1000 Americans, including Biden are banned from visiting Russia….Trump is not on the list

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Helps being a strong supporter of Putin

Shows the benefit of declaring Putin a Genius
/——/ From your link that you didn’t read past the headline: Former President Barack Obama and Trump's vice president, Mike Pence, also are not on the list, but Pence's brother, Rep. Greg Pence, R-Ind., is banned.
Helps being a strong supporter of Putin

Shows the benefit of declaring Putin a Genius
Hey wait a minute----I am not hearing anything about the Bush's, the Obama's, or the Clintons being banned but Morgan Freeman is for some reason. Sounds more like Russia/Biden propaganda---it's a weird list of people they are banning being nothing more than symbolic I understand but it is also a group of people who would be willing to travel together to Russia. Sounds and feels like propaganda to me.
Maybe Russia doesn't want to put their children in harms way by admitting a creepy child fondler?
Or they don't need the liability from a foreign late stage dementia patient?
Does Russia even have ice cream?
Hunter helped fund the Ukraine bio weapons labs, so is this retaliation?
Could it be sanctions have caused a diaper shortage & can't keep him supplied?
So many reasons that nobody wants Joe around
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