
  1. Litwin

    "Russia" to supply Syria with S-300 missiles in rebuke of Israel

    In case of war between Israel and Iran/Muscovy which side Trump will take? Israel or his friend Vova grandad Botox? Russia to supply Syria with S-300 missiles in rebuke of Israel
  2. Litwin

    why czechs dont speak german, how soon Will Belarusian do the same with mongol juchi language (Musco

    how soon Will Belarusians do the same with mongol juchi language (Muscovite ) . yes, i know that situation with Belarus language in Belarus is much better than czechs have had 100 years ago. but still how soon Will Belarusian do the same with mongol juchi language (Muscovite ) "The act of...
  3. Litwin

    Putlerstan degradation: 90% "Russian" man are impotents, will world cup´s gang-bangs with Africans,

    Putlerstan degradation: 90% "Russian" man are impotents, will world cup´s gang-bangs with Africans, Mexicans help local women? "On the football holiday of sex and impotents "Russian" men For years, the progressive community explained how to treat a woman. What machismo - is disgraceful that a...
  4. Litwin

    Putin´s cooperative "Ozero" is the most POWERFUL CRIMINAL ORGANIZATION IN THE WORD, Is Trump a membe

    Putin´s cooperative "Ozero" is the most POWERFUL CRIMINAL ORGANIZATION IN THE WORD, Is Trump a member of cooperative "Ozero"? or his attraction to Putin is based on so - called pee-tape ? "Ozero (Russian: , lit. lake) (full name: Dacha consumer cooperative "Ozero"[1]) is a dacha housing...
  5. Litwin

    "43% of males in "Russia" will not live until their retirement age!" why Muscovites choose the czar

    "43% of males in "Russia" will not live until their retirement age!" why Muscovites choose the czars ? shocking reforms, shocking statistic. is it because Muscovy is a mongols empire? or there is some other reason ? ""Russia" propose" raising retirement age above life expectancy" '43% of...
  6. Litwin


  7. Litwin

    "Russian" Lobby in Belarus: Could Belarus be the Next after Ukraine? - Franak Viacorka

    very interesting lecture about what games play mongols juchi in Belarus today ...comments? can Belarus be the Next after Ukraine? or there are other easiest candidates for this fascist - Stalinist ulus, which one ?
  8. Litwin

    With an eye on "Russia", U.S. Navy re-establishing its Second Fleet

    look like a new arms-race to me , great news, for how long can Muscovy run this time?) "WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States Navy is re-establishing its Second Fleet, responsible for the northern Atlantic Ocean, nearly seven years after it was disbanded as the Pentagon puts countering...
  9. Litwin

    Press Index N148 "Chechnya, Crimea, which was annexed in 2014, have meanwhile become “black holes

    why Muscovy always is so bad? why putler and his "Ozero" kill the journalists in such massive numbers ? Russia | RSF Russia : Stifling atmosphere for independent journalists | Reporters without borders Chechnya and Crimea, which was annexed in 2014, have meanwhile become “black holes” from...
  10. Litwin

    Why Isn't "Russia" an Aircraft Carrier Superpower?

    Putler´s Nigeria with snow goes down down down :lamo "Current State of Russia’s Carrier Force At the moment, Russia’s only aircraft carrier is the troubled Admiral Kuznetsov. A ski jump carrier, the Kuznetsov displaces some 60,000 tons, can theoretically make thirty knots, and carry a...
  11. Litwin

    Five-best-countries-for-entrepreneurs/N1 Merkel´s Germany new Olgino trolls you can just swallow it

    so just swallow , its all what you guys gonna do for years . LOL you are such losers " Germany With the world’s fourth-largest economy and the largest in Europe, Germany’s mix of transparent business culture, highly educated workforce and start-up friendly policies pushed the country to the...
  12. Litwin

    "Russia"'s ruble in biggest one-day fall since 2016 as U.S. sanctions bite

    why the gas - station (Nigeria in snow) is still so badly overrated , why? " Russia's ruble in biggest one-day fall since 2016 as U.S. sanctions bite MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia’s ruble experienced its biggest one-day fall for over two years on Monday and stocks in major Russian companies...
  13. Litwin

    BBC: Syria conflict: Israel blamed for attack on airfield

    grandfather vova putler promised retaliation yesterday, my guess it´d not be the one. what do you think? Israel blamed for Syria airfield attack
  14. Litwin

    "Russian" media's #MeToo moment / Putin´s LDPR Slutsky mass sexual harassment case

    interesting times for Putin´s pocket party LDPR, its leader declared officially as a PEDERAST. Slutsky´s dirty case, what can happened next ? " A dozen private media outlets in Russia are boycotting the Russian Duma after its ethics committee failed to find any wrongdoing in the behaviour of...
  15. Litwin

    Belarusians celebrate 100th anniversary of regaining of independence from Afro - Asian occupation (U

    Belarusians celebrate 100th anniversary of regaining of independence from Afro - Asian occupation (Ulus of Juchi) NICE PICTURES+ MUSIC+McCain Sen. John McCain: "On the 100th anniversary of the Republic of Belarus declaring its independence, I stand with the Belarusian people who yearn...
  16. Litwin

    BBC: "Russia" 'arming the Afghan Taliban', says US

    Let me guess the red clown and his fans will say that they don't trust to CIA, but they trust to ex - KGB agent Vova instead , right? "Russia is supporting and even supplying arms to the Taliban, the head of US forces in Afghanistan has told the BBC. In an exclusive interview, Gen John...
  17. Litwin

    In Eurasia, a New Generation Challenges "Russia"'s Dominance

    how fast these regions liberate themselves from the Mongol occupation? " As the proportion of people born after the Soviet Union's collapse grows in Eurasia, the region will undergo massive political and cultural change. The use of the Russian language will continue to decline in Eurasia...
  18. Litwin

    Putin´s "Russia"(Muscovy ) in numbers , spoiler : "Nigeria with snow"

    "Google's co-founder Sergey Brin said that "Russia" was nothing but “Nigeria with snow”, run by a “bunch of criminal cowboys”." this is reality of Muscovy , comments? The territory of Russia is 17.075.260 square meters. km and mainly lies north of 55 ° N. Approximately 85% of the...
  19. Litwin

    The Protocols of the Elders of Zion the most famous (made in "Russian" empire) antisemitic fabricate

    The Protocols of the Elders of Zion the most famous (made in "Russian" empire) antisemitic fabricated text/Hitler´s N1 book . whats funny , even today many Juchi Mongols believe to this "book". such losers !! . Why all Muscovite empires have hated the Jews so much? cos they always all were...
  20. Litwin

    Muscovite pagans burn a Catholic church during a big pagan celebration, all what you need to know a

    Muscovite pagans burn a Catholic church during a big pagan celebration, all what you need to know about Ulus of Juchi . comments ?
  21. Litwin

    Muscovy of East Asia - Cambodia and its Stalin Pol Pot

    BBC Timewatch - Pol Pot: The Journey to the Killing Fields all what you need to know about Communism and all Asian tyrannies
  22. Litwin

    "Russian" -trained mercenaries back Bosnia's Serb separatist

    When the Free world will grow some balls and start tocall Muscovy what it is, a terrorist state ? or Punia holds Trump short? "Russian-trained mercenaries are helping to establish a paramilitary unit serving the Serb separatist leader in Bosnia, it was reported in Sarajevo on Friday. The...
  23. Litwin

    BREAKING : "Russia" recognises same-sex marriage for first time after couple finds legal loophole"

    in the same time, there are death camps for gays in Chechnya, the mordor will not last for long , 2 or 3 years and this is it... " Eugene Wojciechowski and Pavel Stotzko tied the knot in the Danish capital of Copenhagen earlier this month. On their return home, they submitted their passports...
  24. Litwin

    Moldova seeks "billions of dollars" from "Russia" for occupation

    great Moldova´s move , Crimea, Abkhazia, Ossetia, Lugandia, UPR, BNR, etc. bill to khans of Muscovy is gonna be very looooonnng )) comments? by the way occupation Muscovite army is in a total isolation inside Moldova. locked , frustrated ) LOL " The Speaker of the Moldovan Parliament...
  25. Litwin

    Putin made a big step toward The Hague "Russian" Colonel General Identified as Key MH17 Figure

    Great news from Holland!!! Putin made a big step toward The Hague ...comments? " A joint investigation between The Insider and Bellingcat used open source research, investigative journalism, and forensic voice analyan sis to determine the identity of “Delfin,” a key figure sought by the Joint...
  26. Litwin

    "Olympics" in Chechnya/ "Russia" and Putin Dumped from participation in 2018 PyeongChang Winter Ol

    Pynia thought that he is a ruler of the world ...LOL) comments? "Olympics" in Chechnya TEXT/PICTURES : В Чечне выразили готовность провести альтернативную Олимпиаду __ "Russia" and Putin Dumped from participation in 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympics. The IOC announced the decision...
  27. deanrd

    General Flynn pleads - GUILTY! - Lock him up!... and Hillary laughs and laughs and laughs!

    BOMBSHELL: Mike Flynn to plead guilty to lying to the FBI about contacts with Russia Breaking story being reported everywhere. Trump must be sh!tting his depends. Remember, Trump said to Comey to go easy on Flynn. Trump loves criminals.
  28. Litwin

    "Russian" TV defends men over sex pest claims

    Look like western rapists are very save in hands of " Friend Voka" , is it any chance that Muscovy will became the new Mecca for all western rapists? " Russian TV has broadcast sharp criticism of the Western focus on sexual harassment - and some of the critics show little or no sympathy for...
  29. Litwin

    Finland is in TOP 5 country, Senx to independent from Mongolian empire (Ulus of Juchi/Muscovy/"Russi

    Finland is in TOP 5 country in the world , Senx to independent from Mongolian empire (Ulus of Juchi/Muscovy/"Russia") . so for all counties in Euro-Asia (the same goes to trump´s USA) , the first step in this direction , DUMP MUSCOVY, Muscovy is a bumer forever Finland is the most stable...
  30. Litwin

    Multinational satellite payload lost in the sea as "Russian" rocket fails to make orbit

    Just wander what kind of deal what to make Trump with "Nigeria in snow"? " international payload of satellites launched from Russia's new cosmodrome has failed to reach orbit and is feared lost in the ocean. The Soyuz rocket carrying a Meteor-M weather satellite and 18 smaller spacecraft...
  31. Litwin


  32. Litwin

    Putin’s proposal for Ukraine is another trap for Trump

    Will Trump and USA interests be used by Kremlin kleptocracy again? or The republican establishment will succeed to keep Trump away from this issue? " After playing into Russia’s hands on Syria, the Trump administration now risks repeating the error in Ukraine, where diplomatic discussions...
  33. Litwin

    The Year America Saved " Russia" from Starvation and cannibalism

    why Putlerists are so ungrateful? " The Russian famine of 1921–22, also known as Povolzhye famine, was a severe famine in Russia which began in early spring of 1921 and lasted through 1922. This famine killed an estimated 5 million, primarily affecting the Volga and Ural River regions,[1][2][3]...
  34. Litwin

    Trump called to Putin, What Highly Classified Intelligence info gave Trump to Kremlin Thugs this tim

    Trump called to Vova Putin, What Highly Classified Intelligence info gave Trump to Kremlin Thugs this time? Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin hold hour-long phone call on foreign ... www.independent.co.uk › ... › World › Americas › US politics för 18 timmar sedan - Mr Trump and Mr Putin spoke...
  35. Litwin

    "Russian" boy's WW2 speech to German MPs stirs web anger

    some want to kill him, this what Putler´s propaganda did to people ... " A Russian schoolboy has received online abuse and death threats after suggesting that many German troops who invaded the USSR in World War Two were themselves victims of the conflict. Teenager Nikolai Desyatnichenko was...
  36. Litwin

    In Lugansk noticed armored personnel carrier of “DPR” grouping/Muscovite Zimbabwe follows Mugabe le

    Look like, Muscovite Zimbabwe - Lugandon follows Mugabe lead , Whats going on in Kremlin ? LOL)) "In Lugansk noticed armored personnel carrier of “DPR” grouping In Lugansk noticed armored personnel carrier of “DPR” grouping - Yesterday, November 20, the leader of the "LPR", Igor Plotnitsky...
  37. Litwin

    "Russian"radioactivity recorded 986 times higher than usual as toxic cloud sparks nuclear accident

    look like Nigeria in snow is just in a step from Chernobyl N2, comments? " Russia has said it found "extremely high" concentrations of a radioactive isotope in some parts of the country in September, amid reports of a nuclear accident. The announcement confirmed findings earlier this month by...
  38. Litwin

    Selfie Soldiers: "Russia" Checks in to Ukraine

  39. Litwin

    Twitter bans ads from "Russia" Today and Sputnik over election interference

    Finally the Free world, starts to do something against Kremlin thugs (mafia) . Will the Trump follow the Twitter lead? Twitter bans ads from "Russia" Today and Sputnik over election ... News, sport and opinion from the Guardian's US edition | The Guardian › Technology › Twitter -...

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