
  1. The Original Tree

    Could Mitt Romney’s Son Be Called as a Witness?

    This is a serious question. Same goes for Hunter, and Pelosi’s son, and John Kerry’s son. Discuss
  2. deanrd

    The difference between Hillary Bill Obama and McCain Romney Bush

    People like Mitt Romney and John McCain and George Bush were born into super rich households with millions and millions of dollars. No matter what they did their lives were always going to be fantastic. Their families are so rich they could live on permanent vacation. Barack Obama came from a...
  3. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Famous Black YouTubers, HodgeTwins, explain how Obama fucked them over

    It starts at about 5:22. They went on to vote for Romney.
  4. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Funny how liberals went from "the cold war is over" in 2012 to "muh Russians hacked muh electionz"

    Even more funny is how the liberal media made the same change almost overnight. It's almost as if someone or some group flicked a swi-
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