Was the maligned Trump university actually an institution of higher learning?
Did trump university really help thousands of Americans to make better lives for themselves?
And what about Trump foundation? Was that a famous charity that helped many Americans?
Were they reputable and successful...
Bannon: Trump Will Fall When People Realize He’s ‘Just Another Scumbag’
Yup....that is what he is....just another charlatan....a flim glam man.....He has made you trumpettes look like you are the most clueless human being alive.
He laughs at your stupidity.....and you still drool for his lies.
Dave Fahrenthold wins Pulitzer Prize for transparent journalism and political campaign coverage
I remember during the election, when everyone was screaming The Clinton Foundation needs investigating. Chuck Todd said there is so much smoke, there MUST be fire. And that was from literally...
Tracking Trump's Conflicts of Interest
I was looking at this website which documents Donald Trump’s different conflicts of interest.
His wrongdoing is so broad it could be divided up into at least a dozen different threads.
I think my favorite is the millions Trump is making from foreigners...
191 criminal charges
35 indictments
5 guilty pleas
2 sitting in jail
All in a little over a year.
Then you have the Trump Foundation currently fighting a civil lawsuit and recommended for criminal charges.
Three Trump golf course in Europe have lost 200 million dollars and no one can explain...
As I watched the Montana speech, I was surprised that Trump would make fun of the MeToo Movement.
Especially since he has been accused of sexually assaulting 19 different women.
Do Republicans think all those 19 women were lying?
Do Republicans think the MeToo movement is a joke?
Trump Foundation criminal charges
Currently it's only a civil lawsuit but the Attorney General has referred the case to Federal and State prosecutors.
So many laws broken. It's a shell corporation used as a slush fund. That's a NO NO.