3000 more kids heading to the Persian Gulf .

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
To fight in the permanent war for oil.

Trump remembers the hostage situation, one version of it.
Actually a pretty unique version - he said we should should have wiped them out and taken the oil 40 years ago,.
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Those "kids" could f*ck up someone's shit in a heartbeat.

They're not consriptees serving against their will, and they weren't drafted. They enlisted to be soldiers, and that's exactly what the want to be doing. They're the most highly-trained, well-equipped, and highly motivated soldiers of any military in the world.

Ask most anyone who did combat duty in Iraq whether they'd be willing to go back. Their answer would probably surprise you.
:fu:One of my favorite USMB trolls is begging to be put on ignore it looks like.
Iraq Veterans Against the War | You are not alone


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Those "kids" could f*ck up someone's shit in a heartbeat.

I'm happy mine's not one of them.

My niece on my wife's side was given an officer's commission when she joined the US Army five years ago. They sent her to college and she is now a doctor with the rank of Major. She just left for her first tour of Afghanistan. Her dad was a mortar man who served two tours of duty Vietnam. He remembers his service fondly and has some pretty good war stories. His brother was a Marine but got wounded by a grenade the first month here was there, and was sent back stateside. He also has some pretty good war stories. I also served four years in the Army and my dad was a paratrooper in WW2.

The best thing a young person can do is join the US military. The opportunities are unbelievable and the adventure and experience they receive lasts a lifetime.
Marvelous Mitch McConnell: "My Democratic colleagues should not plough away American unity in some bizarre intramural competition to see who dislikes the President more."
Those "kids" could f*ck up someone's shit in a heartbeat.

They're not consriptees serving against their will, and they weren't drafted. They enlisted to be soldiers, and that's exactly what the want to be doing. They're the most highly-trained, well-equipped, and highly motivated soldiers of any military in the world.

Ask most anyone who did combat duty in Iraq whether they'd be willing to go back. Their answer would probably surprise you.

Hub says he'd go anytime day year or second ................. It's a job civilian life can NEVER EVER touch!!

Just tell the new kids to TRACK EVERY SINGLE DR VISIT MEDICAL VISIT TREATMENT PILLS ETC.. once htey get out they get screwed when it comes to needing a back up for that retirement money.............
"Yes, things were peachy in Iran until Ayatollah Khamenei came along! Let's start a war to restore Uganda's culture next.

I AGREE! Iran is responsible for murdering more than 100 Americans at home EVERY DAY! No, I'm sorry, it's MEXICO that's responsible for 100+ heroin and fentanyl deaths in America every day. Carry on, irrelevant media" - Acerbic Ann Coulter
Those "kids" could f*ck up someone's shit in a heartbeat.

They're not consriptees serving against their will, and they weren't drafted. They enlisted to be soldiers, and that's exactly what the want to be doing. They're the most highly-trained, well-equipped, and highly motivated soldiers of any military in the world.

Ask most anyone who did combat duty in Iraq whether they'd be willing to go back. Their answer would probably surprise you.

Hub says he'd go anytime day year or second ................. It's a job civilian life can NEVER EVER touch!!

Just tell the new kids to TRACK EVERY SINGLE DR VISIT MEDICAL VISIT TREATMENT PILLS ETC.. once htey get out they get screwed when it comes to needing a back up for that retirement money.............

I've never had a single problem with the VA. I have however noticed how much better they've gotten since Trump was elected.
Those "kids" could f*ck up someone's shit in a heartbeat.

I'm happy mine's not one of them.

My niece on my wife's side was given an officer's commission when she joined the US Army five years ago. They sent her to college and she is now a doctor with the rank of Major. She just left for her first tour of Afghanistan. Her dad was a mortar man who served two tours of duty Vietnam. He remembers his service fondly and has some pretty good war stories. His brother was a Marine but got wounded by a grenade the first month here was there, and was sent back stateside. He also has some pretty good war stories. I also served four years in the Army and my dad was a paratrooper in WW2.

The best thing a young person can do is join the US military. The opportunities are unbelievable and the adventure and experience they receive lasts a lifetime.

My hub deployed 5 x's . lol use to have to leave every 8 mos then it was every 5-6 . talk about being married to a man you see 4 months and then it's off again LMFAO!! guess that's why they would tell us we're rare breeds.

Imagine all this data information fk up google and their savage are gathering off of this comment LMAO!!!
All this moralistic bullshit is not a helpful way to think about foreign policy and leads to disasters. Saying that such and such people are bad so we need to kill them is just stupid. Plenty of people are bad, but it doesn't mean you should kill them and can't work with them.
"Yes, things were peachy in Iran until Ayatollah Khamenei came along! Let's start a war to restore Uganda's culture next.

I AGREE! Iran is responsible for murdering more than 100 Americans at home EVERY DAY! No, I'm sorry, it's MEXICO that's responsible for 100+ heroin and fentanyl deaths in America every day. Carry on, irrelevant media" - Acerbic Ann Coulter

Even though most of it comes through Mexico, most of the fentanyl in the US comes from China.
Those "kids" could f*ck up someone's shit in a heartbeat.

They're not consriptees serving against their will, and they weren't drafted. They enlisted to be soldiers, and that's exactly what the want to be doing. They're the most highly-trained, well-equipped, and highly motivated soldiers of any military in the world.

Ask most anyone who did combat duty in Iraq whether they'd be willing to go back. Their answer would probably surprise you.

Hub says he'd go anytime day year or second ................. It's a job civilian life can NEVER EVER touch!!

Just tell the new kids to TRACK EVERY SINGLE DR VISIT MEDICAL VISIT TREATMENT PILLS ETC.. once they get out they get screwed when it comes to needing a back up for that retirement money.............

I've never had a single problem with the VA. I have however noticed how much better they've gotten since Trump was elected.

It's not that the VA is the problem the SOLDIERS DO NOT KEEP track of their medical visits well enough if they go at all. We all know they are told to buck it up and NOT GO well now they NEED TO go etc.... otherwise anything that hits them in laters years they can't claim any proof.
"Yes, things were peachy in Iran until Ayatollah Khamenei came along! Let's start a war to restore Uganda's culture next.

I AGREE! Iran is responsible for murdering more than 100 Americans at home EVERY DAY! No, I'm sorry, it's MEXICO that's responsible for 100+ heroin and fentanyl deaths in America every day. Carry on, irrelevant media" - Acerbic Ann Coulter

Even though most of it comes through Mexico, most of the fentanyl in the US comes from China.
And every Democrat wants to give free health care to illegal aliens
To fight in the permanent war for oil.

Trump remembers the hostage situation, one version of it.
Actually a pretty unique version - he said we should should have wiped them out and taken the oil 40 years ago,.

OMG, Trump can't disclaim Barron, can he? That kid is a dead ringer for his father.

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