Zimmerman’s apology a mockery.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

“I’m sorry for the “lost” of your son?” They did not lose their son, he took him from them. A feeble excuse for his benefit. Insulting, arrogant and condescending and self serving. I would like to have heard; “I am sorry for taking the life of your son.” It would show his responsibility in his death.
Tracy was crying? I can understand how he must have felt hearing this coming from the man that took his son’s life sitting looking him in the face? When a Black man cry, clear the room because he is going to explode. He showed more restraint than I could ever have. He was not sad and he was not happy, he was angry.
FOXNEWS there is no raical divide. They show Sharpton with a group of blacks behind and that is mis-leading which is a lie because there were many races there. FOXNEWS make this about race and not Sharption or Jackson.

“I’m sorry for the “lost” of your son?” They did not lose their son, he took him from them. A feeble excuse for his benefit. Insulting, arrogant and condescending and self serving. I would like to have heard; “I am sorry for taking the life of your son.” It would show his responsibility in his death.
Tracy was crying? I can understand how he must have felt hearing this coming from the man that took his son’s life sitting looking him in the face? When a Black man cry, clear the room because he is going to explode. He showed more restraint than I could ever have. He was not sad and he was not happy, he was angry.
FOXNEWS there is no raical divide. They show Sharpton with a group of blacks behind and that is mis-leading which is a lie because there were many races there. FOXNEWS make this about race and not Sharption or Jackson.


You idiots in the lynch mob won't accept an apology, and you won't accept any verdict in this case other than guilty. You are not concerned with justice, you are concerned only with revenge. You people nauseate me.
Junkie felon Rodney King's "apology" was a mockery and 55 people were killed in the riots. Is that what the left wants now?

“I’m sorry for the “lost” of your son?” ...
you try too hard with your feigned outrage. get a life of your own

they lost their son and Zimmerman apologized for being part of that. No one believes people like you, except other hateful little c()nts and pr!cks like you.


“I’m sorry for the “lost” of your son?” They did not lose their son, he took him from them. A feeble excuse for his benefit. Insulting, arrogant and condescending and self serving. I would like to have heard; “I am sorry for taking the life of your son.” It would show his responsibility in his death.
Tracy was crying? I can understand how he must have felt hearing this coming from the man that took his son’s life sitting looking him in the face? When a Black man cry, clear the room because he is going to explode. He showed more restraint than I could ever have. He was not sad and he was not happy, he was angry.
FOXNEWS there is no raical divide. They show Sharpton with a group of blacks behind and that is mis-leading which is a lie because there were many races there. FOXNEWS make this about race and not Sharption or Jackson.

I find it strange that people will go to the press and openly demand an apology, and then refuse to accept it. Guess what, it doesn't matter if the apology is real, fake, or contrived, Zimmerman just won the debate. Anyone that goes around complaining about an apology after it they complained about not getting one is a jerk.
Junkie felon Rodney King's "apology" was a mockery and 55 people were killed in the riots. Is that what the left wants now?

the left? :cuckoo:

No one knows what was in his heart as he spoke. The family was obviously tense, thinking of their dead son, and brother. The attorney should not have spoken and critiqued the apology.

Especially since he went out of his way to point out that Zimmerman had never apologized.
Zimmerman's apology was an apology.

Imagine that.

He shot the kid.

The kid died.

He feels badly about that; so he expresses regret and remorse.


I say, "good for him." I bet his lawyer would have preferred he say nothing -- at least not yet. But still, the guy showed some humanity and class.

Good on him.
Zimmerman's apology was an apology.

Imagine that.

He shot the kid.

The kid died.

He feels badly about that; so he expresses regret and remorse.


I say, "good for him." I bet his lawyer would have preferred he say nothing -- at least not yet. But still, the guy showed some humanity and class.

Good on him.

you bet he is sorry. what normal person would not be. even in self defense normal people would wish things didn't turn out the way they did

“I’m sorry for the “lost” of your son?” They did not lose their son, he took him from them. A feeble excuse for his benefit. Insulting, arrogant and condescending and self serving. I would like to have heard; “I am sorry for taking the life of your son.” It would show his responsibility in his death.
Tracy was crying? I can understand how he must have felt hearing this coming from the man that took his son’s life sitting looking him in the face? When a Black man cry, clear the room because he is going to explode. He showed more restraint than I could ever have. He was not sad and he was not happy, he was angry.
FOXNEWS there is no raical divide. They show Sharpton with a group of blacks behind and that is mis-leading which is a lie because there were many races there. FOXNEWS make this about race and not Sharption or Jackson.

It's clearly your opinion. It's clear too, that nothing Zimmerman could say or do is going to satisfy you. Be honest. :)
Zimmerman's apology was an apology.

Imagine that.

He shot the kid.

The kid died.

He feels badly about that; so he expresses regret and remorse.


I say, "good for him." I bet his lawyer would have preferred he say nothing -- at least not yet. But still, the guy showed some humanity and class.

Good on him.

you bet he is sorry. what normal person would not be. even in self defense normal people would wish things didn't turn out the way they did

I feel the same way.
Zimmerman's apology was an apology.

Imagine that.

He shot the kid.

The kid died.

He feels badly about that; so he expresses regret and remorse.


I say, "good for him." I bet his lawyer would have preferred he say nothing -- at least not yet. But still, the guy showed some humanity and class.

Good on him.

If he hadn't of apologized, they'd be criticising him for that.

“I’m sorry for the “lost” of your son?” They did not lose their son, he took him from them. A feeble excuse for his benefit. Insulting, arrogant and condescending and self serving. I would like to have heard; “I am sorry for taking the life of your son.” It would show his responsibility in his death.
Tracy was crying? I can understand how he must have felt hearing this coming from the man that took his son’s life sitting looking him in the face? When a Black man cry, clear the room because he is going to explode. He showed more restraint than I could ever have. He was not sad and he was not happy, he was angry.
FOXNEWS there is no raical divide. They show Sharpton with a group of blacks behind and that is mis-leading which is a lie because there were many races there. FOXNEWS make this about race and not Sharption or Jackson.

1) What was he supposed to do, let the guy bash his brains in without defending himself, so they wouldn't "have their son taken from them"? Maybe they shouldn't have raised their son to be such a violent, confrontational asswipe.

2) He's not sorry he killed the little shit, nor should he be. He's sorry that he was forced to kill him, which is completely appropriate, and he's sorry that they're suffering for his need to defend himself, which is damned generous of him, since they're the ones who raised the little jerk to be violent and assault people. Under the circumstances, he phrased his words exactly right, to express exactly what he's sorry about and nothing that he has no need to be sorry about.

3) No one gives a fuck what YOU "would have like to have heard". Contrary to your typical, liberal, narcissistic outlook on life, everything's not about you and what you "think". In truth, almost nothing is about you.

4) They're the ones who pissed and moaned for the cameras about wanting to hear an apology, so they have no business pissing and moaning because they got one. Furthermore, I am monumentally unimpressed by their bullshit about "how dare he get to say that?" as though they should have any right to dictate what other people can and can't say. They, like you, should get over themselves and realize that this isn't about them; it's about Zimmerman and Martin, and Zimmerman has every right to feel and say whatever the fuck he wants about HIS confrontation and HIS trial.

5) You can take your racist "when a black man cries" bullshit, and your unspeakably vile and noxious eagerness for violence and go fuck yourself. Martin's parents are revolting for their desire to capitalize on the death of their son, and you're just as revolting for your desire to encourage it.

But thank you for clarifying for everyone how much contempt leftist shits like you have for the justice system. Let the police investigate and the DA decide the charges? Let the courts give him a fair trial? Fuck that. Leftists are all about crucifying people in the media, inciting riots, and cheering on the notion of "clear the room, 'cause I'm gonna explode". And then, if you should ever get your sick, sociopathic desire of Martin's father acting like a violent savage - apparently just like he raised his son to do - you'll be crying your disgusting leftist eyes out about the "travesty" of the bailiffs shooting his mad dog ass down, I have no doubt. People like you are supperating boils on the ass of society.
Zimmerman's apology was an apology.

Imagine that.

He shot the kid.

The kid died.

He feels badly about that; so he expresses regret and remorse.


I say, "good for him." I bet his lawyer would have preferred he say nothing -- at least not yet. But still, the guy showed some humanity and class.

Good on him.

Actually, since no one is disputing that Zimmerman shot Martin, I would imagine his lawyer thought an expression of sorrow - I don't know if I'd call it an apology per se - over the incident was a good idea.

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