75% jobs created in 2013 are part time

Here is a more useful page from the same source: America's Transition To A Part-Time Worker Society Accelerates As Part-Time Jobs Hit Record | Zero Hedge

Unfortunately, it stops at May of last year.



The charts look dramatic, until you actually read the numbers on them. You have to use the numbers on the right side of the chart for part time jobs, and use the numbers on the left for full time jobs.

Because the part time chart numbers are much smaller, small changes are much more amplified on the graph than full time changes.

Using that last chart I posted, we find there were about 26 million part time workers and 116 million full time workers when Obama took office. ETA: Here is the BLS Employment Situation Summary from January 2009: http://www.bls.gov/news.release/archives/empsit_02062009.pdf (see page 16).

January 2009 is the far right colum:


Today, there are 27 million part time workers and 116 million full time workers.

That's nothing to brag about, but neither is it a huge swing toward America being part time workers.

That same chart show part time jobs climbed by 2 million during Bush's tenure, while full time jobs climbed and then dove back to where he started.
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July 2013 Employment Situation Summary: http://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/empsit.pdf


July 2013 is the far right column.

From January 2009 to July 2013, we see a piddling growth in full time employment. But to be fair, we were bleeding 600,000 jobs a month when Obama took office and that could not possibly have been turned around on Day One. The October 2009 Employment Situation shows full time jobs had plummeted to 110 million. If you go from there to the present, there is significant full time job growth.

Suprisingly, the growth in part time jobs was virtually unaffected by Bush's crash. If you draw a trend line from 2000 to the present, we are right on track.
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I do not trust snapshots of a single moment in time.

Do you have a historical chart of the percentage of part time jobs over a period of years or decades?

Source: Part-Time and Full-Time and BLS

Again, that is a single snapshot of a single moment in time. A single month does not a trend make.
What is particularly interesting about the chart I posted in post #5 is that is you look at the full time job growth during Bush's tenure, and then look at the full time job growth under Obama's tenure, they track identically. Obama's starts at a lower point, but climbs at an identical rate to Bush's.
What is particularly interesting about the chart I posted in post #5 is that is you look at the full time job growth during Bush's tenure, and then look at the full time job growth under Obama's tenure, they track identically. Obama's starts at a lower point, but climbs at an identical rate to Bush's.

it's true that that the econ growth in the 8 years bushii was potus was a bubble illusion, which is why the middle class has yet to earn back much of the lost wealth. And, that isn't meant really as a bushii slam, though we lost the opportunity to firm up soc sec and medicare, which aside from the Iraq debacle was the basis for his largely failed presidency. However, I question whether the current "growth" is really growth at all, or just an unsustainable infusion of the fed firming up the bond market to prevent deflation.
Wonder what happens when the Fed stops pumping that money into the system??

Inflation through the roof??
Geefivethousand, You are a right wing thread killer extraordinaire. I say that because I know that the thread intent was to bash Obama and obamacare as the factor driving growth in part time employment. Which you so aptly showed was not necessarily true. Bash on g.
If you're a Republican, what are you qualified for? You don't believe in science and think education is for snobs. And anti infrastructure Republicans won't even let you dig ditches.

We should see that part-time trend increase as employers decide between Obama Care (OC) or part-time (PT) workers.

Is the part-time trend a bad thing? No. As employers running these PT workers to avoid OC increase, workers will have to be paid more to make ends meet, or his jobs will sit idle. The work pool will virtually disappear as an additional 30% of workers for PT positions are hired, make workers a rare commodity. Also PT will open up more jobs for uniform makers, accountants, gov. employees, supervisory positions, etc. A 32 hour work week will become the norm, not the exception, if the conservatives have it right that businesses will opt for 32 hour weeks. This will start putting us on a par with Europe, where workers spend more time with families and friends, and earn a comparable amount of money a week.
If you're a Republican, what are you qualified for? You don't believe in science and think education is for snobs. And anti infrastructure Republicans won't even let you dig ditches.

How profoundly stupid....

How does one not believe in science? Republicans don't use roads or go to school?

Geesh you're a dummy.
What is particularly interesting about the chart I posted in post #5 is that is you look at the full time job growth during Bush's tenure, and then look at the full time job growth under Obama's tenure, they track identically. Obama's starts at a lower point, but climbs at an identical rate to Bush's.

GWB created 8 million real jobs
conventional wisdom that the policy was a bust.

Don’t believe it. The tax cuts enacted by the U.S. Congress in 2003 were an important cause of an economic expansion that roared for some 50 months and created 8.1 million jobs. The opposite philosophy—a stimulus that has crowded out private investment, plus an enormous health bill and a nightmarish financial regulatory package that are killing job creation—has only delayed recovery and left us with 9.1% unemployment.

You won’t hear this from liberals. What you hear instead is a straw man argument that the tax cuts failed to pay for themselves. The Bush Administration and congressional leaders at the time went out of their way to be clear that the tax cuts were not expected to pay for themselves.

Bereft of any other apparent principle, the liberal canon now includes one and only one organizing idea: government cannot be cut; it can only grow or stay at its current gargantuan size. For that to happen, liberals must use the concerns about massive deficits pushed up by a tremendous Obama spending surge to cow the nation into accepting big tax hikes and bigger government. Unfortunately, even some otherwise conservative stalwarts are falling for it.

BHO has created about 400k from 2009
Morning Bell: The Truth About Tax Cuts | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News Blog from The Heritage Foundation
GWB in the end had created about 4 million (from 129 million in 03 to 133 million in the end)
let usa also remind our selves GWB did this with a defict in 2007 of 163 billion
that is about 6 weeks for BHO

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