1848 And All That

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
Great post by Brian at gates of Vienna as he waits for them to silence him .....again .....

Large snip
January 6 was a sobering moment. For many of us it was not unexpected, but it was sobering nonetheless.

We have finally reached the End of the Republic. The results of future elections will lie within parameters established by the Powers That Be. There will be no more successful ā€œdark horseā€ candidates; the system has been rigged to prevent them.

On a related note, Sundance at Conservative Tree House has joined the dreamers at Power Line, although his desperate optimism takes a somewhat different tack: he proposes the founding of a new political party led by Donald Trump, which would siphon off most Republican voters, as well as a big chunk of Democrats and independents.

Itā€™s a nice idea, and it might have worked before the widespread adoption of Dominion voting machines. But after 2020, how does such a party go about actually winning an election? The machinery to prevent that possibility is already in place. Nobody can get elected without the approval of the Deep State. Which means it will be the UniParty ā€” Democrats plus safe (neutered) Republicans ā€” from here on out.

We have unfortunately entered the era of TINVOWOOT: There is no voting our way out of this. Weā€™ve used up three out of our four boxes ā€” soap, ballot, and jury ā€” and thereā€™s only one left.

There has been a cavalcade of ā€œconservativesā€ eager to denounce Donald Trump and the angry crowd at the Capitol. Their general theme is that ā€œviolence solves nothing.ā€ How easily they have forgotten the means by which the Patriots of 1776 threw off the yoke of King George III and established a constitutional republic! If these modern-day talking heads had their way, weā€™d still be sending politely-worded lists of grievances to the queen and her ministers.

Meanwhile the Left and the media (but I repeat myself) have characterized Wednesdayā€™s events as an ā€œinsurrectionā€. Wellā€¦ Except for the cops, everybody at the Capitol that day was unarmed. How would our esteemed progressive brethren describe a real insurrection if one ever broke out?

Given the level of anger on the patriotic Right, some sort of future kinetic action is a distinct possibility. Whether weā€™re heading into a full-fledged Boogaloo or not is an open question. A shrewd, charismatic leader would seem a prerequisite for that to happen, and now that Donald Trump has abdicated the position, thereā€™s no one else on the horizon who fits the description. For all I know, this simmering political cauldron may yet cool down and accept the New Normal that has been prepared for it.

Or maybe not. Itā€™s still early days, so itā€™s hard to tell.

Regardless of how kinetic things get, what seems likely is a concerted effort to crack down on dissent. Up until now the Left has relied on the private sector ā€” Big Tech, social media companies, and major employers ā€” to suppress doubleplus ungood opinions held by deplorable citizens. We can expect that praxis to change now that the Woke brigades control the entire apparatus of state, especially given the public statements from their numerous spokesbeings about the need to silence us.

The past two months have proved that the Constitution is a worthless scrap of paper. Nothing remains to stop the permanent government from passing whatever laws it deems necessary to suppress ā€œmisinformationā€, ā€œintoleranceā€, ā€œextremismā€, ā€œhate speechā€, ā€œwhite supremacyā€, and all the other terms used to describe publicly expressed thoughts that run counter to the Narrative.

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