Zimmerman "beat up" according to treating physician after the shooting

He was a minor walking home from the store.

A strange man started stalking him.

He asked the man "why are you following me" when the man was near him.

Then a minute later he was dead.

The police have given in their report that Zimmerman could have averted the whole incident by NOT provoking a confrontaation.

He had NO right to stalk and confront the boy.

He caused the inccident

Yeah? Prove any of that, bitch.

The police did NOT give a report saying that "Zimmerman shouldn't have provoked a confrontation", but thank you so much for sharing your gratuitous projection of nonsense onto what they ACTUALLY said. I was having a real shortage of ignorant bullshit in my day, and you filled out the quota nicely.

ONE investigator ALLEGEDLY said (because I sure as hell haven't seen any evidence of the media's claim; haven't even seen them naming the investigator) that Zimmerman could have avoided the incident by not getting out of his car. I realize that in your diseased little peabrain, "getting out of the car" and "provoking a confrontation" are the same thing, but then, in your diseased little peabrain, you and a rational human being are the same thing, and it's obvious THAT isn't true.

Try to comprehend, if it's not too much of a strain for your two brain cells, that there is no law against getting out of one's car. There is no criminal culpability in walking down a sidewalk, even if you're doing it to see where someone went. There is no legal obligation not to look at people, nor is there a legal obligation not to be curious.

Everything else you said, of course, is complete and utter speculation and horseshit, just like everything else that spews from you.
Use of deadly force was not necessary either. Trayvon weighed 140 lbs and had nothing but his fist and a bag of skittles and Zimmerman was a180 lb man on Adderall and he had an advantage over this kid.
HIs injuries at the time of the incident do not coincide to the injuries he presented to the doctor the next day. stratches on the back of his head not done by one's head being bashed into concrete. Barely bleeding and did not even need a bandage?
I thing the lady has enough evidence to convict him and could have gone for 1st degree premediated murder.
A fifth grader could take this case and win.
He was a minor walking home from the store.

A strange man started stalking him.

He asked the man "why are you following me" when the man was near him.

Then a minute later he was dead.

The police have given in their report that Zimmerman could have averted the whole incident by NOT provoking a confrontaation.

He had NO right to stalk and confront the boy.

He caused the inccident
Following someone and confronting them is against the law?

Whew. Good thing you let me know. I've broken that law hundreds of times. :cuckoo:

What was your reason for doing so - and why 'hundreds of times'? I don't think I've ever done that.

I don't doubt for a second that you're one of those people who, when a crime is committed in your neighborhood, "didn't see or hear nothin', don't wanna get involved".
Not only has the media been soooooo unethical in reporting this incident, and politicans and activisits have been soooooo unethical in trying to spin it in a way that they can capitalize on it, we have a lot of of information that is being put out there as 'facts'. However, it really comes down to the only irrefutable facts anybody of us know for sure:

1. It is a fact that we don't KNOW whether Trayvon Martin attacked George Zimmerman in self defense or just because. . . .

2. It is a fact that we don't KNOW whether George Zimmerman profiled Trayvon Martin and/or intended him any harm. . . .

3. It is a fact that however it happened, Trayvon Martin was shot dead and George Zimmerman is charged with Second Degree Murder.

Those are the only facts we know for certain and can only speculate about what we read in the media versions re any other 'facts'.

But one other fact is becoming increasingly apparent to me. A lot of people, including some posting in this thread, don't really care what any other facts are, and are not the least bit interested in finding out what any other facts are. They are determined, however, that their chosen set of facts are the only ones that will ever be acceptable.

It goes further than individuals posting on a message board. There are those at every level of the media, political and even judicial spectrum questioning how the evidence can be so wrong.

Mike Nifong chose the wrong procedure in the La Crosse case, he should have just claimed that the evidence was wrong.

If we are to believe the latest information we have in the Martin/Zimmerman case, there has been a lot reported that was 'wrong, not the least of which was that affidavit that was used as a justification for the murder charge. If all that we have recently learned is true, then the ONLY decent thing would be to drop the murder charge for now and send the case to a Grand Jury to hear all the evidence and come to a conclusion if there is sufficient evidence for an indictment.
Does not matter who threw the first punch. Zimmerman did something to provoke this kid. He could have pushed him and provoked him into attacking him so he could shoot him and call it self defense. Does not matter that Trayvon threw the first punch. He had a right to if he felt threateded and stood his ground. You don't wait to get shot.
The man in the park shot first because he felt threaten and he got off on grounds of self defense and standing your ground. That is what the stand your ground mean.
Following someone and confronting them is against the law?

Whew. Good thing you let me know. I've broken that law hundreds of times. :cuckoo:

Roomy and truthmatters were the two witnesses that were there that night.

Why didnt they intervene to keep the evil WHITE guy from killing that innocent young man?

there was a witness there that night on the phone with Trayvon.

She told Trayvon to run when he said some strange man was following him.

She heard Trayvon say to someone "why are you following me".

Then she heard another voice and then the phone went dead.

THEN Trayvon had a bullet hole in his heart.

Those are pure facts of the case.

No, fool. The "pure facts of the case" are that the unidentified woman SAYS this conversation happened. There is no proof as to what was said; there is only proof that she was on the phone with Martin at 7:12 pm. Furthermore, not only does her version of the conversation sound extremely contrived and unrealistic, it also doesn't fit the timeline and events set out by Zimmerman's call to the police - which WAS recorded - or that set out by eyewitnesses.

The pure fact is that you're a mouthbreather who only hears what supports the half-assed view of the world you want to believe. It's the pure fact in this case, just like it's the pure fact in every other topic you poison with your worthless, nothing-intelligent-to-say presence.

When we need a village idiot, we'll call you.
Stand your ground law do not apply in this case no matter how much Taryvon fucked him up. Picking the fight won't work as it has already been ruled (and even the Supreme Court case that set up the precedence makes this distinction) that starting a fight invalidates the defense.

"Stand your ground" equates to "kill anyone you want to". I don't think so.

Which is basically what this comes down too.
Use of deadly force was not necessary either. Trayvon weighed 140 lbs and had nothing but his fist and a bag of skittles and Zimmerman was a180 lb man on Adderall and he had an advantage over this kid.
HIs injuries at the time of the incident do not coincide to the injuries he presented to the doctor the next day. stratches on the back of his head not done by one's head being bashed into concrete. Barely bleeding and did not even need a bandage?
I thing the lady has enough evidence to convict him and could have gone for 1st degree premediated murder.
A fifth grader could take this case and win.

A fifth grader has more sense than to post hysterical trash like that.

Roomy and truthmatters were the two witnesses that were there that night.

Why didnt they intervene to keep the evil WHITE guy from killing that innocent young man?

there was a witness there that night on the phone with Trayvon.

She told Trayvon to run when he said some strange man was following him.

She heard Trayvon say to someone "why are you following me".

Then she heard another voice and then the phone went dead.

THEN Trayvon had a bullet hole in his heart.

Those are pure facts of the case.

No, fool. The "pure facts of the case" are that the unidentified woman SAYS this conversation happened. There is no proof as to what was said; there is only proof that she was on the phone with Martin at 7:12 pm. Furthermore, not only does her version of the conversation sound extremely contrived and unrealistic, it also doesn't fit the timeline and events set out by Zimmerman's call to the police - which WAS recorded - or that set out by eyewitnesses.

The pure fact is that you're a mouthbreather who only hears what supports the half-assed view of the world you want to believe. It's the pure fact in this case, just like it's the pure fact in every other topic you poison with your worthless, nothing-intelligent-to-say presence.

When we need a village idiot, we'll call you.

The cell phone records back up the fact she was on the phone with her boyfriend.
i don't need a law to tell me that when somebody is on top of my beating me MMA style, and my 3 dozen screams for help avail me none, I can shoot the fucker.
Whether or not Martin had THC in his system is irrelevent. It all comes down to who threw the first punch.

Personally, I think it comes down to who didn't let a young man walk home in peace.

In a manslaughter case you have an excellent point.
But in a murder charge no way. The burden of proof is intent to kill from the start and there was no intent to kill from the start.
If there was then there would have never been a struggle on the ground.
No way a jury convicts on murder in this. How could they?
The Judge's charge in every state in the country on murder is "Jurists, unless you find that the defendant had the intent to kill the deceased from the time he first encountered him you must find the defendant not guilty."
Facts sure are a bitch. The law is even harder for the dumbmasses to understand.
This is an involuntary manslaughter case from the word go.
10 years to serve 1-3.

Zimmerman walks on the murder charge if that is all they are charged on before the jury goes out.
Book it.

Pretty close to agreeing with you here.

It's what it should have been in the beginning..manslaughter. The police did Zimmerman a disservice by letting him go.
Do you people KNOW the corronor said that Trayvon was shot from some distance?

Do you subhumans KNOW what "intermediate range" is, or does it have too many syllables for you?

"Intermediate range", according to forensics experts, means anywhere between one to eighteen inches. In other words, the gun was close, but not pressed up against his skin. This would, of course, coincide with the stippling on Martin's skin that was also reported in the autopsy. (Stippling, since I know you're too stupid to feed yourself without using a safety spoon, is a circular pattern of dots created around a gunshot wound from close proximity to the skin.)
i don't need a law to tell me that when somebody is on top of my beating me MMA style, and my 3 dozen screams for help avail me none, I can shoot the fucker.

City kids of all colors are murdering each other every day and no one says a word. This case fit the template because of the law in Florida. This tragedy was used and it looks like some idiots are still using it to promote the leftist hateful agenda. Sad to watch how politics is injected into everything in this wonderful country now by the left. Very sick, indeed.
Use of deadly force was not necessary either. Trayvon weighed 140 lbs and had nothing but his fist and a bag of skittles and Zimmerman was a180 lb man on Adderall and he had an advantage over this kid.
HIs injuries at the time of the incident do not coincide to the injuries he presented to the doctor the next day. stratches on the back of his head not done by one's head being bashed into concrete. Barely bleeding and did not even need a bandage?
I thing the lady has enough evidence to convict him and could have gone for 1st degree premediated murder.
A fifth grader could take this case and win.

How do you know George Zimmerman's weight? The police report didn't specify but did list his height as 5'9".

Trayvon Martin's height is listed as 6' and 160 pounds on the police record. Were you there to assess Zimmerman's injuries or are you depending on the biased media reports and hate sites that initially said neither Martin nor Zimmerman showed any sign of a scuffle, quite contrary to what the autopsy report and subsequent photos indicated.

I'm not buying that the gun was fired anywhere from 1 inch to 18 feet away from the victim. If fired at 1 inch, powder residue would be apparent on Martin's body. And if that is the case, and that will be evident at the trial, that also supports Zimmerman's version of the facts.

I am getting very weary of people claiming to know facts that none of us know, and condemning one or the other of the parties involved without knowing what the facts are.
You are right that possibly Martin also had the right to stand his ground.
But if Martin threw the first punch then the law is not on his side.
Sorry that does not fit your biased and prejudiced opinion.
You were not there. You do not know who threw the first punch.

I don't even play an attorney on TV, but I have to think that Zimmerman's actions determined what happened next. Martin was going home to watch the game. He bought snacks, he was going home. If Zimmerman had been on a different street, that's what would have happened.

IOW, Martin was not operating in a vacuum.

How do you know Martin was going home? Who said that?

Earliest reports, that was known. He was watching the NBA All Star game.

Dude you cant be serious by thinking that Zimmerman didn't have a right to defend his self.

If all the EYEwitness accounts are true, and the evidence that police submitted is true... why do we continue to try and hang Zimmerman?

I have been attacked and nearly killed one night... I was wishing I had a gun, and the cops said that would have been a nightmare for me, and now I see why.

Not saying Trayvon was a bad guy because he smoked weed... I could care less, Hell I smoked it, but he should not have attacked Zimmerman. Bad move...

Roomy, you know that too.... this is why I am giving ya heck man.

There is no turning back from killing someone matey, it is not defending yourself, it is killing someone, how did he get to his gun and presumably take the safety off and then shoot and kill this kid while as suggested taking a life threatening beating? i am interested as to how it will be shown that the kid was going to kill him.I think Zimmerman is a fucking coward and a murderer.

I was not there matey.... but from what I have read, the gun fell out Zimmerman's pants or pocket or something and Trayvon said "oh you have a gun, now your going to die with it" or something similar.
Again, I was not there... but if that's what happened, I would have shot too.

Even TM admits that Trayvon confronted Zimmerman... he should NOT have done that. At least not in the manner in which he did it.

Its a sad situation all around.

According to statements by Zimmerman's father - which one presumes are repeating what Zimmerman told him - Zimmerman's jacket flopped open during the struggle, revealing the gun, and Martin then said, "Now you're gonna die", and went for the gun. They struggled for it, and Zimmerman shot him.

And it seems highly unlikely at this point that anyone other than George Zimmerman is ever going to know for sure whether or not that's what actually happened.
There is no turning back from killing someone matey, it is not defending yourself, it is killing someone, how did he get to his gun and presumably take the safety off and then shoot and kill this kid while as suggested taking a life threatening beating? i am interested as to how it will be shown that the kid was going to kill him.I think Zimmerman is a fucking coward and a murderer.

I was not there matey.... but from what I have read, the gun fell out Zimmerman's pants or pocket or something and Trayvon said "oh you have a gun, now your going to die with it" or something similar.
Again, I was not there... but if that's what happened, I would have shot too.

Even TM admits that Trayvon confronted Zimmerman... he should NOT have done that. At least not in the manner in which he did it.

Its a sad situation all around.

According to statements by Zimmerman's father - which one presumes are repeating what Zimmerman told him - Zimmerman's jacket flopped open during the struggle, revealing the gun, and Martin then said, "Now you're gonna die", and went for the gun. They struggled for it, and Zimmerman shot him.

And it seems highly unlikely at this point that anyone other than George Zimmerman is ever going to know for sure whether or not that's what actually happened.

Oh, that's good because everybody knows Zimmerman is actually completely incapable of telling a lie to cover his ass.

I have read it in books.
I don't even play an attorney on TV, but I have to think that Zimmerman's actions determined what happened next. Martin was going home to watch the game. He bought snacks, he was going home. If Zimmerman had been on a different street, that's what would have happened.

IOW, Martin was not operating in a vacuum.

How do you know Martin was going home? Who said that?

Earliest reports, that was known. He was watching the NBA All Star game.

He was in possession of burglary tools. How do you know he wasn't scoping the neighborhood for his next job?

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