2016 Republican primary

Paul could not even get out of the GOP primaries. If you cannot convince Republicans to vote for you, how are you going to convince the rest of the country?

We'll see.

8 years of the most corrupt administration in history might have more of an impact on the sleeping giant than you think.

Remember, far more people didn't vote in 2012, than voted for Obama. As they lose jobs and take it up the ass over Obama's fascist care - you might see a significant backlash.

Didn't you guys just try that "4 years of the most corrupt administration in history" bullshit?
Didn't you guys just try that "4 years of the most corrupt administration in history" bullshit?

That Obama's regime is the most corrupt in American history is irrefutable. And running Romney was what saved Il Douche - which is what you're campaigning for the GOP to do yet again.

Running a RINO is the path to victory - for the DNC.
I think you've got the winning formula. Americans are arrayed across the political spectrum just like a bell curve. In nearly every instance, the candidate who's won the election was the one who was most successful at holding his base while moving towards the center to grab the lion's share of the bell curve in the middle. But I like your chutzpah. I think you should challenge that tried and true formula and, instead, nominate someone from the FAR right so that he appears to be moonbat crazy to just about everyone else all along and up and down that bell curve of the American electorate. It just might work. Go for it! Follow your dream!

Yep, that's why Reagan lost in a landslide to Carter...

Well... Other than the fact that Reagan was a well known actor, a former democrat, and a moderate republican by today's standards, and the fact that he was running against an unpupular incumbent who had been unable to negotiate the release of the Iranian hostages... Other than that, your analysis is spot on. Rand Paul! He's your guy. He'll gobble up the middle of the bell curve with his libertarian craziness and poor Hillary won't know what hit her. I like it!
Didn't you guys just try that "4 years of the most corrupt administration in history" bullshit?

That Obama's regime is the most corrupt in American history is irrefutable. And running Romney was what saved Il Douche - which is what you're campaigning for the GOP to do yet again.

Running a RINO is the path to victory - for the DNC.


Grant, Harding, and Nixon ALL make Obama look like a choir boy.
Well... Other than the fact that Reagan was a well known actor, a former democrat, and a moderate republican by today's standards, and the fact that he was running against an unpupular incumbent who had been unable to negotiate the release of the Iranian hostages... Other than that, your analysis is spot on. Rand Paul! He's your guy. He'll gobble up the middle of the bell curve with his libertarian craziness and poor Hillary won't know what hit her. I like it!

It's a funny thing that the far left is always so helpful in helping Republicans run their campaign. Without the left,the GOP would have never had the winning strategy of Bob Dole, John McCain, or Mitt Romney.
Dole, McCain, and Romney were the best candidates at the time, Uncensored.

Nothing you say can change that.

Grant, Harding, and Nixon ALL make Obama look like a choir boy.

Yeah, Nixon covered up bugging McGovern's office to gather proof of election fraud by the dims.

Compared to that, Obama selling guns to Mexican drug cartels, bugging the cell phone of everyone in America, and murdering a 16 year old kid from Colorado is minor......
Well... Other than the fact that Reagan was a well known actor, a former democrat, and a moderate republican by today's standards, and the fact that he was running against an unpupular incumbent who had been unable to negotiate the release of the Iranian hostages... Other than that, your analysis is spot on. Rand Paul! He's your guy. He'll gobble up the middle of the bell curve with his libertarian craziness and poor Hillary won't know what hit her. I like it!

It's a funny thing that the far left is always so helpful in helping Republicans run their campaign. Without the left,the GOP would have never had the winning strategy of Bob Dole, John McCain, or Mitt Romney.

You miss my point. I would dearly LOVE for the GOP to nominate Rand Paul. I would never try to dissuade your party from making such a choice. Seriously.

Grant, Harding, and Nixon ALL make Obama look like a choir boy.

Yeah, Nixon covered up bugging McGovern's office to gather proof of election fraud by the dims.

Compared to that, Obama selling guns to Mexican drug cartels, bugging the cell phone of everyone in America, and murdering a 16 year old kid from Colorado is minor......

Except that your Dear Leader did none of that.
Didn't you guys just try that "4 years of the most corrupt administration in history" bullshit?

That Obama's regime is the most corrupt in American history is irrefutable. And running Romney was what saved Il Douche - which is what you're campaigning for the GOP to do yet again.

Running a RINO is the path to victory - for the DNC.


Grant, Harding, and Nixon ALL make Obama look like a choir boy.

At least he admits it--Romney sucked as a candidate. There are still some here who claim it was voter fraud.
"Hyperbole in the pursuit of conservative domination is no vice."

Didn't AUH2O say that?

Which part did you think was hype?

Pretty much all ofit. If it weren't,the GOP controlled house would be compelled to impeach. "Murder"??? That in itself, if it were true and NOT hyperbole, would be reason enough. The president of the USA personally ordering the murder of a teenaged boy?
Rand Paul will dominate if he enters the race.

LOL!!! Libertarians don't have a shot. They just don't get that, like Marxism, it would take a basic shift in human nature in order to work. Even Republicans will see through his B.S., I'll wager.

Rand Paul is a constitutional conservative who most assuredly does not expect a basic shift in human nature. He wants a limited federal government and a sane foreign policy.

I see through your BS.

Nope. You're not getting away with it this time.
Well... Other than the fact that Reagan was a well known actor, a former democrat, and a moderate republican by today's standards, and the fact that he was running against an unpupular incumbent who had been unable to negotiate the release of the Iranian hostages... Other than that, your analysis is spot on. Rand Paul! He's your guy. He'll gobble up the middle of the bell curve with his libertarian craziness and poor Hillary won't know what hit her. I like it!

It's a funny thing that the far left is always so helpful in helping Republicans run their campaign. Without the left,the GOP would have never had the winning strategy of Bob Dole, John McCain, or Mitt Romney.

You miss my point. I would dearly LOVE for the GOP to nominate Rand Paul. I would never try to dissuade your party from making such a choice. Seriously.

Your point appears to be that anyone who doesn't toe the neocon/democrat line is some kind of nutcase.

You are very, very wrong.

The dems will try the same bullshit they did with Sarah Palin. No one's going to buy it, though.

President Paul. Has a nice ring, doesn't it?
Pretty much all ofit. If it weren't,the GOP controlled house would be compelled to impeach. "Murder"??? That in itself, if it were true and NOT hyperbole, would be reason enough. The president of the USA personally ordering the murder of a teenaged boy?

I thought that might be it, but it isn't hyperbole at all - Obama murdered a 16 year old boy from Colorado due to who his father was - documented fact.

Here, from the left wing journal "The Atlantic."

How Team Obama Justifies the Killing of a 16-Year-Old American - Conor Friedersdorf - The Atlantic
Pretty much all ofit. If it weren't,the GOP controlled house would be compelled to impeach. "Murder"??? That in itself, if it were true and NOT hyperbole, would be reason enough. The president of the USA personally ordering the murder of a teenaged boy?

I thought that might be it, but it isn't hyperbole at all - Obama murdered a 16 year old boy from Colorado due to who his father was - documented fact.

Here, from the left wing journal "The Atlantic."

How Team Obama Justifies the Killing of a 16-Year-Old American - Conor Friedersdorf - The Atlantic

You are aware that murder has a very specific meaning? Somehow, I think not.
Uncensored's fauxrage about something that did not happen (a murder) is what outrages the sensible portion of the mainstream GOP.
You are aware that murder has a very specific meaning? Somehow, I think not.

Yes, and this fits that meaning in every way.

In fact, it is premeditated murder. Obama didn't like his daddy - so he killed the kid. Hey, his dad was a scumbag - but I thought generational guilt went out of style about 1300...

Your type of fauxrage, Uncensored, is why we lost the election and could not take the Senate.

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