I think this will be candidate 1,254 for the DemonRATS....where are they going to hold the debates Yankee Stadium outfield?....but he does have the gay, Hispanic vote locked up! With the name of Castro, he has a shot....after all America voted for a Hussein, 7 years AFTER 9-11!
The Democratic National Committee just outlined its primary debate schedule for 2020
I really hope they limit it to Democrats.
Remember, Bernie said he wouldn't support Democrats, he would take money from Democrats but he wouldn't help raise money for Democrats.
If he wants to win the...
In light of the remaining 3,000 or so classified documents on JFK's assassination being released soon, what do you think will be the biggest bombshell in those files?
Fidel Castro is dead, so that’s cool.
Born to wealth and privilege and educated in exclusive private schools—which seems to be the case with all communist fanatics I’ve ever heard of or have had the supreme displeasure to know in my personal life—the bearded revolutionary finally gave up the...
Could they be seeing the light, libtarts here will be furious ...
Protesters Burn Che Guevara T-Shirts
How Brazilians are reacting to the ousting of their convicted terrorist leader, Dilma Rousseff.
May 20, 2016
Humberto Fontova
You read the title right. Instead of wearing Che Guevara...
i know how this so called president's ego works, so he'll try to have/save some sort of legacy.
but we knew when he announced the trip what it was for.
public radio today said he probably wouldn't be swimming at those fabulous beaches, i don't know if fidel golfs.
Pentagon to submit Gitmo...