1+1= Whatever you think it should be.

But American Blacks, in general, do worse on EVERY COGNITIVE TEST imaginable. They are more likely to fail DRIVER'S TESTS for Christ sake. And they will continue to do worse until they clean up their act. Stop having babies without fathers. Stop abusing drugs and other substances. Stop the petty criminality. Stop dropping out of school and stop disdaining education. Stop speaking like morons.

It ain't racism it is reality. Denying reality is a fool's errand.
Philip K. Dick (quoted in the latest book by Charles Murray, Facing Reality) said that reality is what, when you stop believing in it, still remains. I love that.

Every g-loaded test puts blacks at the bottom, yes (well, actually Australian aborigines are at the bottom, but the Australians just pay for what's left of them cradle to grave; they don't really fit into a modern culture). Murray would say you are making the common mistake that is a serious problem for our society: you think the black IQ deficit is FIXABLE. You think it's temporary; you think it is caused by A,B,C. . . X,Y,Z and if we could just fix, say, drug addiction, or fathers not in homes (as if we could: never have anywhere), that like magic, they'd get smarter. You think, it seems, that all peoples, all human genetic groups, are EQUAL on average --- in all physical traits, like IQ, like -- what? Skin color? Playing NFL football? But human genetic groupings differ greatly in physical characteristics. Japanese, highly inbred, are greatly affected by alcohol. Only Northern Europeans produce persons with red hair. It makes no sense to say, "BUT NOT IQ!!! SURELY NOT IQ!!!!" Well, why not? it's well known that a lot of the variance in IQ is heritable. Probably because it's our biggest cultural problem, integrating people who are substantially more stupid even than we are. So we try for decades to deny reality, which, however, can't be denied, it just sits there being obvious.

IQ can be bred: the Jews did that and have a mean IQ of 17 points higher than non-Jewish whites. This is a lot in itself and it opens up the Bell Curve to a lot more geniuses available, which certainly explains a great deal, doesn't it? Einstein, et al., et al., et al. In theory the blacks could breed better IQs for themselves, but that would take high intelligence to start with. A lot of ways have been tried to fix this problem: what is called Jim Crow was the most successful for the longest time, just keeping down the huge crime potential of low IQ people, which we now see in full, poisonous bloom. I favor Back to Africa, myself.
California and other lib states have done away with Advanced Placement classes because they are apparently racist

The realty is the left wants to dumb down citizens. Much like the left wouldn’t allow slaves and freemen to get educated

A dumb population is easier to control

You see it here everyday on this forum.
306 will always be a higher number than 232 no matter what math you use.

Which of the two numbers is higher. Well, 232 is higher than 306 because I typed it above 306. Of course if you turn your screen (phone, computer, whatever) upside down, then 306 will be higher.

Which of the two numbers is higher. Well, 232 is higher than 306 because I typed it above 306. Of course if you turn your screen (phone, computer, whatever) upside down, then 306 will be higher.
And if you feel that one SHOULD be bigger than the other because reasons and feelings, then you should be congratulated for solving the problem.
No. That's not what is going on. Asians in general are NOT "a lot" better at math. They have an advantage known for years, tested and retested, of 3 to 4 IQ points above the 100 normed on whites, mostly in math-type abilities. So they are a LITTLE better in math, on average.

What is going on, however, is that they have FIVE TIMES our population. And Indians have FOUR TIMES our population. Both send their very best here, so for every smart mathy we have, they have five or four. And they pay for their transfer and their education in hard cash. Colleges love that. Then they stay here. What country are they loyal to? Good question.

So it's an illusion. Asians are not that much better at math, on average ---- but there is nothing average about the highly math-capable and trained kids they are sending over here. I'd say don't believe in a superiority that does not exist.

As for blacks, well, look at Africa as well as here. You cannot fix stupid; there's nothing to be done about it except NOT to let the blacks take over the country, which they are certainly trying to do. The Chinese would love that: they could march right in and fill it up with Chinese.

Ok I over stated that Asians are a lot better at math than me, but generally speaking they are better than me.

And you're right about Africa. If you look at mankinds history in the entire world how many 1st and 2nd world countries were founded, populated and ran by blacks? In man kinds entire world history how many major human achievements were done so by blacks? In the worlds history how many scientific, medical, engineering, electronic, mathematical, etc creations/inventions we're done so by a black person? Very very little is the answer. Across the whole world in all of human existence blacks have done the least. That isn't racism or even opinion, it's a cold hard truth.
And if you feel that one SHOULD be bigger than the other because reasons and feelings, then you should be congratulated for solving the problem.

Which number is bigger?
Remember when California tried to make Ebonics a language in their schools?
The interesting thing about that is that it was all driven by funding bullshit. Turns out schools get more funding for students who speak English as a second language. So, by declaring most of their students to be native "ebonics" speakers, they could score extra "free shit".
Ok I over stated that Asians are a lot better at math than me, but generally speaking they are better than me.

And you're right about Africa. If you look at mankinds history in the entire world how many 1st and 2nd world countries were founded, populated and ran by blacks? In man kinds entire world history how many major human achievements were done so by blacks? In the worlds history how many scientific, medical, engineering, electronic, mathematical, etc creations/inventions we're done so by a black person? Very very little is the answer. Across the whole world in all of human existence blacks have done the least. That isn't racism or even opinion, it's a cold hard truth.
True. Good points.

Several third and fourth world hellholes were newly populated by blacks, however, because of slavery and rebellion: Haiti is the easiest example to remember, but most of the Caribbean islands and some of the South American "countries" are solid slave-black, and are pretty much in the same mess as Haiti. We whites made such a terrible, terrible mistake letting our population get so low (that was what happened, the malaria was so killing) that the slaves took over these prime territories. That was so stupid, I think it may be the worst thing about slavery. And they can't make anything of it, as we see. Haiti's only industry now is kidnapping, like Nigeria.
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If the wokeists can get rid of math they can eliminate engineering. They can destroy what whites built using that engineering.
If the wokeists can get rid of math they can eliminate engineering. They can destroy what whites built using that engineering.
That's what they want to do, IMO. The blacks, and maybe Leftists, WANT what we see in Portland and ghetto cities. I figured that out eventually: they want gangland cities divided up and run by gang leaders, stealing everything, shooting anyone. That's how they actually LIKE to live. It's not a mistake. So of course they don't want to go to jail for living the way they want to live, stealing and shooting everywhere.

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