Zundel is released from the gulag


Gold Member
Jan 8, 2010
Well the day is here and Ernst Zundel is a free man. For those who don't know the story, Zundel was thrown in a German gulag for daring to question a so-called historical event ie: the Holocaust. He was thrown in the gulag for five long years because he dared to question an event that took place over 65 years ago. Whether the Holocaust happenned as they say it did or it didn't, no one should be put in prison for questioning any historical event. What was done to him was truly a crime against humanity. There are several European countries that will also throw one in the gulag for daring to question the Hollywood version, as they call it, of the Holocaust. :eusa_shhh:

They say race does not exist, but at other times, diversity is our greatest strength. What a play on words, uhm?
Well the day is here and Ernst Zundel is a free man. For those who don't know the story, Zundel was thrown in a German gulag for daring to question a so-called historical event ie: the Holocaust. He was thrown in the gulag for five long years because he dared to question an event that took place over 65 years ago. Whether the Holocaust happenned as they say it did or it didn't, no one should be put in prison for questioning any historical event. What was done to him was truly a crime against humanity. There are several European countries that will also throw one in the gulag for daring to question the Hollywood version, as they call it, of the Holocaust. :eusa_shhh:

They say race does not exist, but at other times, diversity is our greatest strength. What a play on words, uhm?

gulag, you keep using that word. i don't think it means what you think it means.
If the dude was thrown in a 'gulag' in Germany, WTF is this thread doing in 'Canada'? Am I just being anal about putting shit in the right forum?
If the dude was thrown in a 'gulag' in Germany, WTF is this thread doing in 'Canada'? Am I just being anal about putting shit in the right forum?

shut up.

zundel was a long time in canada until he was forced to leave.

Would you kindly fuck off telling me to shut up. Unless you are Gunny - clearly, you ain't or a Mod - clearly you ain't. You can shove your 'shut up' where the sun don't shine, whiny boy.
If the dude was thrown in a 'gulag' in Germany, WTF is this thread doing in 'Canada'? Am I just being anal about putting shit in the right forum?

shut up.

zundel was a long time in canada until he was forced to leave.

Would you kindly fuck off telling me to shut up. Unless you are Gunny - clearly, you ain't or a Mod - clearly you ain't. You can shove your 'shut up' where the sun don't shine, whiny boy.

hey, brat. here is a hint: you are no mod. clearly you take umbrage when someone tells you what to do, then stop doing it to others, you emo-cripple.

you stop your thread-cop routine, then i won't have to tell you to shut up, esp. when you once again reveal that you got nothing but the bad attitude of a spoiled teenager.
shut up.

zundel was a long time in canada until he was forced to leave.

Would you kindly fuck off telling me to shut up. Unless you are Gunny - clearly, you ain't or a Mod - clearly you ain't. You can shove your 'shut up' where the sun don't shine, whiny boy.

hey, brat. here is a hint: you are no mod. clearly you take umbrage when someone tells you what to do, then stop doing it to others, you emo-cripple.

you stop your thread-cop routine, then i won't have to tell you to shut up, esp. when you once again reveal that you got nothing but the bad attitude of a spoiled teenager.

Thanks for your input but, unless I'm told by a Mod, it means nothing.... No one died and made you God. I am at liberty to comment as I see fit. So, in generic terms, fuck you.
Would you kindly fuck off telling me to shut up. Unless you are Gunny - clearly, you ain't or a Mod - clearly you ain't. You can shove your 'shut up' where the sun don't shine, whiny boy.

hey, brat. here is a hint: you are no mod. clearly you take umbrage when someone tells you what to do, then stop doing it to others, you emo-cripple.

you stop your thread-cop routine, then i won't have to tell you to shut up, esp. when you once again reveal that you got nothing but the bad attitude of a spoiled teenager.

Thanks for your input but, unless I'm told by a Mod, it means nothing.... No one died and made you God. I am at liberty to comment as I see fit. So, in generic terms, fuck you.

don't tell me to fuck me/or fuck off, you are not a mod. you are also off-topic.
hey, brat. here is a hint: you are no mod. clearly you take umbrage when someone tells you what to do, then stop doing it to others, you emo-cripple.

you stop your thread-cop routine, then i won't have to tell you to shut up, esp. when you once again reveal that you got nothing but the bad attitude of a spoiled teenager.

Thanks for your input but, unless I'm told by a Mod, it means nothing.... No one died and made you God. I am at liberty to comment as I see fit. So, in generic terms, fuck you.

don't tell me to fuck me/or fuck off, you are not a mod. you are also off-topic.

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Can tell you to fuck off if you can tell me to shut up. Loser.
Thanks for your input but, unless I'm told by a Mod, it means nothing.... No one died and made you God. I am at liberty to comment as I see fit. So, in generic terms, fuck you.

don't tell me to fuck me/or fuck off, you are not a mod. you are also off-topic.

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Can tell you to fuck off if you can tell me to shut up. Loser.

you are very slow on the uptake. you get your own medicine. what does it taste like?

quit derailing the topic, idiot.
If the dude was thrown in a 'gulag' in Germany, WTF is this thread doing in 'Canada'? Am I just being anal about putting shit in the right forum?

I am not quite sure as to whether you are a blond or anal? Zundel was a Canadian at one time and he was later shipped out of Canada and off to Germany after being in jail for two years, in Canada. This topic belonged in the Canadian forum. But besides all that, do you think that someone should be thrown in jail for questioning an historical event like the Holocaust? Can you respond to that question for me, please.
I gather Canada dosn't want to be associated with him, so Cali Girl's question is reasonable.

He seems a real sicko no matter how you slice it.

The OP's point is kind of useful, as he was in jail for five years for a sick opinion. Putting folks in jail for opinions is not the way a democracy should do things. At least, not the platonic ideal of democracy. I am kind of conflicted on this. He seems a sick creep of the type that normal decent folks shouldn't have to deal with. But tossing folks in jail for opinions is a bit more scary than he is.

Anyway, it is nice to see the INS actually deport some illegal.

So what is your point with the Wikipedia bit? So are you in agreement or not as to whether someone should be put in some jail somewhere just because they questioned or denied some historical event? That is the question being asked here. Five years in prison seems a little ridiculous and a crime. No one should even spend five minutes in some jail for questioning something. And I doubt very much that Zundel was ever a security risk in Canada. I have to wonder as to how Zundel was a security risk to Canada in the first place that would warrant his being jailed and denied his human rights, for two years? I guess Zundel upset some powerful special interest group and they had him incarcerated. They must have been really scared of him and what he was questioning. I guess that is why his life was threatened twice by firebombing his home and physical assaults were done on him. I guess Zundel touched on a taboo or sacred cow subject that no one is allowed to question. Why does the Holocaust create violence towards others whom question it?

Over to you for your response, Jos.

So what is your point with the Wikipedia bit? So are you in agreement or not as to whether someone should be put in some jail somewhere just because they questioned or denied some historical event? That is the question being asked here. Five years in prison seems a little ridiculous and a crime. No one should even spend five minutes in some jail for questioning something. And I doubt very much that Zundel was ever a security risk in Canada. I have to wonder as to how Zundel was a security risk to Canada in the first place that would warrant his being jailed and denied his human rights, for two years? I guess Zundel upset some powerful special interest group and they had him incarcerated. They must have been really scared of him and what he was questioning. I guess that is why his life was threatened twice by firebombing his home and physical assaults were done on him. I guess Zundel touched on a taboo or sacred cow subject that no one is allowed to question. Why does the Holocaust create violence towards others whom question it?

Over to you for your response, Jos.

If this Man was allowed to spread his message, Then more people would lose thier inhabition to Question the details of the Historical ¨event¨, and that scares the crap out of the people who have the ¨concession¨They will invent new laws or have someone sent to a country where free speech is not so free:eusa_shhh:

The wiki link is so people can read and form thier own opinion
Well the day is here and Ernst Zundel is a free man. For those who don't know the story, Zundel was thrown in a German gulag for daring to question a so-called historical event ie: the Holocaust. He was thrown in the gulag for five long years because he dared to question an event that took place over 65 years ago. Whether the Holocaust happenned as they say it did or it didn't, no one should be put in prison for questioning any historical event. What was done to him was truly a crime against humanity. There are several European countries that will also throw one in the gulag for daring to question the Hollywood version, as they call it, of the Holocaust. :eusa_shhh:

They say race does not exist, but at other times, diversity is our greatest strength. What a play on words, uhm?

so the fascist actually won the war after all...thats just sick..anyone can have any kind of completely outrageous theory of any other historical event in the history of man ..but not the holcaust...thats just wrong..bordering on evil
Nice to see a reasonable argument, with well-weighted words, civilized speech and good manners.

To question an historical event in itself is not a crime and definitely not a crime in Germany.

What Ernst Zundel did was far worse from that.
If you question that the Americans have not been on the moon, you might be a lunatic or just someone who has some strange ideas.
Questioning the Holocaust is a far more serious thing.
We are talking about one of the central and most important events of modern history.
It has so many implications and it changed the modern history in such a way, that denying it means to deny a lot of events and changes afterwards.
So, it means, that when you are denying the Holocaust, you definitely have an agenda.

Also, to tell a victim of Auschwitz afterwards, that he actually is a liar means that you are willing to scale down what happened to him.
So, as Germany is the country of which the Holocaust came, the majority of the Germans decided, that this part of their history will not be falsified, misjudged or scaled down.
It is what is is.

Just to give you an idea:
How the holocaust is seen by a person is a good lackmus test.
Or to put it vice versa:

The holocaust deniers are neither leftist or liberals.

ze germanguy
Questioning a point of history is not sick nor will it ever be. All matters of historical value are discussed every day of the week be it a recent event or from milenia ago. What is sick is a group of people wishing to imprison others whom wish to debate an historical event.

It begs the question why would such a group or individual not want a particular event to be debated. Could it be that when such events are debated they are found to be false in light of new evidence, theories or idea's.

Such as buffoon Bush stating it would be unpatritotic to debate what really happened on 9/11.
History has taught us that those who hide their actions or crimes do not usually want them to be aired in the public domain for the obvious reasons.
Germanguy, correct me if I am wrong but I do not recolect the German populace having a vote on who, what or how many persons were killed during the war years. And Zudels book questioned how many died not it never happened. Many holocausts have taken place over the centuries all but one are discussed and all but one you can end up in prison for.

One must question why anyone would want to imprison anyone for not believing in something or wanting to discuss the subject. Thats what we did in the middle ages to none believers. If the Holocaust is what it is claimed to be then it should be able to stand up to any amount of examination or scrutiny. Every other atrocity in mans history and there are many are frequently and openly debated.

This is not a German matter but a global one as this historical event affects the whole world unlike any other event. If we decide to imprison those who would challenge such events then we by virtue imprison ourselves to any form of truth lest the real culprits of a crime are exposed.

Locking people up does not stop people thinking what they do, you cannot kill an idea or a thought. It is better to openly debate any such matters to reveal the truth and educate people rather than hide behind threats and punishment.
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