3 years ago today... 01-13-18/01-13-21


'Ole Wise One'
Apr 20, 2016
Honolulu, Hawaii
Holy shit Batman... Does not seem like its been 3 years at all... Very interesting situation to have gone through... I am not fearless... A certain amount of fear is helpful in life... I had no fear during the alert at all... It's nuts... I wanted a cigarette really bad almost immediately after reading the alert on my phone... Now mind you I had smoked for over 40 years and nicotine was my go to drug of choice when placed in life or death situations or after sex... The ex-wife and I set down in the living room and she lit a cigarette and we just kind of smiled at each other... She called both of our kids, while I sit there still wanting a Camel... Our son who lives in Indiana texted and let us know that the alert was a dud...

Holy shit Batman... Does not seem like its been 3 years at all... Very interesting situation to have gone through... I am not fearless... A certain amount of fear is helpful in life... I had no fear during the alert at all... It's nuts... I wanted a cigarette really bad almost immediately after reading the alert on my phone... Now mind you I had smoked for over 40 years and nicotine was my go to drug of choice when placed in life or death situations or after sex... The ex-wife and I set down in the living room and she lit a cigarette and we just kind of smiled at each other... She called both of our kids, while I sit there still wanting a Camel... Our son who lives in Indiana texted and let us know that the alert was a dud...

I am a recursive smokerā€”lately seeing two packs go up a day. As a kid I despised every sensory aspect of cigarette smoking, from the acrid stench to the indelible pungency it saturated into clothing. I had resolved to never take up such a filthy habit. And then I was deployed for the second time with the US Army. I was on a Long Range Surveillance Detachment with military intelligence, which was something akin to The Rat Patrolā€”if you've ever seen that television show. My detachment had been deep into Iraq for weeks helping to enforce the No Fly Zone by lasing Iraqi air force jets that looked like they might be about to take off, go for a little spin around the not so friendly skies. Anyway, stupid long story short, we walked in out of the desert, were picked up by a friendly five ton full of combat engineers and crammed ourselves into the (open) back. Along the way in we stopped to pick up a couple of FIST guys (forward observers). So they climb in with us and one of them, all covered in dust, lights up a Newport. I don't know what it was but something compelled me to bum a smoke from that dude. Well, I been smoking ever since, save for a couple short lived attempts at quitting.

The whole incoming missile thing didn't really get to me. I grew up during the height of the Cold War, with a fallout shelter in the basement of our high school. That, and I have enough training to know that after the missiles are launched all our lifespans shrink to a few minutes. Just a consequence of the nuclear age, really.
Hy Sindy... Hoping you are having a pleasant winter... Do you like French Fried Taters?
:terror:I missed you sweetheart? So far the winter hasn't been bad? It could get worse. No it's Cyndi and you know it. snicker? :terror: I don't get the FF joke? maybe you would like to explain? hello Carl.;)

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