antibodies and felt so good the next day, she went back to working from home.

My case of COVID was so mild, I have would take that any day over my two previous bouts with pneumonia. My only major symptom was fatigue, which I get from the liver failure anyway.

Totally worthless. Thank you for your worthless opinion, Doctor Obiwan!

Before the vaccine, I lost 5 friends and family members to COVID. Since the vaccine came out, I haven't had anyone get severely ill.

P.S. I am NOT dead like my doctors told me I would have been when COVID first appeared.
Third Military Medical University, Chongqing, China

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