Yuge: Ohio Family Bakery Stopped Shoplifter, Protesters Called Them Racist, Jury Awards Them $11M


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Punch them back twice as hard.

A family that has owned and operated an Ohio bakery near Oberlin College since 1885 suffered accusations of racism and protests after stopping a black Oberlin College student from shoplifting. That prompted the Gibson family, which has owned and operated the business since its inception, to sue the college and its interim vice president and dean of students, Meredith Raimondo, asserting that they had defamed the bakery and caused emotional distress.

On Friday, a jury awarded the family $11 million.

A witness for the plaintiffs, accountant Frank Monaco, had testified that the Gibsons were set to lose about $5.8 million over the next 30 years because of the accusations of racism. He noted that the business had been in operation for over 130 years, adding, “When you have people thinking you’re racist, and you live in a small town, the accusation can last a lifetime.”

A witness testifying for the defendants claimed the business was worth only $35,000.

According to the lawsuit filed by the Gibson family, David Gibson and his son, Allyn, were working at the bakery on November 9, 2016, when Jonathan Aladin entered the bakery with two other students, Cecelia Whettstone and Endia Lawrence.

According to The Chronicle-Telegram:

Oberlin police reported that Aladin tried to buy a bottle of wine Nov. 9 but Allyn Gibson, whose family owns the bakery, refused to sell it to him. Gibson confronted Aladin about the two bottles of wine the student allegedly had hidden under his shirt. The police report said Gibson told Aladin he was calling the police and not to leave. Aladin allegedly tried to leave, and Gibson told police he took out his phone to take a picture. That’s when Gibson said Aladin slapped the phone from his hand and the device hit Gibson in the face. Police have said Aladin then ran from the store, dropping the two bottles of wine to the floor.

Gibson chased after Aladin and the two men got into a physical confrontation outside.When police arrived, they reported seeing Gibson on the ground with Aladin, Lawrence and Whettstone hitting him.

Ohio Family Bakery Stopped Shoplifter. Protesters Called Them Racist. This Jury Just Awarded The Bakery $11 Million.
Punch them back twice as hard.

A family that has owned and operated an Ohio bakery near Oberlin College since 1885 suffered accusations of racism and protests after stopping a black Oberlin College student from shoplifting. That prompted the Gibson family, which has owned and operated the business since its inception, to sue the college and its interim vice president and dean of students, Meredith Raimondo, asserting that they had defamed the bakery and caused emotional distress.

On Friday, a jury awarded the family $11 million.

A witness for the plaintiffs, accountant Frank Monaco, had testified that the Gibsons were set to lose about $5.8 million over the next 30 years because of the accusations of racism. He noted that the business had been in operation for over 130 years, adding, “When you have people thinking you’re racist, and you live in a small town, the accusation can last a lifetime.”

A witness testifying for the defendants claimed the business was worth only $35,000.

According to the lawsuit filed by the Gibson family, David Gibson and his son, Allyn, were working at the bakery on November 9, 2016, when Jonathan Aladin entered the bakery with two other students, Cecelia Whettstone and Endia Lawrence.

According to The Chronicle-Telegram:

Oberlin police reported that Aladin tried to buy a bottle of wine Nov. 9 but Allyn Gibson, whose family owns the bakery, refused to sell it to him. Gibson confronted Aladin about the two bottles of wine the student allegedly had hidden under his shirt. The police report said Gibson told Aladin he was calling the police and not to leave. Aladin allegedly tried to leave, and Gibson told police he took out his phone to take a picture. That’s when Gibson said Aladin slapped the phone from his hand and the device hit Gibson in the face. Police have said Aladin then ran from the store, dropping the two bottles of wine to the floor.

Gibson chased after Aladin and the two men got into a physical confrontation outside.When police arrived, they reported seeing Gibson on the ground with Aladin, Lawrence and Whettstone hitting him.

Ohio Family Bakery Stopped Shoplifter. Protesters Called Them Racist. This Jury Just Awarded The Bakery $11 Million.
Well, they wonder why people are getting crazy, this is the reason. I found that Stupid is catching.
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Justice isn't just an abstract concept sometimes. It actually works as intended at times and it feels great.
Ohio jury awards $11 million to bakery owners targeted by Oberlin College student protests - Washington Times

Black students shoplift from bakery and are arrested.

Stupid fucking SJW students and Oberlin faculty try to put bakery out of business with threats and calls they are racist.

Bakery shoves is right up the college’s ass.

Fuck you social justice warrior losers.

Congrats, bakery owners.
PUNCH BACK TWICE AS HARD: VERDICT: Jury awards Gibson’s Bakery $11 million against Oberlin College.

The verdict sends a strong message that colleges and universities cannot simply wind up and set loose student social justice warriors and then wash their hands of the consequences. In this case, a wholly innocent 5th-generation bakery was falsely accused of being racist and having a history racial profiling after stopping three black Oberlin College students from shoplifting. The students eventually pleaded guilty, but not before large protests and boycotts intended to destroy the bakery and defame the owners. The jury found that Oberlin College facilitated the wrongful conduct against the bakery.


Four generations of Gibsons after Jury Verdict
Oberlin College claimed the Bakery was worth only $35k, less than one semester at Oberlin College:

This case is bigger than just this case, and reflects reflects Higher Ed disconnect from the lives of most Americans:

When the verdict was read by the judge, four generations of the Gibson family — from 11-year-old Cashlyn to 90-year old Allyn W. “Grandpa” Gibson — hugged each other behind their plaintiff’s courtroom table. They are a hardy bunch, and did not cry or show too much emotion — no wailing or crying by this family — but as one who has watched them for over a month now, you could see a burden had been lifted from their shoulders.

It was the culmination of their life being blown up and their state of living being pushed upside down ever since three students from Oberlin College shoplifted at their store on Nov. 9, 2016.

Their reward for calling the police on the shoplifters was being tagged as racist by the Oberlin College students who protested their actions. And for Oberlin College to support those actions of defamation. Two-and-a-half years later they feel somewhat vindicated, as an Ohio jury saw what Oberlin College did to them was wrong and slapping them with an $11 million judgement for doing so.

“The jury saw that Oberlin College went out of their way to harm a good family and longtime business in their community for no real reason, and the jury said we aren’t going to tolerate that in our community any more,” Rarric said. “The college kept saying we don’t control our students. But the jury told them that we can tolerate some of this from time to time, but not what you did this time.”

“What the jury saw is that teaching students and having them learn how to be upstanding members of the community is what colleges are supposed to do, not appease some students who they are afraid of,” Plakas said. “People around the country should learn from this, that you can use the legal system to right the wrongs, even if the one doing the wrong is some huge institution who thinks they can do anything they want.”

Roger Copeland, a retired Oberlin College professor of theater and dance, was in the courtroom and seemed ecstatic after the jury came back with their verdict. Prof. Copeland is somewhat famous in the courtroom for getting this response on a Raimondo text to co-workers after a letter-to-the editor he wrote was critical of the school for their handling of the Gibson’ affair. “Fuck him,” Raimondo responded in a text message about Copeland. “I’d say unleash the students if I wasn’t convinced this needs to be put behind us.”

“I’m exhilarated by this verdict,” Copeland said, whose wife Michele worked at the school in food service and testified she was under orders by the school to cut the business off from the cafeteria bagels and pastries they provided because of the student unrest.

“What is most amazing about this trial is that the public was able to see what the process really was in how the school goes about its business,” Copeland said. “It’s almost like the mask has been ripped off the face and we can now see what the face really looks like.”

Here are the counts that went to the jury:

Count 1: Libel
Count 3: Tortious Interference with Business Relationships
Count 4: Tortious Interference with Contracts
Count 6: Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress

The day after the 2016 election victory by Donald Trump, a black male Oberlin College student was stopped for shoplifting wine at Gibson’s Bakery and Market in downtown Oberlin, OH. Gibson’s had been in existence since 1885, was frequented by students, and also provided baked goods to the college dining halls. A scuffle ensued that was joined by two black female Oberlin College students accompanying the male shoplifter and apparently acting in concert with him. All three eventually would plead guilty to shoplifting and aggravated trespassing, and would avow that Gibson’s was not engaged in racial profiling.

But before those guilty pleas, students at the college immediately declared that Gibson’s was guilty of racial profiling, and large protests were organized outside the bakery. Flyers were passed out claiming Gibson’s was “racist” and had “a long account of racial profiling and discrimination.” The Oberlin College Dean of Students Meredith Raimondo participated in handing out the flyers in front of the bakery. The Oberlin College Student Senate also passed a resolution claiming Gibson’s “has a long history of racial profiling and discriminatory treatment of students and residents alike.” The college administration helped spread this student senate resolution.

Students started a boycott of the bakery, initially joined in by the college. The college eventually resumed business with the bakery, but then terminated that business after the lawsuit was filed.

Gibson’s and its owners sued the college and Raimondo for libel, tortious interference with business relationships and contracts, intentional infliction of emotional distress, and trespass. Gibson’s alleged long-term damage to its business and reputation for the allegedly defamatory accusations and other torts. The plaintiffs in closing argument asked the jury to award $12.8 million in compensatory damages.
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Ohio jury awards $11 million to bakery owners targeted by Oberlin College student protests - Washington Times

Black students shoplift from bakery and are arrested.

Stupid fucking SJW students and Oberlin faculty try to put bakery out of business with threats and calls they are racist.

Bakery shoves is right up the college’s ass.

Fuck you social justice warrior losers.

Congrats, bakery owners.
PUNCH BACK TWICE AS HARD: VERDICT: Jury awards Gibson’s Bakery $11 million against Oberlin College.

The verdict sends a strong message that colleges and universities cannot simply wind up and set loose student social justice warriors and then wash their hands of the consequences. In this case, a wholly innocent 5th-generation bakery was falsely accused of being racist and having a history racial profiling after stopping three black Oberlin College students from shoplifting. The students eventually pleaded guilty, but not before large protests and boycotts intended to destroy the bakery and defame the owners. The jury found that Oberlin College facilitated the wrongful conduct against the bakery.


Four generations of Gibsons after Jury Verdict
Oberlin College claimed the Bakery was worth only $35k, less than one semester at Oberlin College:

This case is bigger than just this case, and reflects reflects Higher Ed disconnect from the lives of most Americans:

When the verdict was read by the judge, four generations of the Gibson family — from 11-year-old Cashlyn to 90-year old Allyn W. “Grandpa” Gibson — hugged each other behind their plaintiff’s courtroom table. They are a hardy bunch, and did not cry or show too much emotion — no wailing or crying by this family — but as one who has watched them for over a month now, you could see a burden had been lifted from their shoulders.

It was the culmination of their life being blown up and their state of living being pushed upside down ever since three students from Oberlin College shoplifted at their store on Nov. 9, 2016.

Their reward for calling the police on the shoplifters was being tagged as racist by the Oberlin College students who protested their actions. And for Oberlin College to support those actions of defamation. Two-and-a-half years later they feel somewhat vindicated, as an Ohio jury saw what Oberlin College did to them was wrong and slapping them with an $11 million judgement for doing so.

“The jury saw that Oberlin College went out of their way to harm a good family and longtime business in their community for no real reason, and the jury said we aren’t going to tolerate that in our community any more,” Rarric said. “The college kept saying we don’t control our students. But the jury told them that we can tolerate some of this from time to time, but not what you did this time.”

“What the jury saw is that teaching students and having them learn how to be upstanding members of the community is what colleges are supposed to do, not appease some students who they are afraid of,” Plakas said. “People around the country should learn from this, that you can use the legal system to right the wrongs, even if the one doing the wrong is some huge institution who thinks they can do anything they want.”

Roger Copeland, a retired Oberlin College professor of theater and dance, was in the courtroom and seemed ecstatic after the jury came back with their verdict. Prof. Copeland is somewhat famous in the courtroom for getting this response on a Raimondo text to co-workers after a letter-to-the editor he wrote was critical of the school for their handling of the Gibson’ affair. “Fuck him,” Raimondo responded in a text message about Copeland. “I’d say unleash the students if I wasn’t convinced this needs to be put behind us.”

“I’m exhilarated by this verdict,” Copeland said, whose wife Michele worked at the school in food service and testified she was under orders by the school to cut the business off from the cafeteria bagels and pastries they provided because of the student unrest.

“What is most amazing about this trial is that the public was able to see what the process really was in how the school goes about its business,” Copeland said. “It’s almost like the mask has been ripped off the face and we can now see what the face really looks like.”

Here are the counts that went to the jury:

Count 1: Libel
Count 3: Tortious Interference with Business Relationships
Count 4: Tortious Interference with Contracts
Count 6: Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress

The day after the 2016 election victory by Donald Trump, a black male Oberlin College student was stopped for shoplifting wine at Gibson’s Bakery and Market in downtown Oberlin, OH. Gibson’s had been in existence since 1885, was frequented by students, and also provided baked goods to the college dining halls. A scuffle ensued that was joined by two black female Oberlin College students accompanying the male shoplifter and apparently acting in concert with him. All three eventually would plead guilty to shoplifting and aggravated trespassing, and would avow that Gibson’s was not engaged in racial profiling.

But before those guilty pleas, students at the college immediately declared that Gibson’s was guilty of racial profiling, and large protests were organized outside the bakery. Flyers were passed out claiming Gibson’s was “racist” and had “a long account of racial profiling and discrimination.” The Oberlin College Dean of Students Meredith Raimondo participated in handing out the flyers in front of the bakery. The Oberlin College Student Senate also passed a resolution claiming Gibson’s “has a long history of racial profiling and discriminatory treatment of students and residents alike.” The college administration helped spread this student senate resolution.

Students started a boycott of the bakery, initially joined in by the college. The college eventually resumed business with the bakery, but then terminated that business after the lawsuit was filed.

Gibson’s and its owners sued the college and Raimondo for libel, tortious interference with business relationships and contracts, intentional infliction of emotional distress, and trespass. Gibson’s alleged long-term damage to its business and reputation for the allegedly defamatory accusations and other torts. The plaintiffs in closing argument asked the jury to award $12.8 million in compensatory damages.

Good for them.......they defeated the Borg Collective...the socialist nut jobs who will destroy anyone who they disagree with....
Can you believe the defense lawyers for the college tried to argue a bakery that has been around for over 120 years and employed 12 people was only worth $35,000?

What disgusting pieces of shit.

With additional punitive treble damages, the award might go to $44 million!

I hope it bankrupts the school! Fuck em.
Ohio jury awards $11 million to bakery owners targeted by Oberlin College student protests - Washington Times

Black students shoplift from bakery and are arrested.

Stupid fucking SJW students and Oberlin faculty try to put bakery out of business with threats and calls they are racist.

Bakery shoves is right up the college’s ass.

Fuck you social justice warrior losers.

Congrats, bakery owners.
PUNCH BACK TWICE AS HARD: VERDICT: Jury awards Gibson’s Bakery $11 million against Oberlin College.

The verdict sends a strong message that colleges and universities cannot simply wind up and set loose student social justice warriors and then wash their hands of the consequences. In this case, a wholly innocent 5th-generation bakery was falsely accused of being racist and having a history racial profiling after stopping three black Oberlin College students from shoplifting. The students eventually pleaded guilty, but not before large protests and boycotts intended to destroy the bakery and defame the owners. The jury found that Oberlin College facilitated the wrongful conduct against the bakery.


Four generations of Gibsons after Jury Verdict
Oberlin College claimed the Bakery was worth only $35k, less than one semester at Oberlin College:

This case is bigger than just this case, and reflects reflects Higher Ed disconnect from the lives of most Americans:

When the verdict was read by the judge, four generations of the Gibson family — from 11-year-old Cashlyn to 90-year old Allyn W. “Grandpa” Gibson — hugged each other behind their plaintiff’s courtroom table. They are a hardy bunch, and did not cry or show too much emotion — no wailing or crying by this family — but as one who has watched them for over a month now, you could see a burden had been lifted from their shoulders.

It was the culmination of their life being blown up and their state of living being pushed upside down ever since three students from Oberlin College shoplifted at their store on Nov. 9, 2016.

Their reward for calling the police on the shoplifters was being tagged as racist by the Oberlin College students who protested their actions. And for Oberlin College to support those actions of defamation. Two-and-a-half years later they feel somewhat vindicated, as an Ohio jury saw what Oberlin College did to them was wrong and slapping them with an $11 million judgement for doing so.

“The jury saw that Oberlin College went out of their way to harm a good family and longtime business in their community for no real reason, and the jury said we aren’t going to tolerate that in our community any more,” Rarric said. “The college kept saying we don’t control our students. But the jury told them that we can tolerate some of this from time to time, but not what you did this time.”

“What the jury saw is that teaching students and having them learn how to be upstanding members of the community is what colleges are supposed to do, not appease some students who they are afraid of,” Plakas said. “People around the country should learn from this, that you can use the legal system to right the wrongs, even if the one doing the wrong is some huge institution who thinks they can do anything they want.”

Roger Copeland, a retired Oberlin College professor of theater and dance, was in the courtroom and seemed ecstatic after the jury came back with their verdict. Prof. Copeland is somewhat famous in the courtroom for getting this response on a Raimondo text to co-workers after a letter-to-the editor he wrote was critical of the school for their handling of the Gibson’ affair. “Fuck him,” Raimondo responded in a text message about Copeland. “I’d say unleash the students if I wasn’t convinced this needs to be put behind us.”

“I’m exhilarated by this verdict,” Copeland said, whose wife Michele worked at the school in food service and testified she was under orders by the school to cut the business off from the cafeteria bagels and pastries they provided because of the student unrest.

“What is most amazing about this trial is that the public was able to see what the process really was in how the school goes about its business,” Copeland said. “It’s almost like the mask has been ripped off the face and we can now see what the face really looks like.”

Here are the counts that went to the jury:

Count 1: Libel
Count 3: Tortious Interference with Business Relationships
Count 4: Tortious Interference with Contracts
Count 6: Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress

The day after the 2016 election victory by Donald Trump, a black male Oberlin College student was stopped for shoplifting wine at Gibson’s Bakery and Market in downtown Oberlin, OH. Gibson’s had been in existence since 1885, was frequented by students, and also provided baked goods to the college dining halls. A scuffle ensued that was joined by two black female Oberlin College students accompanying the male shoplifter and apparently acting in concert with him. All three eventually would plead guilty to shoplifting and aggravated trespassing, and would avow that Gibson’s was not engaged in racial profiling.

But before those guilty pleas, students at the college immediately declared that Gibson’s was guilty of racial profiling, and large protests were organized outside the bakery. Flyers were passed out claiming Gibson’s was “racist” and had “a long account of racial profiling and discrimination.” The Oberlin College Dean of Students Meredith Raimondo participated in handing out the flyers in front of the bakery. The Oberlin College Student Senate also passed a resolution claiming Gibson’s “has a long history of racial profiling and discriminatory treatment of students and residents alike.” The college administration helped spread this student senate resolution.

Students started a boycott of the bakery, initially joined in by the college. The college eventually resumed business with the bakery, but then terminated that business after the lawsuit was filed.

Gibson’s and its owners sued the college and Raimondo for libel, tortious interference with business relationships and contracts, intentional infliction of emotional distress, and trespass. Gibson’s alleged long-term damage to its business and reputation for the allegedly defamatory accusations and other torts. The plaintiffs in closing argument asked the jury to award $12.8 million in compensatory damages.

Good for them.......they defeated the Borg Collective...the socialist nut jobs who will destroy anyone who they disagree with....

Borg Collective describes them very well.
Ohio jury awards $11 million to bakery owners targeted by Oberlin College student protests - Washington Times

Black students shoplift from bakery and are arrested.

Stupid fucking SJW students and Oberlin faculty try to put bakery out of business with threats and calls they are racist.

Bakery shoves it right up the college’s ass.

Fuck you social justice warrior losers.
I love this story. First step to college idiots learning about life outside their little self absorbed bubble.
Can you believe the defense lawyers for the college tried to argue a bakery that has been around for over 120 years and employed 12 people was only worth $35,000?

What disgusting pieces of shit.

With additional punitive treble damages, the award might go to $44 million!

I hope it bankrupts the school! Fuck em.
Liberal lawyers are pieces of shit. So are liberal judges.
Ohio jury awards $11 million to bakery owners targeted by Oberlin College student protests - Washington Times

Black students shoplift from bakery and are arrested.

Stupid fucking SJW students and Oberlin faculty try to put bakery out of business with threats and calls they are racist.

Bakery shoves it right up the college’s ass.

Fuck you social justice warrior losers.
I love this story. First step to college idiots learning about life outside their little self absorbed bubble.

Can you believe these entitle little fuckheads paying $40,000 a semester for school tried to put a 5th generation bakery out of business?

It’s fucking vomitous and they have already cashed in some major karma points.

What disgusting sociopaths.

The criminals pled fucking guilty! They shoplifted! They bakery did nothing wrong.

It’s too bad the students themselves aren’t responsible for the verdict and made to pay like $2000/month for the rest of their lives to the bakery.
Ohio jury awards $11 million to bakery owners targeted by Oberlin College student protests - Washington Times

Black students shoplift from bakery and are arrested.

Stupid fucking SJW students and Oberlin faculty try to put bakery out of business with threats and calls they are racist.

Bakery shoves it right up the college’s ass.

Fuck you social justice warrior losers.
I love this story. First step to college idiots learning about life outside their little self absorbed bubble.

What Oberlin did in sending its SJW's against the bakery was no different that Mao Zedong's call for university students to rise up against those in China who did not bow down to the Party, communist party that is. Speaking of old Mao, can you believe these Google search results on "Mao Zedong Cultural Revolution"?

Screenshot (1).png

Under People Also Ask, get a load of the question: 'What did Mao Zedong do that was so important?' A question framed as though Mao is some great cultural/historical hero . . . insane, Google, insane!
Ohio jury awards $11 million to bakery owners targeted by Oberlin College student protests - Washington Times

Black students shoplift from bakery and are arrested.

Stupid fucking SJW students and Oberlin faculty try to put bakery out of business with threats and calls they are racist.

Bakery shoves it right up the college’s ass.

Fuck you social justice warrior losers.
I love this story. First step to college idiots learning about life outside their little self absorbed bubble.

What Oberlin did in sending its SJW's against the bakery was no different that Mao Zedong's call for university students to rise up against those in China who did not bow down to the Party, communist party that is. Speaking of old Mao, can you believe these Google search results on "Mao Zedong Cultural Revolution"?

View attachment 264411

Under People Also Ask, get a load of the question: 'What did Mao Zedong do that was so important?' A question framed as though Mao is some great cultural/historical hero . . . insane, Google, insane!

Mao murdered like 20 million?

What a hero.

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