Zelensky got his latest payday...and then asked for more

It doesn't matter if Putin's Russia doesn't supposedly respect international law, you can still have him tried in absentia and if he is convicted for murdering his political opponents and journalists, that will seriously hurt him politically, diplomatically, and financially. etc, and give credence to your charges.

How will it hurt him?

Will the UN make war on Russia?

Oh wait, Russia is a security council member, they can veto any action.

The Hague is a bunch of toothless bureaucrats masturbating.
I wasn’t even born 60 years ago

No one cares. You are but a drone, a mindless automaton vomiting out what the Reich media programs you to bleat.

Your filthy Reich was and is active in the "culture war". Particularly the war waged on the nuclear family. One of Vladimir Lenin's early goals was to end the family unit, as family ties were often stronger than loyalty to the state. "The party is mother, the party is father" was a slogan of his Bolshevik party. Lenin in fact outlawed marriage - but that didn't work out well.

When your Reich went after the family in America, you were more subtle, adopting a style more like Hitler and less like the thug Lenin. You gave free money out - but ONLY to single women with children and no man the home. The destruction of black family was first, reversing 100 years of economic gains for black Americans in the span of a decade, and creating the gangster culture that democrats cultivate to this day.

The war on family is just one small part of the assault your filthy Reich has engaged in.

and I don’t want to destroy American so you are clearly full of shot.

Your Reich is waging civil war to end our Constitutional Republic.

Mindless drones like you are programmed to deny that we even are a Constitutional Republic - instead bleating idiocy about "muh duhmobcracy."

Why would anybody listen to what you say?

You are not capable of thinking. You are a drone; you do and think only what your Reich programs you to think.
No one cares. You are but a drone, a mindless automaton vomiting out what the Reich media programs you to bleat.

Your filthy Reich was and is active in the "culture war". Particularly the war waged on the nuclear family. One of Vladimir Lenin's early goals was to end the family unit, as family ties were often stronger than loyalty to the state. "The party is mother, the party is father" was a slogan of his Bolshevik party. Lenin in fact outlawed marriage - but that didn't work out well.

When your Reich went after the family in America, you were more subtle, adopting a style more like Hitler and less like the thug Lenin. You gave free money out - but ONLY to single women with children and no man the home. The destruction of black family was first, reversing 100 years of economic gains for black Americans in the span of a decade, and creating the gangster culture that democrats cultivate to this day.

The war on family is just one small part of the assault your filthy Reich has engaged in.

Your Reich is waging civil war to end our Constitutional Republic.

Mindless drones like you are programmed to deny that we even are a Constitutional Republic - instead bleating idiocy about "muh duhmobcracy."

You are not capable of thinking. You are a drone; you do and think only what your Reich programs you to think.
Haha, I stop reading after see the immature Hitler talk but I sure hope you feel better after getting all that hate off your chest. Happy new year.
Haha, I stop reading after see the immature Hitler talk but I sure hope you feel better after getting all that hate off your chest. Happy new year.
I didn't ask you. I know your answer.

You defend the authoritarian thug point of view that attempting to defending oneself from foreign aggression is provocation. It makes no sense, but you won't listen to logic.
ESay Richard-H

The following is a good summation of facts you three have never heard. Please get informed.

Volodymyr Zelensky became Ukrainian President in May 2019, running on a platform to unite his country for peace, and for closer ties with Russia. However, President Zelensky lied, because he is controlled by the US, and continued the warlike policies that had been in place in Ukraine since 2014. From 2014 to 2022, Ukraine bombarded and killed 14,000 Russians living in the Donbas region of Ukraine. Russian survivors of the Ukrainian attacks in the Donbas appealed to President Putin—who came to their aid on February 24, 2022.

The Russian-Ukrainian war, instigated by the west, economic sanctions against Russia and isolating Russia from Europe by blowing up the Nord Stream pipeline are all a geopolitical strategy, planned by Jewish neocons in the United States government—to drive President Putin from the presidency, weaken Russia, and divide Russia into many smaller countries, which would be easier for the US to control. The Russia-Ukrainian war has nothing to do with the Ukrainian people, who at this point are merely cannon fodder. However, as a side benefit, if Ukraine wins the war, which looks doubtful, President Zelensky, who is Jewish, said, “he wants to turn Ukraine into a big Israel.”

Volodymyr Zelensky was previously a comedian and an actor, who performed a showstopper—he would drop his trousers and play the piano with his penis.
ESay Richard-H

The following is a good summation of facts you three have never heard. Please get informed.

Volodymyr Zelensky became Ukrainian President in May 2019, running on a platform to unite his country for peace, and for closer ties with Russia. However, President Zelensky lied, because he is controlled by the US, and continued the warlike policies that had been in place in Ukraine since 2014. From 2014 to 2022, Ukraine bombarded and killed 14,000 Russians living in the Donbas region of Ukraine. Russian survivors of the Ukrainian attacks in the Donbas appealed to President Putin—who came to their aid on February 24, 2022.

The Russian-Ukrainian war, instigated by the west, economic sanctions against Russia and isolating Russia from Europe by blowing up the Nord Stream pipeline are all a geopolitical strategy, planned by Jewish neocons in the United States government—to drive President Putin from the presidency, weaken Russia, and divide Russia into many smaller countries, which would be easier for the US to control. The Russia-Ukrainian war has nothing to do with the Ukrainian people, who at this point are merely cannon fodder. However, as a side benefit, if Ukraine wins the war, which looks doubtful, President Zelensky, who is Jewish, said, “he wants to turn Ukraine into a big Israel.”

Volodymyr Zelensky was previously a comedian and an actor, who performed a showstopper—he would drop his trousers and play the piano with his penis.
I found the article that you copied this text from.

There’s a reason you didn’t link to it. Do you want to tell everyone or should I?
I found the article that you copied this text from.

There’s a reason you didn’t link to it. Do you want to tell everyone or should I?
Doesn’t matter. People can be wrong on some things and right on others. Look at yourself. However, you are generally wrong all the time.

Was he wrong on any of the points I posted?
Doesn’t matter. People can be wrong on some things and right on others. Look at yourself. However, you are generally wrong all the time.

Was he wrong on any of the points I posted?
Yes. You were very wrong on the points you posted.

The article you copied and pasted from was flagrantly anti-Semitic and basically blamed the whole war on the fact that Zelensky is Jewish.

Just do everyone knows, you enjoy reading and absorbing the opinions of people who are incredibly bigoted.

More from your author:
The “piece de resistance” of the long con, which makes President Zelensky proud, is the Jewish Holocaust scam. Just the fact that the Holocaust word is capitalized is a huge accomplishment in the annals of con jobs. Six million Jews were supposedly killed by Nazis in slave labor concentration camp gas-chambers during the WWII Holocaust. In addition, Jewish prisoners’ fat was allegedly rendered into soap and their human skin was sewn into lampshades. Six million Jews killed in Nazis gas chambers and rendered into soap and lampshades is pure Jewish fiction and a very effective fraud to tug at your heart strings. Jews, we are told, are the ultimate victims and you (i.e., non-jews) are the cause of all Jewish aguish and suffering. If you believe this, I have a bridge to sell you.
Yes. You were very wrong on the points you posted.

The article you copied and pasted from was flagrantly anti-Semitic and basically blamed the whole war on the fact that Zelensky is Jewish.

Just do everyone knows, you enjoy reading and absorbing the opinions of people who are incredibly bigoted.

More from your author:
The “piece de resistance” of the long con, which makes President Zelensky proud, is the Jewish Holocaust scam. Just the fact that the Holocaust word is capitalized is a huge accomplishment in the annals of con jobs. Six million Jews were supposedly killed by Nazis in slave labor concentration camp gas-chambers during the WWII Holocaust. In addition, Jewish prisoners’ fat was allegedly rendered into soap and their human skin was sewn into lampshades. Six million Jews killed in Nazis gas chambers and rendered into soap and lampshades is pure Jewish fiction and a very effective fraud to tug at your heart strings. Jews, we are told, are the ultimate victims and you (i.e., non-jews) are the cause of all Jewish aguish and suffering. If you believe this, I have a bridge to sell you.
Of course you miss the points made. Or just ignored them as you warmongers tend to do. The West did provoke the war, Z did lie about seeking peace with Russia, and he did play the piano with his dick...and what of the 14k killed in the Donbas since O’s coup in 2014?
Yes. You were very wrong on the points you posted.

The article you copied and pasted from was flagrantly anti-Semitic and basically blamed the whole war on the fact that Zelensky is Jewish.

Just do everyone knows, you enjoy reading and absorbing the opinions of people who are incredibly bigoted.

More from your author:
The “piece de resistance” of the long con, which makes President Zelensky proud, is the Jewish Holocaust scam. Just the fact that the Holocaust word is capitalized is a huge accomplishment in the annals of con jobs. Six million Jews were supposedly killed by Nazis in slave labor concentration camp gas-chambers during the WWII Holocaust. In addition, Jewish prisoners’ fat was allegedly rendered into soap and their human skin was sewn into lampshades. Six million Jews killed in Nazis gas chambers and rendered into soap and lampshades is pure Jewish fiction and a very effective fraud to tug at your heart strings. Jews, we are told, are the ultimate victims and you (i.e., non-jews) are the cause of all Jewish aguish and suffering. If you believe this, I have a bridge to sell you.
Here is another good column that will help in educating you. Once we complete your education, you’ll no longer be a dupe of a corrupt state.

It has become an established part of American life that the American people must bear a deep enmity toward Russia. If anyone dares to say anything good about Russia, the wrath of the national-security-state god and its loyal followers will come crashing down on him. Unless America somehow changes direction, this national policy of hatred of Russia is likely to last for years, if not decades.

This anti-Russia mentality is nothing new. We can go all the way back to the post-World War II period and find it there as well. In fact, both hatred and fear of Russia (and the entire Soviet Union) became the central feature of American life after the war and has continued ever since.

One irony in this was that the Soviet Union had been a partner and ally of the United States during the war. Both nations had worked together to defeat Nazi Germany. President Roosevelt even had friendly meetings with Soviet leader Joseph Stalin, in which he agreed that Russia could control Eastern European countries after the war.

After the war, however, Russia and the Soviet Union became Public Enemy Number 1. Every American was expected to hate and fear them. In fact, hatred and fear of Russia became the justification for the conversion of the federal government from a limited-government republic to a national-security state. That’s when the federal government — or, to be more precise — the national-security branch of the government — acquired omnipotent, totalitarian-like powers, such as assassination, torture, and indefinite detention.

The reason for all this hatred and fear of Russia was that Russia was controlled by a communist regime. The belief was that there was an international communist conspiracy to take over the world, especially the United States — a conspiracy that was supposedly based in Moscow. To question this notion was akin to heresy among the Pentagon, the CIA, and the NSA, which are the principal parts of the national-security establishment.

What makes John F. Kennedy’s short tenure as president so remarkable is that he dared to challenge this deep anti-Russia paradigm for America. Not surprisingly, Kennedy’s challenge of the existing paradigm infuriated the national-security establishment. More important, they considered it to be a grave threat to “national security,” a threat that had to be dealt with.

By the time that Kennedy openly expressed his opposition to the anti-Russia paradigm and his determination to move America in a different direction, he was already embroiled in an all-out war with the national-security establishment.
Russian War Aggression in Ukraine? It's a Fiction - LRC Blog
Of course you miss the points made. Or just ignored them as you warmongers tend to do. The West did provoke the war, Z did lie about seeking peace with Russia, and he did play the piano with his dick...and what of the 14k killed in the Donbas since O’s coup in 2014?
Yes, Zelensky always sought peace with Russia and he does to this day.

The problem is Zelensky's campaign was based on closer integration and ties with the west, not Russia. He also didn't rule out Ukraine becoming a part of NATO.

The 14k killed in Donbas isn't accurate. 14k killed is the total number of casualties, 11k of which are people engaged in armed combat, most of which are separatists who are armed and supported by Russia since 2014.

Civilian deaths number 3000. These are deaths caused by both sides because remember that 300 of these came from Russians shooting down an airliner. Since beocming president in 2019, there have been less than 100 civilian casualties in the Donbas.

The points made are as false as the author trying to claim the Holocaust is a hoax.
Here is another good column that will help in educating you. Once we complete your education, you’ll no longer be a dupe of a corrupt state.

It has become an established part of American life that the American people must bear a deep enmity toward Russia. If anyone dares to say anything good about Russia, the wrath of the national-security-state god and its loyal followers will come crashing down on him. Unless America somehow changes direction, this national policy of hatred of Russia is likely to last for years, if not decades.

This anti-Russia mentality is nothing new. We can go all the way back to the post-World War II period and find it there as well. In fact, both hatred and fear of Russia (and the entire Soviet Union) became the central feature of American life after the war and has continued ever since.

One irony in this was that the Soviet Union had been a partner and ally of the United States during the war. Both nations had worked together to defeat Nazi Germany. President Roosevelt even had friendly meetings with Soviet leader Joseph Stalin, in which he agreed that Russia could control Eastern European countries after the war.

After the war, however, Russia and the Soviet Union became Public Enemy Number 1. Every American was expected to hate and fear them. In fact, hatred and fear of Russia became the justification for the conversion of the federal government from a limited-government republic to a national-security state. That’s when the federal government — or, to be more precise — the national-security branch of the government — acquired omnipotent, totalitarian-like powers, such as assassination, torture, and indefinite detention.

The reason for all this hatred and fear of Russia was that Russia was controlled by a communist regime. The belief was that there was an international communist conspiracy to take over the world, especially the United States — a conspiracy that was supposedly based in Moscow. To question this notion was akin to heresy among the Pentagon, the CIA, and the NSA, which are the principal parts of the national-security establishment.

What makes John F. Kennedy’s short tenure as president so remarkable is that he dared to challenge this deep anti-Russia paradigm for America. Not surprisingly, Kennedy’s challenge of the existing paradigm infuriated the national-security establishment. More important, they considered it to be a grave threat to “national security,” a threat that had to be dealt with.

By the time that Kennedy openly expressed his opposition to the anti-Russia paradigm and his determination to move America in a different direction, he was already embroiled in an all-out war with the national-security establishment.
Russian War Aggression in Ukraine? It's a Fiction - LRC Blog
The link and the text don't line up.

The text isn't really all that interesting and the information is quite outdated since it doesn't really even go past Kennedy. The west did a lot of work to improve and integrate Russia after the fall of the Soveit Union, but our efforts were in vain as Russia decided to descend back into centralized authoritarianism.
Yes, Zelensky always sought peace with Russia and he does to this day.

The problem is Zelensky's campaign was based on closer integration and ties with the west, not Russia. He also didn't rule out Ukraine becoming a part of NATO.

The 14k killed in Donbas isn't accurate. 14k killed is the total number of casualties, 11k of which are people engaged in armed combat, most of which are separatists who are armed and supported by Russia since 2014.

Civilian deaths number 3000. These are deaths caused by both sides because remember that 300 of these came from Russians shooting down an airliner. Since beocming president in 2019, there have been less than 100 civilian casualties in the Donbas.

The points made are as false as the author trying to claim the Holocaust is a hoax.
Z never sought peace. He sought war. This has already been admitted to. They admitted the Minsk Agreement was all a fraud to allow the Ukraine to arm itself for war.

Please keep up.
The link and the text don't line up.

The text isn't really all that interesting and the information is quite outdated since it doesn't really even go past Kennedy. The west did a lot of work to improve and integrate Russia after the fall of the Soveit Union, but our efforts were in vain as Russia decided to descend back into centralized authoritarianism.
It shows how easily the elites can shape public opinion. They duped you right?
The 14k killed in Donbas isn't accurate. 14k killed is the total number of casualties, 11k of which are people engaged in armed combat, most of which are separatists who are armed and supported by Russia since 2014
Yes, actually I have told giptard about that. But this piece keeps posting this figure in the way Russian propaganda are manipulating it.

Thanks for the clarification about the article this idiot posted.
Z never sought peace. He sought war. This has already been admitted to. They admitted the Minsk Agreement was all a fraud to allow the Ukraine to arm itself for war.

Please keep up.
I guess Zelensky could have "sought peace" by disarming and letting Russia invade Ukraine without putting up much of a fight.

Defending oneself is not the same as seeking war.

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