14 More American Kids Killed In Afghanistan...


Senior Member
Jul 30, 2009
A helicopter crash and separate collision involving two other choppers killed 14 Americans on Monday in one of the deadliest days for U.S. Troops in the War in Afghanistan.

But hey on the bright side,our current President just tied our previous President in total number of rounds of Golf played. Hey and it's nice to see all that concern for our kids coming from our appalling dumbed-down MSM too. My God,not a peep out of them on this horrifying day for our kids over there in Afghanistan. I actually remember a time when our Liberal dominated MSM used to at least pretend they cared about our kids over there. What happened to all their body counts and plastering of our kids' faces all over TV every time one was killed? Just not seeing that same "concern" for our kids coming from them anymore. Gee i wonder why? Was it always just about politics for them? It now seems so to me. Dead kids just don't seem to be convenient for them anymore.

This President seems to be only Half-Hearted in his concern for our kids over there in Afghanistan at this point. He just doesn't seem fully committed to helping them win over there. So it is time to bring our kids home. It just isn't fair to ask our kids to continue risking their lives when their own Commander in Chief is not fully committed to winning. This Half-Hearted approach by this President really is a sad travesty. Mr. President,please bring our kids home right now.
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Do you know what is sad? That we have become so immune to things like this. War has become so ingrained in our minds that when 15 of our boys get killed we don't give it a second thought. We go home and watch the news and think, "Wow that is horrible. Holy shit, its almost time for American Idol. I almost forgot."

Its truly sickening.
... Obama continues to ponder whether or not to send more troops to Afghanistan, while he's out on the golf course ....

God Bless our soldiers.
There are only two viable solutions. Fight like hell or go home. Politics makes the first all but impossible.
This President has played as much golf in 9 months as our previous President did in 2 years. Now i know all the Hopey Changeys are going to spin this as being "petty" and "unimportant" but i haven't forgotten how important it was for these same people to rant & rave daily about our previous President playing "Too Much" Golf while our kids were dying. I also believe that the Liberal dominated MSM has behaved appallingly in ignoring our kids being killed over there. Where are all their hysterical Body Counts and plastering of our fallen kids' faces all over TV? What a shame.
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A helicopter crash and separate collision involving two other choppers killed 14 Americans on Monday in one of the deadliest days for U.S. Troops in the War in Afghanistan..

It is our duty, it is our responsibility it is our Honor to take bullets for the zionuts.


What is up with the labels? I'm not going to make one out of your location/ethnic group.
A helicopter crash and separate collision involving two other choppers killed 14 Americans on Monday in one of the deadliest days for U.S. Troops in the War in Afghanistan..

It is our duty, it is our responsibility it is our Honor to take bullets for the zionuts.


What is up with the labels?

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1bm2GPoFfg"]What motivated the 9/11 hijackers? See testimony most didn't[/ame]

I'm not going to make one out of your location/ethnic group.

Don't give a shit one way or another.
I certainly would defend someone attacking your group Contumacious. Sorry you don't feel the same.
Isn't it time for Obama to have another Press Conference and appear on Late-night TV? BTW, H1N1 is a NATIONAL EMERGENCY!

No! Please .. no more prime-time specials!!! lol

What he's doing with this whole 'national emergency' bs is taking attention away from his non-productive administration. I will say though, they are being productive enough in trying to scare the American public into thinking they need their government.
... Obama continues to ponder whether or not to send more troops to Afghanistan, while he's out on the golf course ....

God Bless our soldiers.

well actually decisions are best decided in a relaxed environment like the golf course. When relaxed and clear headed better thinking occurs.
... Obama continues to ponder whether or not to send more troops to Afghanistan, while he's out on the golf course ....

God Bless our soldiers.

well actually decisions are best decided in a relaxed environment like the golf course. When relaxed and clear headed better thinking occurs.

Alright, I can understand a relaxed environment to help make better decisions, but how many rounds of golf is it going to take?
Yea you gotta love the warped Hopey Changeys at this point...Or do ya?? Now it's suddenly just so wonderful that the President is playing so much Golf while our kids are dying. Are these people serious? It's pretty clear to me that the Hopey Changeys really have become the lowest of the low when it comes to dishonesty & hypocrisy.
... Obama continues to ponder whether or not to send more troops to Afghanistan, while he's out on the golf course ....

God Bless our soldiers.

well actually decisions are best decided in a relaxed environment like the golf course. When relaxed and clear headed better thinking occurs.

Alright, I can understand a relaxed environment to help make better decisions, but how many rounds of golf is it going to take?

Traditionally, one round and the 19th hole.
I was just checking out the Liberal Media outlets and there's still hardly a peep out of them about 14 more of our kids being killed over there. Oh well,i guess reporting on dead kids is no longer politically advantageous for the Liberals. How sad.
I was just checking out the Liberal Media outlets and there's still hardly a peep out of them about 14 more of our kids being killed over there. Oh well,i guess reporting on dead kids is no longer politically advantageous for the Liberals. How sad.

Or may be they don't want piss off the powers-that-be and risk having their FCC Licenses denied.

Yea it looks like pretending to care about our kids over there has now become sooo 2008 for the phony Liberals and especially the Liberal Press. No need to pretend to care anymore now that they have the power i guess. What a sad scam.

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