Some woukd like to forget how the war started...
Children were shot and burned alive on October 7, forensic evidence shows.
Police cyber and forensics teams work tirelessly collecting hundreds of thousands of video clips and testimonies across communities near the Gaza border to...
...even longer for Democrats / snowflakes to ADMIT!
"The probe of Special Counsel Robert Mueller—appointed to investigate conspiracy theories that said President Trump colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election—officially ended on Friday, March 22, 2019."
It's getting harder and harder for atheists to keep their primitive views as archeology, science, and technology converge to prove the Bible was accurate...
Whoa, Bethsaida! Archaeologists May Have Found Peter’s Home Town | The Stream
Hi group I am a retired Fla Deputy.. From Broward County Fla worked the area from 66 until retirement and now live in Alabama. Married and Three kids one of them is a LEO....His idea. I made more of the retirement by buying and selling land in Fla before Getting married. Other than that...