$29,000 for five minutes in the emergency room


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
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SACRAMENTO, CA - The parents of a Sacramento State student beaten to death in his dorm room received a bill from the UC Davis Medical Center -- a bill for nearly $30,000.

The hospital admitted the bill was a mistake since Scott Hawkins had insurance.

But many asked how the hospital could charge so much for only five minutes in its emergency room.

The hospital says the bill is correct and reflects the services the staff provided to Hawkins after he was beaten by his roommate.

But what could possibly cost $30,000 in five minutes? Some say the answer is why we have a health care reform debate.

"It's impossible for me to describe how stunning it was," said Gerald Hawkins, Scott's father.

He and his wife received the bill less than 12 hours after they laid their son to rest.

"Once I saw the contents, I didn't want to show my wife," he said. "I didn't want her to see it because it brought up powerful feelings and so many questions and so much confusion."

Questions like how or why? Scott was only there for five minutes before doctors declared him dead.

Why Was Murdered Sac State Student's ER Bill So High? | News10.net | Sacramento, California | News
"I can't believe that in any country besides the U.S., any civilized country, that the parents of a murdered boy would receive this bill for $29,000 and such an insulting letter," Gerald Hawkins, the victim's father, told ABC 10 in Sacramento, CA.

No, Mr. Hawkins, they would not.
My wife was in a very bad automobile accident several years ago and was flown to a nearby trauma center via helocopter. The bill for that quick 19 minute helocopter ride was $28,000. She was in the hospital for 31 days and had 5 surgeries. Her hospital bill was over $500,000. Yep. I'm glad I had very good insurance.
You still haven't come up with any solution to the cost ... all you propose is shifting the cost and responsibility.
I think people believe that the high cost of health care is going to go down just because of the Obama Health Care Reform they are trying to ram down our throats. Truth of the matter is, health care will still be expensive and if Pelosi gets her way this health care reform is going to cost everybody plenty. My question, and a question that nobody seems to come up with an answer to is simply this. If a person doesn't have health care now, how are they going to be able to afford it when the government says it's mandatory for you to buy it either from a health insurance company or a plan offered by the government? Are people suddenly going to be able to afford to buy health care just because the government says to buy it or face a fine?
$29,000. that's what it cost to remove the dildo from Chrissy's asshole.
You still haven't come up with any solution to the cost ... all you propose is shifting the cost and responsibility.

You don't really want an answer to your question. You just want to oppose.

If you did, you would read about how other countries hold down costs.

They have more doctors per capita, they limit the cost of prescription drugs, they don't pay their doctors outrageous salaries, they cover everyone, so trips to the emergency room are less, and their companies don't have to pay as much for healthcare, so they are more competitive.

In fact recently Toyota located a plant in Canada instead of the U.S. because healthcare costs there are so much less.
I think people believe that the high cost of health care is going to go down just because of the Obama Health Care Reform they are trying to ram down our throats. Truth of the matter is, health care will still be expensive and if Pelosi gets her way this health care reform is going to cost everybody plenty. My question, and a question that nobody seems to come up with an answer to is simply this. If a person doesn't have health care now, how are they going to be able to afford it when the government says it's mandatory for you to buy it either from a health insurance company or a plan offered by the government? Are people suddenly going to be able to afford to buy health care just because the government says to buy it or face a fine?

Do you have car insurance?
I think people believe that the high cost of health care is going to go down just because of the Obama Health Care Reform they are trying to ram down our throats. Truth of the matter is, health care will still be expensive and if Pelosi gets her way this health care reform is going to cost everybody plenty. My question, and a question that nobody seems to come up with an answer to is simply this. If a person doesn't have health care now, how are they going to be able to afford it when the government says it's mandatory for you to buy it either from a health insurance company or a plan offered by the government? Are people suddenly going to be able to afford to buy health care just because the government says to buy it or face a fine?

Do you have car insurance?

Most law abiding people that drive cars legally have car insurance. Of course I have automobile insurance. You seem to have this health care reform thing all figured out. Why don't you give Obama a call and ask to drink a beer with him at the White House and explain it all to him. Who knows, maybe he'll make you a Czar or something.
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You still haven't come up with any solution to the cost ... all you propose is shifting the cost and responsibility.

You don't really want an answer to your question. You just want to oppose.

If you did, you would read about how other countries hold down costs.

They have more doctors per capita, they limit the cost of prescription drugs, they don't pay their doctors outrageous salaries, they cover everyone, so trips to the emergency room are less, and their companies don't have to pay as much for healthcare, so they are more competitive.

In fact recently Toyota located a plant in Canada instead of the U.S. because healthcare costs there are so much less.

I did read that ... and I didn't see any connection to between letting the government control health care and keeping the price down. What I did see, which you are completely ignoring, is that other governments don't charge massive fees just for companies to operate within their borders like we do.
$29,000. that's what it cost to remove the dildo from Chrissy's asshole.
How much do you pay to have one inserted, do they charge you by the inch or does your No Family eenis the penis do it for free?
under obamacare, you and I both will be paying for it. Calling in the jaws of life is damned expensive. :lol:

:lol: Damn you Elvis. See, I knew you'd be costing this country! :evil:
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