Zelensky has threatened to punish any Christian caught worshiping in "unapproved ways."

But the dem/libs want to send him billions in cash, billions in equipment, and american troops to engage in a war with Russia. They are lunatics.
Again, they are the extension of the the world globalists determined to reduce the population by half by 2030 at the earliest.

AI is ready to take over 80 percent of all jobs by then. They see the classes below them the same way me and you look at an ants nest in our yard. Something that needs to be dealt with. That's all and the day everyone understands that, will be the day they understand and see what the world is up to.

They are TELLING US PLAINLY BTW. Even the left wing stooges that post here parrot this theme that we are an overpopulated planet.

They say it as if they won't be targeted for extermination. That's how stupid they are.

They are telling us their plans. Morons.
Putin is the enemy. If you speak out against his war, you can go to prison for 15 years, or be poisoned to death.


I believe anything on Tucker Carlson's show about as much as I believe in UFOs or psychics.

So what are these Biden cabinet members doing with Putin's henchmen?

The guy on the left is running the war for Russia right now.

Well, Putin is a homicidal maniac, for starters, but I'm sure you'll find a way to normalize his behavior, just like you did Trump's.
There are a lot of homicidal maniacs we are happy to trade with. China being a prime example.
Well, Putin is a homicidal maniac, for starters, but I'm sure you'll find a way to normalize his behavior, just like you did Trump's.

Got a cell phone? Why are you supporting the enslavement and exploitation of Africans?
Well, Putin is a homicidal maniac, for starters, but I'm sure you'll find a way to normalize his behavior, just like you did Trump's.
Drive a car? Why are you supporting the homicidal maniac in Saudi Arabia Or Venezuel?
According to who? You? NATO existed as a counter to the WARSAW pact and the USSR. Those haven’t existed for decades. Since the time of the dissolution of the USSR NATO has done nothing but grow. Something we assured Russia wouldnt happen when they agreed to give all the satellite countries their independence. Why does NATO continue to grow or even exist?

From the Russian perspective NATO started moving East long before they made any effort to move west.

Yes but why? What’s the reason behind the aggression. Acting like the west hasnt played a part in this debacle is fantasy.
NATO never was a threat to invade the Soviet Union. It was always defensive in purpose. It’s intent always was to provide a deterrent to Soviet aggression.
Drive a car? Why are you supporting the homicidal maniac in Saudi Arabia Or Venezuel?
Since 1945, Russia has been the sole threat to Western Europe. And now they have attacked a sovereign nation. Greed has cemented a relationship with China, and both of us hate the other. We are screwed if we get into a shooting match with them, and greed has caused that.
Originally posted by McRib
And now they have attacked a sovereign nation.

Sovereign nations that rent their land to serve the interests of foreign powers are asking for american or russian bombs.

Just ask the island of Grenada.

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