church and state

  1. TheProgressivePatriot

    Congressional Bible Study Teacher Urges Officials to Oppose Marriage Equality as Matter of ‘Theology’

    I really have to wonder what is wrong with these people! My guess is that they are very miserable and loveless in their personal lives to the point where they hate the idea that others have found happiness. Another possibility is that they are living in an alternative reality, a sort of...
  2. TheProgressivePatriot

    Good Friday- A Legal Holiday in 12 US States. Why?

    I am appalled that Good Friday- a Christian Religious Holiday- is an official state holiday in 12 states, including my state of New Jersey, where state employees are given a paid day off at the expense of taxpayers. There is no other religion that gets such a holiday New Jersey also grants...
  3. TheProgressivePatriot

    Should Good Friday be a Government Holiday ?

    It is the start of the week leading up to the Christian holiday of Easter- the day that Christians believe that Christ was resurrected from the dead, preceded by Good Friday, when it is believed that Christ was crucified. I wish my Christian brethren a happy holiday and respect their beliefs...

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