Yup.. Economy Far worse Now...

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
The Obama economy is far worse than the one he was left by Bush/Democrat Congress and Obama...and Obama would like your vote...:cuckoo:..cuckoo
Sorry bout that,

1. This is the worst economy America has been in since the *Great Depression*.
2. Trust me folks, huge amounts of people are not working, and can't find a job, and are not being counted in the un-employed group, 8.2 is a farce bullshit percentage.
3. Its more like 24% out of work, and I am being generous, to the low side.
4. Its really bad people, wake the hell up and smell the coffee.

"While the unemployment rate dropped to 8.1 percent from 8.3 percent, it was only because many Americans gave up the hunt for work. "

5. Read the last part of that sentence, let it sink in.

"A total of 368,000 people gave up looking for work last month, the household survey showed."

6. Pay attention stupid, that was just one month, last month,....

7. LINK: http://cnsnews.com/news/article/rec...labor-force-119000-fewer-employed-august-july

"The number of Americans whom the U.S. Department of Labor counted as “not in the civilian labor force” in August hit a record high of 88,921,000.

The Labor Department counts a person as not in the civilian labor force if they are at least 16 years old, are not in the military or an institution such as a prison, mental hospital or nursing home, and have not actively looked for a job in the last four weeks. The department counts a person as in “the civilian labor force” if they are at least 16, are not in the military or an institution such as a prison, mental hospital or nursing home, and either do have a job or have actively looked for one in the last four weeks.

In July, there were 155,013,000 in the U.S. civilian labor force. In August that dropped to 154,645,000—meaning that on net 368,000 people simply dropped out of the labor force last month and did not even look for a job.

There were also 119,000 fewer Americans employed in August than there were in July. In July, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were 142,220,000 Americans working. But, in August, there were only 142,101,000 Americans working."

8. This link confirms the first, read carefully stupid, its far far more terrible than the libnut media is claiming by their spin machine, spare me folks! I am a pro at this, never doubt me for a second!

9. Look, 89 million not working when they could, if the jobs were there, we have perhaps 300 million people in America??? right??
10. Do the arithmatic,...
11. Read again what I highlighted in red, from these two independent sites, yes, let it sink in, into your thick fucking skull. :badgrin:

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The Obama economy is far worse than the one he was left by Bush/Democrat Congress and Obama...and Obama would like your vote...:cuckoo:..cuckoo

An economy that is growing at 2% is better than the same economy contracting at -6%, GDP that is.

You have to be spectacularly ignorant not to comprehend that.
The Obama economy is far worse than the one he was left by Bush/Democrat Congress and Obama...and Obama would like your vote...:cuckoo:..cuckoo

That is so wrong, it's fucking retarded. Only a fool could believe something this stupid.

This is the "real" truth. Not what Republicans "wish" was the truth.

The Obama economy is far worse than the one he was left by Bush/Democrat Congress and Obama...and Obama would like your vote...:cuckoo:..cuckoo

An economy that is growing at 2% is better than the same economy contracting at -6%, GDP that is.

You have to be spectacularly ignorant not to comprehend that.

I'm going with " spectacularly ignorant". What else could it be?
The Obama economy is far worse than the one he was left by Bush/Democrat Congress and Obama...and Obama would like your vote...:cuckoo:..cuckoo

An economy that is growing at 2% is better than the same economy contracting at -6%, GDP that is.

You have to be spectacularly ignorant not to comprehend that.

I'm going with " spectacularly ignorant". What else could it be?

Well, to be honest, around here, the 'nuts have made the speculator the mundane.
White House to miss deadline for report on 'fiscal cliff' budget cuts

Under the terms of the Sequestration Transparency Act signed in August, President Obama was to tell Congress by Friday how the administration plans to implement the $109 billion in automatic cuts mandated by the Budget Control Act.

The Office of Management and Budget has repeatedly failed to make legal deadlines. It delivered its presidential budget proposals and mid-session updates late both this year and last year.

Republicans have tried to tie the tardiness to the failure of the Senate to pass a budget resolution for the last three years.
White House to miss deadline for report on 'fiscal cliff' budget cuts - The Hill's On The Money

Maybe this is one of the reasons the economy is so bad. Obamas is so bad at his job. He doesn't care about deadlines, he is just "winging it." Being the leader of the USA is no a job you can "wing."
The Obama economy is far worse than the one he was left by Bush/Democrat Congress and Obama...and Obama would like your vote...:cuckoo:..cuckoo

An economy that is growing at 2% is better than the same economy contracting at -6%, GDP that is.

You have to be spectacularly ignorant not to comprehend that.

I'm going with " spectacularly ignorant". What else could it be?

I'm going with you 3 stooges actually believing in the crap you spew...:lol:
The Obama economy is far worse than the one he was left by Bush/Democrat Congress and Obama...and Obama would like your vote...:cuckoo:..cuckoo

An economy that is growing at 2% is better than the same economy contracting at -6%, GDP that is.

You have to be spectacularly ignorant not to comprehend that.

I'm going with " spectacularly ignorant". What else could it be?

No, there's another possibility: being a fuckin' troll who knows he's spewing bullshit.
My any measure Obama is a pathetically failed President.. smell the reality...
An economy that is growing at 2% is better than the same economy contracting at -6%, GDP that is.

You have to be spectacularly ignorant not to comprehend that.

I'm going with " spectacularly ignorant". What else could it be?

No, there's another possibility: being a fuckin' troll who knows he's spewing bullshit.

Dont be so hard on yourself, skippy.

It is undoubted this is the worst president ever. The steeper the recession, the stronger the recovery has been the rule. This economy is the exception. The economy has consistently created fewer jobs than necessary and has only achieved UE reduction by having people leave the workforce. WOrkforce participation is at the lowest level since the early 1980s.

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