12 Dead in Mass Shooting at So.Cal Bar

California already has the most stringent state wide gun control laws in the nation. The shooter violated several the laws that California already had.
No other laws would have made a damn bit of difference.
Gun control laws never work to stop gun crimes. We see that every night in Chicago, as an example.

Exactly....so what's left?

Hint: The 2nd Amendment (The prize and the goal)
What laws do you think I'm proposing? If gun control isn't the answer, there must be another answer, because these mass shootings are not acceptable and they are not normal everyday business as usual in any other developed country in the world.

Funny, she can't see the REAL cause of the problem...liberal social policies. :rolleyes:
A proper LIbEral response would be to call for even more of the same poison that is causing the sickness in the first place.

As we ALL know, they actually don't give a damn about safety....hell, they viciously murder millions of innocent babies every day....and yawn....
They ENCOURAGE MS-13 to occupy our cities and assist their illegal entry into the country.

And they claim to be concerned about public "safety".....LMAO

No, they are after the US Constitution....the PRIZE? The 2nd Amendment. Take guns away from Americans.

THAT's the goal....not "safety"...and because of people like Oddball and many other closet Progs calling themselves Rightwing but failing to get involved (refuse to vote) in the fight to stop them, eventually they will succeed.

Bring up abortion to defend mass killings. You anti abortion people are all alike.
Maybe the Democrats can change the meaning of some words in order to combat this.

Instead of GUNS, let’s now call them, Child killers.

Certainly, you support the banning of child killers! If not, why do you hate children?
To all the families and friends of the victims, I would like to offer my sincere thoughts and prayers

I would also like to assure them that their gun rights will remain secure and that nothing will be done to impede their ability to obtain the weapon of their choice

And yet YOU adamantly and consistently vote for policies that are directly responsible for killing them
well my oh my, aren't you "Sincere"?

In spite of all the tragedy in California, we can rest assured that we will continue to have the gun rights that keep us safe

Get that amendment through the House, Senate, Oval Office and approved by the States and if not then this discussion is moot...

What amendment?

We need our guns, they keep us safe
To the tune of 33,000 gun deaths a year

A dozen people slaughtered is a small price to pay for our right to bear arms

How many people die on the highway system each year?

So either get that amendment through Congress, Oval Office, and the States or admit nothing will be done and this fake outrage is nothing more than the Progressives wanting to use deaths to win more seats in 2020...
if you want to fix the problem you need to put your snark away and any notion you may have about banning things resolving our issues.
I wonder how 'severely regulating' like other developed nations becomes 'banning'. Freedumb I suppose.
so - you won't even consider it. just lob out arrogant shit and insults.

THAT is why we never get anywhere.
What laws do you think I'm proposing? If gun control isn't the answer, there must be another answer, because these mass shootings are not acceptable and they are not normal everyday business as usual in any other developed country in the world.

Funny, she can't see the REAL cause of the problem...liberal social policies. :rolleyes:
Then they need to be changed. Which of those liberal social policies directly created this? I'm serious, not arguing. Tell me which one(s).


TONS of them.....JUST A FEW to start with

1). policies that allow liberal judges to go soft on CONVICTED MURDERERS
2). Liberal policies that encourage welfare instead of personal responsibility
3). Liberal policies that encourage MS-13 and MANY violent criminals to cross our borders
4). Liberal policies that choose Political Correctness over getting help for mentally disturbed people
5). Liberal policies that close our system of Mental institutions
What laws do you think I'm proposing? If gun control isn't the answer, there must be another answer, because these mass shootings are not acceptable and they are not normal everyday business as usual in any other developed country in the world.

Funny, she can't see the REAL cause of the problem...liberal social policies. :rolleyes:
Then they need to be changed. Which of those liberal social policies directly created this? I'm serious, not arguing. Tell me which one(s).


TONS of them.....JUST A FEW to start with

1). policies that allow liberal judges to go soft on CONVICTED MURDERERS
2). Liberal policies that encourage welfare instead of personal responsibility
3). Liberal policies that encourage MS-13 and MANY violent criminals to cross our borders
4). Liberal policies that choose Political Correctness over getting help for mentally disturbed people
5). Liberal policies that close our system of Mental institutions
Mental institutions are operating in today's society.
Something has to be done to stop this. Not just talk this time. It is time to actually do something. January approaches. Make sure your legislators know what you think will help make this country SAFE AGAIN.

California has some of the strictest gun laws, so what do you propose that can fix the issue?

A proper LIbEral response would be to call for even more of the same poison that is causing the sickness in the first place.

I am actually very liberal in my views but not Progressive...

The issue with those like the OP is when they can not get their way they want big brother to fix it and for that to happen they will need enough votes in the Senate along with the White House and States to approve a new amendment which will never happen.

So as Old Lady pushes her agenda of more strict Federal Laws the reality is they will not stop a damn thing because criminals do not obey laws ever!
What laws do you think I'm proposing? If gun control isn't the answer, there must be another answer, because these mass shootings are not acceptable and they are not normal everyday business as usual in any other developed country in the world.
What gun control law that CA doesn't have would have prevented this shooting?

And why do states with very lax gun control laws have much lower murder rates than CA?

It ain't guns the American society has a cancer that is spreading and no where is the disease more evident than in the ultra violent urban areas and the violence and crime that emanates from them in numbers large enough to skew the murder rate for the entire country
I believe in a county wide tax on guns and bullets. In part, to collect gun related statistics and to off-set the cost of gun related violence.
so - you won't even consider it. just lob out arrogant shit and insults.

THAT is why we never get anywhere.
You won't consider it, ffs. The way every other developed nation has done it. That's why you'll continue to kill school kids at a high rate, for FREEDUMB, and wonder why.
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No one even cares anymore about the dead, do they?

I would go as far as desensitized ......

I agree. How many veterans are dying on the streets every day while the left demand that we care about central American invaders?

He might be a vet with PTSD, and from what I read they are offing themselves. Have those invaders reached the border yet?? I have not heard since the election.
11:15 p.m. last night. Twelve dead, and they are still counting. Dead include the gunman, who went into a local Country-Western bar & grill having it's weekly College Night and began by shooting the security guard and cashier, then entered and began spraying bullets at college students with his rapid fire gun. Twelve dead include one of the first deputies on the scene.

Thousand Oaks is considered one of the safest communities in the country. Just like Parkland was.

People, it is time we stopped talking and started doing something about this. It is beyond ridiculous that we are no longer safe to go grocery shopping, pray in our church, go to yoga class, or to a bar to dance. Or to work. Or to school.

Something has to be done to stop this. Not just talk this time. It is time to actually do something. January approaches. Make sure your legislators know what you think will help make this country SAFE AGAIN.

California has some of the strictest gun laws, so what do you propose that can fix the issue?
We could do it, but not overnight, if we focused on severely limiting the violence in our entertainment and teaching kids from the time they can hit that killing other humans is the lowest thing you can do, including screwing your sister (in other words, taboo).

I don't think somebody screwing their sister was the root cause the shooting last night.
Well, that's one thing off the list.
What amendment?

We need our guns, they keep us safe
To the tune of 33,000 gun deaths a year

A dozen people slaughtered is a small price to pay for our right to bear arms

Freedom was never FREE
Glad you're finally seeing the light at the end of your dark, dismal anti-Constitutional tunnel

To expect ZERO violence in a society of 300,000,000 people is insane. Are you?

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