34% of Democrats believe assassination attempt was “staged”

That's all very true, but you know the one, most important thing missing from the Democrat campaign today?

Issues....What the hell are they running on other than fear?

And abortion, anger, racism, and the climate. That's about
Yeah and 34% of democrats believe trump if elected again will destroy the climate, ruin america, get rid of our democracy, let Putin takeover the world, lock up black people, deport American citizens, become a dictator that never leaves office, abolish the Constitution and so on.

So I have a hard time putting stock in anything they say.
If COVID didn’t convince you that the left are full of mentally ill morons, this should do it?

BlueAnon conspiracy nuts have been all over X claiming the assassination attempt that was on live TV was “staged”.

It’s becoming clear when President Trump is sworn in, he’ll need to open up thousands of new mental asylums and we’ll need to round up these nutjobs.

Fucking loons. They need to be removed from ALL positions of influence and power. Forever.
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