Zelensky wows Washington with inspiring address to Congress

Words from the outer fringe of American society. Zelensky received frequent standing ovations from both sides of the aisle, with, with only seven lonely far, far right Republicans frowning.
Dystopian shit that is. They’re cheering for a nuclear holocaust because of…Ukraine. WTF!

The Ukrainian president gave a stirring address to a joint session of Congress that drew comparisons to another given by Winston Churchill.​

WASHINGTON — “It’s too much for me,” Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky told members of Congress at the beginning of a powerful, often emotional address Wednesday evening in which he cast his nation’s struggle against Russia as an existential, global battle for freedom.

The former actor and comedian deftly roused American patriotism while defending Ukrainian sovereignty. He showed gratitude for American largesse even as he asked for more. Seemingly courting comparisons to Winston Churchill, who addressed Congress during the darkest days of World War II in 1941, he cut through partisan politics with an appeal to shared American and Ukrainian values.

The speech ended with Vice President Kamala Harris and outgoing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi hoisting a Ukrainian flag that Zelensky had presented to them. That same flag had been presented to Zelensky only days ago by soldiers in Bakhmut, a small city in eastern Ukraine on the front lines of the battle against Russia.

yeah.....it was very inspiring :rolleyes:

the only true patriots in the freakin' back stabbin' traitorous bunch. Americans are suffering for this insufferable little ukrainian prick.
And so many dumb Americans are happy to suffer for a Nazi infected corrupt authoritarian regime that has no importance or interest to 99% of Americans.

State run propaganda works on many….
It turned out that Zelensky handed Vice President Harris and Speaker Pelosi a flag with SS runes. And what is especially important - during Hanukkah.
But it doesn't matter. Zelensky could shit in the form of a swastika right on the speaker's desk. He is a jew and this means that his regime cannot be nazi!
Dear Fellow Americans, The fact that about $100 billion of our tax dollars have been given to Ukraine, and Russia is still there, isn't a win for Ukraine or for us. It is a win for our weapons manufacturers and the politicians, that they own.
They got americans to cheer having billions of our dollars transferred to the military industrial complex and the most corrupt country in Europe with Nazi battalions to support a war our Gov't provoked to protect a democracy, that doesn't exist and sovereignty we took in 2014.

P.S. BREAKING NEWS: White House insiders leak that the money saved by screwing rail workers out of sick pay will be used to replace torn and damaged copies of Mein Kampf for ukrainian nazis, because morale on the front lines is critical to military success.
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Words from the outer fringe of American society. Zelensky received frequent standing ovations from both sides of the aisle, with, with only seven lonely far, far right Republicans frowning.
Chris Hedges' argument is overwhelmingly strong.
The GOP of course, is also a war party. So there's a consensus for war in Washington, and that means the USA is going to be driven into bankruptcy and destroyed by the rest of the world.

The Democrats are Now the War Party​

The Democratic Party has become the party of permanent war, fueling massive military spending which is hollowing out the country from the inside and flirting with with nuclear war.​

The Democrats are Now the War Party
Chris Hedges' argument is overwhelmingly strong.
The GOP of course, is also a war party. So there's a consensus for war in Washington, and that means the USA is going to be driven into bankruptcy and destroyed by the rest of the world.

The Democrats are Now the War Party​

The Democratic Party has become the party of permanent war, fueling massive military spending which is hollowing out the country from the inside and flirting with with nuclear war.​

The Democrats are Now the War Party
The only country that has gone to war is Russia. Everyone else is interested in peace.

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