Zora Neale Hurston


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
I opened up Google today, and find that they are celebrating Zora Neale Hurston's 123rd birthday.....

Zora Neale Hurston (January 7, 1891[1][2] – January 28, 1960) was an American folklorist, anthropologist, and author who worked for the Works Progress Administration (WPA). Of Hurston's four novels and more than 50 published short stories, plays, and essays, she is best known for her 1937 novel Their Eyes Were Watching God.
Zora Neale Hurston - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

1. Hurston was a black Republican who was generally sympathetic to the Old Right and a fan of Booker T. Washington's self-help politics. She disagreed with the philosophies (including Communism and the New Deal) supported by many of her colleagues in the Harlem Renaissance.

2. Black playwrite Zora Neale Hurston: “Throughout the New Deal era the relief program was the biggest weapon ever placed in the hands of those who sought power and votes…Dependent upon governmentfor their daily bread, men gradually relaxed their watchfulness and submitted to the will of the “Little White Father,”… WORLD | History turned right side up | Marvin Olasky | Feb. 13, 2010

3. "Hurston, then, has taken her place in the Harlem Renaissance diorama, and it would be easy for us to read the knowing grin she wears in photos as signaling her recognition that Black Is Beautiful… a fervent Republican who would be at home today on Fox News and whose racial pride led her to some unorthodox conclusions..… Hurston would also hang out in New York with Langston Hughes, Countee Cullen, and the literary gang she termed the “niggerati”…[Her writing] is a channeling of Boas’s idea, a demonstration that a remote, poverty-stricken world possessed a vital culture of its own and wasn’t merely a degraded version of mainstream white culture. Hurston bucked against what she called the “oleomargarine era in Negro writing” and urged black writers to resist merely imitating whites. This insistence that the humblest folkways of black America were a precious heritage crying for documentation was the bedrock of Hurston’s work. Today, we must read Mules and Men and Tell My Horse as history. Desegregation, roads, and media spelled the death of the folkways that Hurston documented.

a. For her, the key was self-reliance: “It’s the old idea, trite but true, of helping people to help themselves that will be the only salvation of the Negro in this country. No one from the outside can do it for him.” Unsurprisingly, she admired Booker T. Washington.

b.She knew that when it comes to ability, assertion cannot stand up to demonstration: “Equality is as you do it and not as you talk it. If you are better than I, you can tell me about it if you want to, but then again, show me so I can know. . . . If you can’t show me your superiority, don’t bother to bring the mess up, lest I merely rate you as a bully.” “Sometimes, I feel discriminated against. But it does not make me angry. It merely astonishes me. How can any deny themselves the pleasure of my company! "
Thus Spake Zora by John H. McWhorter, City Journal Summer 2009

Zora Neale Hurston was right in pointing out that
“All your skin folks ain’t your kin folks. And all your color ain’t your kind!”

Happy Birthday to Zora!
Reminds me of MLK.
Martin Luther King spoke often about self reliance, particularly to young males about the importance of self respect and the value of hard work.
When speaking of how blacks can get out of poverty - ''As long as the mind is enslaved, the body can never be free,'' he said. ''The Negro will only be free when he reaches down to the inner depths of his own being and signs with the pen and ink of assertive manhood his own emancipation proclamation.''
Funny how you virtually never hear those quotes.
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Black people, even though poor, used to be self reliant and had dignity.

But today the only black people who exhibit these traits are the racist members of the Nation of Islam.

And the average black person lives on the crumbs of the Democrat Party's hand outs. ... :cool:
I opened up Google today, and find that they are celebrating Zora Neale Hurston's 123rd birthday.....

Zora Neale Hurston (January 7, 1891[1][2] – January 28, 1960) was an American folklorist, anthropologist, and author who worked for the Works Progress Administration (WPA). Of Hurston's four novels and more than 50 published short stories, plays, and essays, she is best known for her 1937 novel Their Eyes Were Watching God.
Zora Neale Hurston - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

1. Hurston was a black Republican who was generally sympathetic to the Old Right and a fan of Booker T. Washington's self-help politics. She disagreed with the philosophies (including Communism and the New Deal) supported by many of her colleagues in the Harlem Renaissance.

2. Black playwrite Zora Neale Hurston: “Throughout the New Deal era the relief program was the biggest weapon ever placed in the hands of those who sought power and votes…Dependent upon governmentfor their daily bread, men gradually relaxed their watchfulness and submitted to the will of the “Little White Father,”… WORLD | History turned right side up | Marvin Olasky | Feb. 13, 2010

3. "Hurston, then, has taken her place in the Harlem Renaissance diorama, and it would be easy for us to read the knowing grin she wears in photos as signaling her recognition that Black Is Beautiful… a fervent Republican who would be at home today on Fox News and whose racial pride led her to some unorthodox conclusions..… Hurston would also hang out in New York with Langston Hughes, Countee Cullen, and the literary gang she termed the “niggerati”…[Her writing] is a channeling of Boas’s idea, a demonstration that a remote, poverty-stricken world possessed a vital culture of its own and wasn’t merely a degraded version of mainstream white culture. Hurston bucked against what she called the “oleomargarine era in Negro writing” and urged black writers to resist merely imitating whites. This insistence that the humblest folkways of black America were a precious heritage crying for documentation was the bedrock of Hurston’s work. Today, we must read Mules and Men and Tell My Horse as history. Desegregation, roads, and media spelled the death of the folkways that Hurston documented.

a. For her, the key was self-reliance: “It’s the old idea, trite but true, of helping people to help themselves that will be the only salvation of the Negro in this country. No one from the outside can do it for him.” Unsurprisingly, she admired Booker T. Washington.

b.She knew that when it comes to ability, assertion cannot stand up to demonstration: “Equality is as you do it and not as you talk it. If you are better than I, you can tell me about it if you want to, but then again, show me so I can know. . . . If you can’t show me your superiority, don’t bother to bring the mess up, lest I merely rate you as a bully.” “Sometimes, I feel discriminated against. But it does not make me angry. It merely astonishes me. How can any deny themselves the pleasure of my company! "
Thus Spake Zora by John H. McWhorter, City Journal Summer 2009

Zora Neale Hurston was right in pointing out that
“All your skin folks ain’t your kin folks. And all your color ain’t your kind!”

Happy Birthday to Zora!


I do not weep at the world I am too busy sharpening my oyster knife.

It would be against all nature for all the Negroes to be either at the bottom, top, or in between. We will go where the internal drive carries us like everybody else. It is up to the individual.
Black people, even though poor, used to be self reliant and had dignity.

But today the only black people who exhibit these traits are the racist members of the Nation of Islam.

And the average black person lives on the crumbs of the Democrat Party's hand outs. ... :cool:

Lots of evidence to support exactly what you've said.

A study of the 2000 census produces this interesting fact: while the median earning nationwide was $32,098, and $27,264 for blacks: blacks as individuals earned 85% of what Americans in general earned. But when considered as families, blacks earned only 66% of the national average for families. The reason? Because the average black family has fewer people than the general American family, because a higher proportion of black families lack fathers.

a. Comparing black married families with other married families, the blacks earned 88% of the national average.

b. Asian families earned 19% more than the national average.

c. As far back as 1980, black college-educated married couples earned more than white college-educated married couples.

d. As far back as 1969, young black males whose homes included newspapers, magazines and library cards, and who had attained the name number of years of school as young white males, had the same income.
The above from chapter six of “Economic Facts and Fallacies,” Sowell.

The Obamunists keep drumming into the group that they cannot make it without the support of Democrats/Liberals/Progressives/socialists....

...it's a lie.

BTW....there are many black conservatives....and inspiring book is "Uncle Sam's Plantation," by Star Parker.

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