SACRAMENTO, CA - The parents of a Sacramento State student beaten to death in his dorm room received a bill from the UC Davis Medical Center -- a bill for nearly $30,000.
The hospital admitted the bill was a mistake since Scott Hawkins had insurance.
But many asked how the hospital could charge so much for only five minutes in its emergency room.
The hospital says the bill is correct and reflects the services the staff provided to Hawkins after he was beaten by his roommate.
But what could possibly cost $30,000 in five minutes? Some say the answer is why we have a health care reform debate.
"It's impossible for me to describe how stunning it was," said Gerald Hawkins, Scott's father.
He and his wife received the bill less than 12 hours after they laid their son to rest.
"Once I saw the contents, I didn't want to show my wife," he said. "I didn't want her to see it because it brought up powerful feelings and so many questions and so much confusion."
Questions like how or why? Scott was only there for five minutes before doctors declared him dead.
Why Was Murdered Sac State Student's ER Bill So High? | | Sacramento, California | News
The hospital admitted the bill was a mistake since Scott Hawkins had insurance.
But many asked how the hospital could charge so much for only five minutes in its emergency room.
The hospital says the bill is correct and reflects the services the staff provided to Hawkins after he was beaten by his roommate.
But what could possibly cost $30,000 in five minutes? Some say the answer is why we have a health care reform debate.
"It's impossible for me to describe how stunning it was," said Gerald Hawkins, Scott's father.
He and his wife received the bill less than 12 hours after they laid their son to rest.
"Once I saw the contents, I didn't want to show my wife," he said. "I didn't want her to see it because it brought up powerful feelings and so many questions and so much confusion."
Questions like how or why? Scott was only there for five minutes before doctors declared him dead.
Why Was Murdered Sac State Student's ER Bill So High? | | Sacramento, California | News