1/2Million Unemployed not Counted

couch protester

Gold Member
Dec 7, 2015
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US unemployment rate falls, but because half-million people stopped looking

"At the same time, the unemployment rate tumbled to 4.7 percent from 5 percent, the Labor Department said Friday, its lowest point since November 2007. The rate fell for a problematic reason: Nearly a half-million jobless Americans stopped looking for work and so were no longer officially counted as unemployed."


Couch Protestor:
Half a million Americans not looking for work are not counted as unemployed, so much for Hussein Obama straw man fallacy job approval number ratings. The Obama administration has issued more than 7.4 million work permits to foreign nationals from 2009 – 2014, beyond the approximately one million lawful permanent residents and 700,000 foreign guest workers admitted to the U.S. each year.

"The cause of the mixed top-line picture is a shrinking workforce. The labor force participation rate decreased to 62.6%, from 62.8% in April. As a result, in May 7.4 million Americans were unemployed, down from 7.9 million in April. “It seems like in all gains we had seen in the winter months got reversed,” said Satyam Panday, U.S. economist at S&P Global Ratings, in an interview. While it is fairly common to see big swings in participation rates, Panday says this time may be a sign of trouble since employment gains were so weak."

If you're able to not look for work and need a job?
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