During last night’s debate, after whining and dinning our ears to how loyal he is to the Constitution, with reference to President Trump and the 2020 election, Mike Pence went on to take a dump on the Constitution by indicating he wants Congressional legislation banning abortion.
Pence stated...
This story made my day! So many of those who paint themselves a "Christian Conservatives" have completely lost sight of the teachings of Christ who they profess to follow. Instead of practicing love, acceptant and charity, they preach hate and divisiveness . Here is proof that I am not alone in...
The largest group of African-American women graduating from West point in American history.
African American women graduate in record number from West Point
Mike Pence praises West Point grads' diversity, touts Trump's military investment
Wow! That’s incredible. Many of these women...
Pence is a religious zealot and bigot who believe that religion -his religion- should legitimately drive public policy:
Mike Pence To Address Event Hosted By Anti-LGBT Hate Group | Right Wing Watch
But Pence does not mind cavorting with those who have committed child sexual abuse- as long...
The latest sign of political divide: shaming and shunning public officials
David Axelrod, a key architect of Barack Obama's presidential campaigns, tweeted that he disagreed with those cheering the restaurant's eviction of Sanders. "I am kind of amazed and appalled by the number of folks on...
If President Trump has 8 very successful years, we could see Pence follow him into the Oval Office like George H.W. Bush after 8 years of President Reagan. I'm not saying it will happen - I'm saying it could if President Trump delivers on all of his promises. In any case, V.P. Pence appears to...
The last 48 hours with President-elect Donald Trump has been interesting to say the least! I have trolled his Twitter page since Friday and am now ready to dish out what has happened and what I think about it! Visit my webpage and read my article to find out.
The last 48 hours with President-elect Donald Trump have been interesting to say the least! I have trolled his twitter since Friday night and am ready to dish out what has happened and what I think about it!
It's a sad day when Republican's begin acting like progressives and Donald Trump. There is absolutely no reason for this type of talk right now (short of Dumbocrats rigging the election). If Hitlery wins a clean election there is absolutely no excuse for a "revolution". If after being elected...