27 bodies found

EvilCat Breath

Diamond Member
Sep 23, 2016
Bummer. I almost had my email stolen by some Mexican hackers once.
Mexican cartels hack up 27 people. Some pieces were so small identification was made from partial tattoos. Or, was it really cartels?

That's 27 we don't have to educate, medicate or incarcerate.
That is pretty cold, as there is nothing to indicate, they were coming here to be our problem.
That said, there is no denying Mexico is a barbaric country with the sickest of criminal elements in the Western Hemisphere.
If I lived and owned property adjoining the border on this side, I would be tempted to mine the crap out of the first 50 feet, with signs on the northern perimeter, in English facing north, only Keep Out signs on southern perimeter and a proper minefield log and map stored with property deed in my locked file cabinet.
That said, there is no denying Mexico is a barbaric country with
the sickest of criminal elements in the Western Hemisphere.


It comes with the territory when you are the corridor that satiates millions of american crackheads.
Mexico is the World's largest grave site.
We should declare Marshall Law and take control of Mexico's Southern Border, their airports and their sea ports. Once the word gets out that WE are in control, the illegal flow of immigrants and drugs will drop dramatically and the cartels money supply will dry up. Mexico is where we should be focusing our resources, not Ukraine.
It parallels England and Wales where there is a huge terrorist threat led by Tummy Turd with intel strongly suggesting almost continuous use of a powerful bread saw in Wrexham FC car park.
How hard would it be to hack up some invaders then bury them back across the border? It beats going to court to defend yourself.
How hard would it be to hack up some invaders then bury them
back across the border? It beats going to court to defend yourself.


I'm gonna squeeze this evil cat so hard his guts will come out of his mouth.

This evil cat needs tough love.
We should declare Marshall Law and take control of Mexico's Southern Border, their airports and their sea ports. Once the word gets out that WE are in control, the illegal flow of immigrants and drugs will drop dramatically and the cartels money supply will dry up. Mexico is where we should be focusing our resources, not Ukraine.
As Don Dokken would say
We should declare Marshall Law and take control of Mexico's Southern Border, their airports and their sea ports. Once the word gets out that WE are in control, the illegal flow of immigrants and drugs will drop dramatically and the cartels money supply will dry up. Mexico is where we should be focusing our resources, not Ukraine.
That what a real Anglo powerhouse should do. Seize control of a latin corrupt shithole. Hang all of the criminals and govern the place until need be. But we don't do that anymore.
That what a real Anglo powerhouse should do. Seize control of a latin corrupt shithole. Hang all of the criminals and govern the place until need be. But we don't do that anymore.
Maybe when Congressmen's family members start dying from Fentanyl poisoning, that will wake them up to the China/Mexico/Cartel attack on our country and respond in kind.
The crackheads will continue to get their daily fix with or without Mexico, China, etc... but it's always easier to blame the other guy.
How hard would it be to hack up some invaders then bury them
back across the border? It beats going to court to defend yourself.


I'm gonna squeeze this evil cat so hard his guts will come out of his mouth.

This evil cat needs tough love.
More good news

But who fuck all opened that trailer? Come back in a week. Then celebrate.
The crackheads will continue to get their daily fix with or without Mexico, China, etc... but it's always easier to blame the other guy.
There is a world of difference between crack and Fentanyl. They aren't putting Narcan dispensers in public schools for cocaine. Fukking China sends the precursor chemicals to the Mexican Cartels and the Mexican government gets their cut. Then the POISON is shipped to the US. You goddam right I blame Mexico. We need to declare Marshall Law on that corrupt government.
Drugs are only part of the problem. Tens of thousands of unwanted flood into this country becoming part of the criminal homeless. In a sane country this would have stopped.

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