Yukon Men. WTF???


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
Discovery channel should be ashamed of themselves. I never watched that show, Yukon Men, but was channel surfing and stayed on it for a short while. Then I quickly changed the channel after I saw how the asshole that breeds sled dogs treated his dogs. WTF is Discovery Channel thinking showing that crap? And traps that break legs?
Wanna shoot a moose for meat to survive? Great. But abusing animals while hunting is not cool. Shoot it, eat it, use all its parts but don't torture it first.

And the dogs. It is a damn good thing that creep is in Alaska and not near me. He wouldn't have any hands left to drag and beat his dogs like that.
It's true, Gracie. The Iditarod trail committee will try to tell you otherwise, but I have seen much abuse of dogs in the name of dog mushing. Notice where I'm from.

Just recently, during the Iditaord, a dog who had been dropped from the race was left chained outside with no shelter in blizzard conditions and ended up suffocating under a snow drift. Disgusting. But not an uncommon way to treat dogs in the villages.

It is common for sled dogs to live their entire lives chained up on a short chain.

I grew up in Native villages up here because my parents were Bureau of Indian affairs teachers. I think that is why I am such an advocate for animals...I saw so much mistreatment of animals in those villages.

And trapping...don't get me started. It is barbaric. But a lot of Alaskans will tell outsiders to mind their own business. I feel the same way on some matters, but when it comes to abuse of animals...it's everyone's business!

So maybe Discovery Channel is just showing the truth, and maybe people will see it and start boycotting this state. We get a lot of money from tourism...boycott us.
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