60 Year Old Woman Shoots 2 of 7 ‘Knock Out’ Attackers

"Do teenagers deserve the death penalty for trying to knock someone down?"

Wrong question!

Teenagers need to understand that if they go around attacking innocent people, trying to knock them out, that some of those people may be armed and will shoot their sorry asses.

These teenagers brought about their own deaths. Actions have consiquinces.

If this were happening in my city, I would simply not go to those neighborhoods. I would not live in a crime ridden neighborhoood, even if I had to live in a tiny, one room apartment. Many times people make choices that lead to their being placed in harm's way or in dangerous situations. I'm not blaming the victim, but in a way it's no different than choosing to go bunging jumping, mountain climbing, or sky diving: if you make the choice to do something dangerous, you have to expect there may be consequences. If this woman has been mugged a couple of times already, why doesn't she move instead of getting a gun? What is the joy in killing someone? And, she was only lucky, really; she could have just as easily been killed herself. Staying away from a potentially dangerous situation is far safer than going into one armed. I have been in a situation where my life was threatened directly by someone with a gun, so I am not just talking through my hat.

So if you ever get mugged you are going to move?

It's the teenagers that made the situation dangerous, not the sixty year old lady.
I doubt that she had any joy from killing the two she shot.

I have traveled to 40 different countries by myself and never been assaulted in any way. I've lived in four different countries as well as the US and never been mugged. I was threatened with a knife once when I was 19 and learned how to avoid that by not placing myself in a precarious situation. Yes, if my neighborhood was crime ridden, I would move, why not? It is only sensible. In my 30's I used to do a lot of long distance running, on my own. I got a big dog to run with me and no one ever bothered me. Having a big dog also prevented anyone from trying to burglarize my home. In the States, I lived alone, a single woman, for many years, and never felt fearful as I had a big dog in the house with me. I also lived in a decent, non-crime ridden neighborhood. I was not rich, by any means, but I managed to find decent housing in a decent neighborhood. You can use common sense solutions without arming yourself. I have no desire at any level to kill someone; I don't believe in the death penalty and certainly not for anything other than murder. The joy you gun nuts take in potentially blowing away someone who might break into your house is very, very disturbing.
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"Do teenagers deserve the death penalty for trying to knock someone down?"

Wrong question!

Teenagers need to understand that if they go around attacking innocent people, trying to knock them out, that some of those people may be armed and will shoot their sorry asses.

These teenagers brought about their own deaths. Actions have consiquinces.

If this were happening in my city, I would simply not go to those neighborhoods. I would not live in a crime ridden neighborhoood, even if I had to live in a tiny, one room apartment. Many times people make choices that lead to their being placed in harm's way or in dangerous situations. I'm not blaming the victim, but in a way it's no different than choosing to go bunging jumping, mountain climbing, or sky diving: if you make the choice to do something dangerous, you have to expect there may be consequences. If this woman has been mugged a couple of times already, why doesn't she move instead of getting a gun? What is the joy in killing someone? And, she was only lucky, really; she could have just as easily been killed herself. Staying away from a potentially dangerous situation is far safer than going into one armed. I have been in a situation where my life was threatened by someone with a gun, so I am not just talking through my hat. I was also threated once by someone with a knife, someone holding a knife on me. I do know about these situations and how to avoid them. My solution was to learn to avoid them, not arm myself and think 'make my day.'

there is a better solution - obtain a concealed carry permit, a handgun, learn how to shoot and kill the few thugs "playing a game". Few of the same examples - and the virus of a "knock out" will all but disappear - because a bullet possibility is a great immunization
If this were happening in my city, I would simply not go to those neighborhoods. I would not live in a crime ridden neighborhoood, even if I had to live in a tiny, one room apartment. Many times people make choices that lead to their being placed in harm's way or in dangerous situations. I'm not blaming the victim, but in a way it's no different than choosing to go bunging jumping, mountain climbing, or sky diving: if you make the choice to do something dangerous, you have to expect there may be consequences. If this woman has been mugged a couple of times already, why doesn't she move instead of getting a gun? What is the joy in killing someone? And, she was only lucky, really; she could have just as easily been killed herself. Staying away from a potentially dangerous situation is far safer than going into one armed. I have been in a situation where my life was threatened directly by someone with a gun, so I am not just talking through my hat.

So if you ever get mugged you are going to move?

It's the teenagers that made the situation dangerous, not the sixty year old lady.
I doubt that she had any joy from killing the two she shot.

I have traveled to 40 different countries by myself and never been assaulted in any way. I've lived in four different countries as well as the US and never been mugged. I was threatened with a knife once when I was 19 and learned how to avoid that by not placing myself in a precarious situation. Yes, if my neighborhood was crime ridden, I would move, why not? It is only sensible. In my 30's I used to do a lot of long distance running, on my own. I got a big dog to run with me and no one ever bothered me. Having a big dog also prevented anyone from trying to burglarize my home. In the States, I lived alone, a single woman, for many years, and never felt fearful as I had a big dog in the house with me. You can use common sense solutions without arming yourself. I have no desire at any level to kill someone; I don't believe in the death penalty and certainly not for anything other than murder.

But you wouldn't have minded if your "big dog' Killed an attacker right? Once again for the slow and stupid, a single blow to the head can kill. The flop to the ground from being knocked out can kill. Striking the head of an elderly person is going to cause SERIOUS damage to the senior. The attack is a DIRECT threat to ones life. Firing on the attackers is not only justified it is appropriate.
60 Year Old Woman Shoots 2 of 7 ‘Knock Out’ Attackers

Beulah Montgomery had just turned 60 the day before...
There we go!

I call bullshit on this story. It's not been reported by ANY real news source. Not even LOCAL TV, that usually jumps all over it. I'm guessing "Beulah Montgomery" is supposed to sound black, making it even more vindicating for gun proponents.

I'll apologize if I'm wrong. But I don't think I am.
Do you think they intended to kill her? If not, do you think death is the proper penalty for mugging someone? She killed two people and you appear to think that is something to celebrate. Are there any other ways of protecting yourself from this 'knock out' thing besides killing people? According to an article from USA Today, online,
Michelle Boykins, a spokeswoman for the National Crime Prevention Council, said what is so disturbing about the trend is that it is so random and the intent is to hurt someone seriously.

She said that the instances often involve someone walking alone, so she suggests the tried-and-true ways to stay safe: walk with a friend and always remain aware of your surroundings.

"There is safety in numbers," she said. "And if you are by yourself, there is nothing wrong for you to decide to cross the street if you see a group of people walking toward you.

Could this 60 year old woman have crossed the street when she saw the teenagers approaching, walked with a friend, or walked in a different area? Could her neighborhood have better police protection? Could she have used a stun gun or some other non-lethal type of weapon? Do teenagers deserve the death penalty for trying to knock someone down?

The thing that I find disturbing is people apparently taking so much joy in the fact of killing other human beings. Doesn't it bring you down to the level of the thug or hoodlum you are so censorious of?

What I find greatly disturbing Esmerelda, is that you are appearing to assign some sort of duty on the part of Ms. Montgomery to ward off these attacks instead of merely minding her own business. "Cross the street when she sees teenagers in a group, go out a get a friend to accompany you at all times, change your place of walking whether you intend to go to a certain place or not (?), get police protection, get a stun gun, or non lethal weapon." How about doing something about the thugs or assuming some responsibility there!!!!"Ms. Montgomery had no responsibility to do any of those things and had every right to shoot her assailants. Are we celebrating the deaths of te thugs? No. We are celebrating the mere fact she is still alive and she outwitting the jerks when the odds were so much against her.

Those incredibly stupid teens thought it was funny and it took two lives. Are the remaining five going to continue to play the sick game? Probably not. But look what it took.

Who's to blame here. The kids. Don't put it anywhere else.

The information about crossing the street, etc. was taken from the article and was said by a specialist on crime prevention. I imagine all crime prevention means to you is the chance to use your gun and blow someone away. Mores the pity.
If this were happening in my city, I would simply not go to those neighborhoods. I would not live in a crime ridden neighborhoood, even if I had to live in a tiny, one room apartment. Many times people make choices that lead to their being placed in harm's way or in dangerous situations. I'm not blaming the victim, but in a way it's no different than choosing to go bunging jumping, mountain climbing, or sky diving: if you make the choice to do something dangerous, you have to expect there may be consequences. If this woman has been mugged a couple of times already, why doesn't she move instead of getting a gun? What is the joy in killing someone? And, she was only lucky, really; she could have just as easily been killed herself. Staying away from a potentially dangerous situation is far safer than going into one armed. I have been in a situation where my life was threatened directly by someone with a gun, so I am not just talking through my hat.

So if you ever get mugged you are going to move?

It's the teenagers that made the situation dangerous, not the sixty year old lady.
I doubt that she had any joy from killing the two she shot.

I have traveled to 40 different countries by myself and never been assaulted in any way. I've lived in four different countries as well as the US and never been mugged. I was threatened with a knife once when I was 19 and learned how to avoid that by not placing myself in a precarious situation. Yes, if my neighborhood was crime ridden, I would move, why not? It is only sensible. In my 30's I used to do a lot of long distance running, on my own. I got a big dog to run with me and no one ever bothered me. Having a big dog also prevented anyone from trying to burglarize my home. In the States, I lived alone, a single woman, for many years, and never felt fearful as I had a big dog in the house with me. I also lived in a decent, non-crime ridden neighborhood. I was not rich, by any means, but I managed to find decent housing in a decent neighborhood. You can use common sense solutions without arming yourself. I have no desire at any level to kill someone; I don't believe in the death penalty and certainly not for anything other than murder. The joy you gun nuts take in potentially blowing away someone who might break into your house is very, very disturbing.

Congratulations on staying safe.
Some punks go around PUNCHING old people AND young people in the head for laughs. FOR LAUGHS. Yet, those who get punched, they are in the wrong for being in the wrong place at the wrong time or not paying close enough attention on who is beside them or behind them or coming towards them? Are you kidding? If someone tried to pull that game on my DOG, I'd kill them. With intent to kill, not maim. Fucking punks. I'm glad they are dead.

Guess I better switch avies to malificent. I'm turning into her again.
60 Year Old Woman Shoots 2 of 7 ‘Knock Out’ Attackers

Beulah Montgomery had just turned 60 the day before...
There we go!

I call bullshit on this story. It's not been reported by ANY real news source. Not even LOCAL TV, that usually jumps all over it. I'm guessing "Beulah Montgomery" is supposed to sound black, making it even more vindicating for gun proponents.

I'll apologize if I'm wrong. But I don't think I am.

No, Beulah is a southern name. I have a white neighbor whose mother's name was Beulah. You are supposing wrong on that. I believe there will be more incidents of people defending themselves because the stories are becoming more frequent. This is frightening news for elderly people. I have a friend in his 90's and he believes they are using brass knuckles as weapons to knock people out. I have not heard whether that is the case or not.
Some punks go around PUNCHING old people AND young people in the head for laughs. FOR LAUGHS. Yet, those who get punched, they are in the wrong for being in the wrong place at the wrong time or not paying close enough attention on who is beside them or behind them or coming towards them? Are you kidding? If someone tried to pull that game on my DOG, I'd kill them. With intent to kill, not maim. Fucking punks. I'm glad they are dead.

Guess I better switch avies to malificent. I'm turning into her again.

Except they're not dead. In fact, they never existed.
OLD people should be able to walk down the street, like Mrs Brown does next door, and not fear some young punks twice her weight coming along behind her and PUNCHING her. She has to walk with a cane and it takes her at least half an hour to get 4 houses down. If she pulled a gun out and shot the whole fucking group, I'd do a dance jig on their bleeding worthless punkassed bodies.
Meanwhile...in gameland, I wonder what developer plotline is coming up with something even more "fun"...and what parent will put it on the ol christmas list for their little darlings.

Time to go off on some developers, in my opinion.
60 Year Old Woman Shoots 2 of 7 ‘Knock Out’ Attackers

I call bullshit on this story. It's not been reported by ANY real news source. Not even LOCAL TV, that usually jumps all over it. I'm guessing "Beulah Montgomery" is supposed to sound black, making it even more vindicating for gun proponents.

I'll apologize if I'm wrong. But I don't think I am.

No, Beulah is a southern name. I have a white neighbor whose mother's name was Beulah. You are supposing wrong on that. I believe there will be more incidents of people defending themselves because the stories are becoming more frequent. This is frightening news for elderly people. I have a friend in his 90's and he believes they are using brass knuckles as weapons to knock people out. I have not heard whether that is the case or not.

I have no doubt that the game is being played. I DO think there's also some hysteria about it, based on the supposed confirmation of black teens being a menace.

Yes, I know Beulah is not necessarily a black name, as I grew up in a very southern small town. But I'm betting you that the person that made up this "feel good" story wanted us to picture a matronly black woman.

Still, the story is fake, regardless.
Some punks go around PUNCHING old people AND young people in the head for laughs. FOR LAUGHS. Yet, those who get punched, they are in the wrong for being in the wrong place at the wrong time or not paying close enough attention on who is beside them or behind them or coming towards them? Are you kidding? If someone tried to pull that game on my DOG, I'd kill them. With intent to kill, not maim. Fucking punks. I'm glad they are dead.

Guess I better switch avies to malificent. I'm turning into her again.

Except they're not dead. In fact, they never existed.

Ever heard of Rosewood? Soon we will hear of kids getting shot and people swearing they were getting attacked. This is a perfect cover for the KKK members. I already warned the kids I know to stay away from strange white men walking down the street and to be aware of their surroundings. Its about to be open season on young black kids.
No, Beulah is a southern name. I have a white neighbor whose mother's name was Beulah. You are supposing wrong on that. I believe there will be more incidents of people defending themselves because the stories are becoming more frequent. This is frightening news for elderly people. I have a friend in his 90's and he believes they are using brass knuckles as weapons to knock people out. I have not heard whether that is the case or not.

I have no doubt that the game is being played. I DO think there's also some hysteria about it, based on the supposed confirmation of black teens being a menace.

Yes, I know Beulah is not necessarily a black name, as I grew up in a very southern small town. But I'm betting you that the person that made up this "feel good" story wanted us to picture a matronly black woman.

Still, the story is fake, regardless.

You may be right. But I'm too lazy to check other sources.
Some punks go around PUNCHING old people AND young people in the head for laughs. FOR LAUGHS. Yet, those who get punched, they are in the wrong for being in the wrong place at the wrong time or not paying close enough attention on who is beside them or behind them or coming towards them? Are you kidding? If someone tried to pull that game on my DOG, I'd kill them. With intent to kill, not maim. Fucking punks. I'm glad they are dead.

Guess I better switch avies to malificent. I'm turning into her again.

Except they're not dead. In fact, they never existed.

Ever heard of Rosewood? Soon we will hear of kids getting shot and people swearing they were getting attacked. This is a perfect cover for the KKK members. I already warned the kids I know to stay away from strange white men walking down the street and to be aware of their surroundings. Its about to be open season on young black kids.

Really. Kinda like it's been open season on whites this past year? Quid pro quo.

What this is really doing is making everyone suspicious of everyone else. Back to the ol west again where everyone is packin'. Sounds ok to me. Bring it.
I have no doubt that the game is being played. I DO think there's also some hysteria about it, based on the supposed confirmation of black teens being a menace.

Yes, I know Beulah is not necessarily a black name, as I grew up in a very southern small town. But I'm betting you that the person that made up this "feel good" story wanted us to picture a matronly black woman.

Still, the story is fake, regardless.

You may be right. But I'm too lazy to check other sources.

Good. You can just trust me. It's made up.
Except they're not dead. In fact, they never existed.

Ever heard of Rosewood? Soon we will hear of kids getting shot and people swearing they were getting attacked. This is a perfect cover for the KKK members. I already warned the kids I know to stay away from strange white men walking down the street and to be aware of their surroundings. Its about to be open season on young black kids.

Really. Kinda like it's been open season on whites this past year? Quid pro quo.

What this is really doing is making everyone suspicious of everyone else. Back to the ol west again where everyone is packin'. Sounds ok to me. Bring it.

Fine. I don't care if you want your barber to handle your dentistry and lance your boils.
What's going to have an effect is some good police work and prosecution. And by prosecution, I mean if these are black kids targeting whites, there has to be a change in the recent use of the Hate Crimes Law.

Holder will not protect whites and it's about time he does. I want to see blacks federal prosecuted for Hate Crimes against whites when they are playing the "Knockout Game" against them. Just as I want any white prosecuted for Hate Crimes against minorities, I think it goes both ways. Holder doesn't, and that is Discrimination.
Except they're not dead. In fact, they never existed.

Ever heard of Rosewood? Soon we will hear of kids getting shot and people swearing they were getting attacked. This is a perfect cover for the KKK members. I already warned the kids I know to stay away from strange white men walking down the street and to be aware of their surroundings. Its about to be open season on young black kids.

Really. Kinda like it's been open season on whites this past year? Quid pro quo.

What this is really doing is making everyone suspicious of everyone else. Back to the ol west again where everyone is packin'. Sounds ok to me. Bring it.

But it hasnt been open season. Your handlers just decided to give you something to distract your attention while they screw you over somehow. There always has to be a boogey man. They were wearing the Muslims out so now its our turn. Next up will be the Mexicans or someone else.
60 Year Old Woman Shoots 2 of 7 ‘Knock Out’ Attackers

Beulah Montgomery had just turned 60 the day before...
There we go!

I call bullshit on this story. It's not been reported by ANY real news source. Not even LOCAL TV, that usually jumps all over it. I'm guessing "Beulah Montgomery" is supposed to sound black, making it even more vindicating for gun proponents.

I'll apologize if I'm wrong. But I don't think I am.

There were two links in the OP.

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