You're part of the problem?


liberal / progressive
Jun 4, 2007
Listening to Donald Trump talk about the Japanese dumping cars, China's monetary policies, Ford spending billions in Mexico has been interesting. Compare his comments with corporate MSM and you must wonder why the loss of well paying jobs confuses the talking heads. Open your eyes too to outsourcing.

Then you hear infrastructure work will create jobs, yep agreed. But which infrastructure? The inner cities need schools, parks, housing, and street work. Imagine what a kick in the pants for the local economy that would provide? Can you spell jobs.

America's extravagant tax policies only help the top and guess what folks, the top is doing fine, more than fine. We are now a country blind to itself, lost over fear of terrorism, immigrants, and black helicopters coming for your guns. It would be comedy if it weren't true.

"For example, the index gives an American-made car no credit in the profit margin category if the carmaker is based overseas. With Ford Motor Company and General Motors, DuBois argues, the majority of the company's shareholders are in the U.S., "and the profits go to the central coffers and are paid out" to mostly U.S. shareholders. With a foreign carmaker such as Honda, KIA or Porsche, the profits primarily go back to shareholders in their home countries, he says."


Factors Measured:

Profit Margin: Where the automaker's global headquarters is located

Labor: Where the car is assembled

Research and Development

Inventory, Capital, and Other Expenses: Location of assembly

Engine and Transmission: Location of production

Body, Interior, Chassis, Electrical, and Other: Location of production

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration AALA "Domestic Content" Score

2013 Kogod Made in America Auto Index Kogod School of Business American University Washington DC

Engineers on Autos and Jobs

Offshoring American jobs

America s Biggest Companies Continue To Move Factories Offshore And Eliminate Thousands of American Jobs

'America's Biggest Companies Continue To Move Factories Offshore And Eliminate Thousands of American Jobs'

And way down here is the solution, pay attention, support politicians who support America in more that just rhetoric. Buy American and let the corporations and media know you're on to them. Power is in numbers. Donald Trump won't be our next president, but I'm glad he brought up a bit of the reality of economics today.

Buy American and Thumbs up!
Listening to Donald Trump talk about the Japanese dumping cars, China's monetary policies, Ford spending billions in Mexico has been interesting. Compare his comments with corporate MSM and you must wonder why the loss of well paying jobs confuses the talking heads. Open your eyes too to outsourcing.

Then you hear infrastructure work will create jobs, yep agreed. But which infrastructure? The inner cities need schools, parks, housing, and street work. Imagine what a kick in the pants for the local economy that would provide? Can you spell jobs.

America's extravagant tax policies only help the top and guess what folks, the top is doing fine, more than fine. We are now a country blind to itself, lost over fear of terrorism, immigrants, and black helicopters coming for your guns. It would be comedy if it weren't true.

"For example, the index gives an American-made car no credit in the profit margin category if the carmaker is based overseas. With Ford Motor Company and General Motors, DuBois argues, the majority of the company's shareholders are in the U.S., "and the profits go to the central coffers and are paid out" to mostly U.S. shareholders. With a foreign carmaker such as Honda, KIA or Porsche, the profits primarily go back to shareholders in their home countries, he says."


Factors Measured:

Profit Margin: Where the automaker's global headquarters is located

Labor: Where the car is assembled

Research and Development

Inventory, Capital, and Other Expenses: Location of assembly

Engine and Transmission: Location of production

Body, Interior, Chassis, Electrical, and Other: Location of production

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration AALA "Domestic Content" Score

2013 Kogod Made in America Auto Index Kogod School of Business American University Washington DC

Engineers on Autos and Jobs

Offshoring American jobs

America s Biggest Companies Continue To Move Factories Offshore And Eliminate Thousands of American Jobs

'America's Biggest Companies Continue To Move Factories Offshore And Eliminate Thousands of American Jobs'

And way down here is the solution, pay attention, support politicians who support America in more that just rhetoric. Buy American and let the corporations and media know you're on to them. Power is in numbers. Donald Trump won't be our next president, but I'm glad he brought up a bit of the reality of economics today.

Buy American and Thumbs up!
Well, OK then.
Listening to Donald Trump talk about the Japanese dumping cars, China's monetary policies, Ford spending billions in Mexico has been interesting. Compare his comments with corporate MSM and you must wonder why the loss of well paying jobs confuses the talking heads. Open your eyes too to outsourcing.

Then you hear infrastructure work will create jobs, yep agreed. But which infrastructure? The inner cities need schools, parks, housing, and street work. Imagine what a kick in the pants for the local economy that would provide? Can you spell jobs.

America's extravagant tax policies only help the top and guess what folks, the top is doing fine, more than fine. We are now a country blind to itself, lost over fear of terrorism, immigrants, and black helicopters coming for your guns. It would be comedy if it weren't true.

"For example, the index gives an American-made car no credit in the profit margin category if the carmaker is based overseas. With Ford Motor Company and General Motors, DuBois argues, the majority of the company's shareholders are in the U.S., "and the profits go to the central coffers and are paid out" to mostly U.S. shareholders. With a foreign carmaker such as Honda, KIA or Porsche, the profits primarily go back to shareholders in their home countries, he says."


Factors Measured:

Profit Margin: Where the automaker's global headquarters is located

Labor: Where the car is assembled

Research and Development

Inventory, Capital, and Other Expenses: Location of assembly

Engine and Transmission: Location of production

Body, Interior, Chassis, Electrical, and Other: Location of production

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration AALA "Domestic Content" Score

2013 Kogod Made in America Auto Index Kogod School of Business American University Washington DC

Engineers on Autos and Jobs

Offshoring American jobs

America s Biggest Companies Continue To Move Factories Offshore And Eliminate Thousands of American Jobs

'America's Biggest Companies Continue To Move Factories Offshore And Eliminate Thousands of American Jobs'

And way down here is the solution, pay attention, support politicians who support America in more that just rhetoric. Buy American and let the corporations and media know you're on to them. Power is in numbers. Donald Trump won't be our next president, but I'm glad he brought up a bit of the reality of economics today.

Buy American and Thumbs up!
Lets try to figure out what was said.
Infrastructure - Shovel ready jobs, that aren't really shovel ready. Obama said it , I didn't. 1 trillion dollars wasted without results.
Tax policies - Who has been president for the past 6 1/2 years , where he talked about redistribution of wealth and the RICH GOT RICHER. yep liberals love to give our tax dollars to the liberal elite special interest groups.
When you are unionized and overpromise benefits, once the competition increases(in a capitalist society) the profits get smaller, so those promises cannot remain fulfilled. Yet unions, will adjust their pensions to their constituents, but not take a pay decrease to the union leaderships. They get paid to increase their memebership and if they don't, they just don't get a raise, a union worker walks off the job, he still must pay the dues or he gets blackballed and lose everything. Such stupid people who vote liberal.
Listening to Donald Trump talk about the Japanese dumping cars, China's monetary policies, Ford spending billions in Mexico has been interesting. Compare his comments with corporate MSM and you must wonder why the loss of well paying jobs confuses the talking heads. Open your eyes too to outsourcing.

Then you hear infrastructure work will create jobs, yep agreed. But which infrastructure? The inner cities need schools, parks, housing, and street work. Imagine what a kick in the pants for the local economy that would provide? Can you spell jobs.

America's extravagant tax policies only help the top and guess what folks, the top is doing fine, more than fine. We are now a country blind to itself, lost over fear of terrorism, immigrants, and black helicopters coming for your guns. It would be comedy if it weren't true.

"For example, the index gives an American-made car no credit in the profit margin category if the carmaker is based overseas. With Ford Motor Company and General Motors, DuBois argues, the majority of the company's shareholders are in the U.S., "and the profits go to the central coffers and are paid out" to mostly U.S. shareholders. With a foreign carmaker such as Honda, KIA or Porsche, the profits primarily go back to shareholders in their home countries, he says."


Factors Measured:

Profit Margin: Where the automaker's global headquarters is located

Labor: Where the car is assembled

Research and Development

Inventory, Capital, and Other Expenses: Location of assembly

Engine and Transmission: Location of production

Body, Interior, Chassis, Electrical, and Other: Location of production

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration AALA "Domestic Content" Score

2013 Kogod Made in America Auto Index Kogod School of Business American University Washington DC

Engineers on Autos and Jobs

Offshoring American jobs

America s Biggest Companies Continue To Move Factories Offshore And Eliminate Thousands of American Jobs

'America's Biggest Companies Continue To Move Factories Offshore And Eliminate Thousands of American Jobs'

And way down here is the solution, pay attention, support politicians who support America in more that just rhetoric. Buy American and let the corporations and media know you're on to them. Power is in numbers. Donald Trump won't be our next president, but I'm glad he brought up a bit of the reality of economics today.

Buy American and Thumbs up!
Lets try to figure out what was said.
Infrastructure - Shovel ready jobs, that aren't really shovel ready. Obama said it , I didn't. 1 trillion dollars wasted without results.
Tax policies - Who has been president for the past 6 1/2 years , where he talked about redistribution of wealth and the RICH GOT RICHER. yep liberals love to give our tax dollars to the liberal elite special interest groups.
When you are unionized and overpromise benefits, once the competition increases(in a capitalist society) the profits get smaller, so those promises cannot remain fulfilled. Yet unions, will adjust their pensions to their constituents, but not take a pay decrease to the union leaderships. They get paid to increase their memebership and if they don't, they just don't get a raise, a union worker walks off the job, he still must pay the dues or he gets blackballed and lose everything. Such stupid people who vote liberal.
ALL voters are stupid, not just the "Liberals". Go back and check who the voters have elected to serve in government over the past half century, and not just elected them once, but several times. Voters don't give a damn about anything except elected a representative of THEIR PARTY, period. You have die hard Republicans, die hard Democrats, and everything that has a label attached, voting for the damn crooks that make up "The Washington Brotherhood", which is directly responsible for many decades of "The Selling of America".
Listening to Donald Trump talk about the Japanese dumping cars, China's monetary policies, Ford spending billions in Mexico has been interesting. Compare his comments with corporate MSM and you must wonder why the loss of well paying jobs confuses the talking heads. Open your eyes too to outsourcing.

Then you hear infrastructure work will create jobs, yep agreed. But which infrastructure? The inner cities need schools, parks, housing, and street work. Imagine what a kick in the pants for the local economy that would provide? Can you spell jobs.

America's extravagant tax policies only help the top and guess what folks, the top is doing fine, more than fine. We are now a country blind to itself, lost over fear of terrorism, immigrants, and black helicopters coming for your guns. It would be comedy if it weren't true.

"For example, the index gives an American-made car no credit in the profit margin category if the carmaker is based overseas. With Ford Motor Company and General Motors, DuBois argues, the majority of the company's shareholders are in the U.S., "and the profits go to the central coffers and are paid out" to mostly U.S. shareholders. With a foreign carmaker such as Honda, KIA or Porsche, the profits primarily go back to shareholders in their home countries, he says."


Factors Measured:

Profit Margin: Where the automaker's global headquarters is located

Labor: Where the car is assembled

Research and Development

Inventory, Capital, and Other Expenses: Location of assembly

Engine and Transmission: Location of production

Body, Interior, Chassis, Electrical, and Other: Location of production

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration AALA "Domestic Content" Score

2013 Kogod Made in America Auto Index Kogod School of Business American University Washington DC

Engineers on Autos and Jobs

Offshoring American jobs

America s Biggest Companies Continue To Move Factories Offshore And Eliminate Thousands of American Jobs

'America's Biggest Companies Continue To Move Factories Offshore And Eliminate Thousands of American Jobs'

And way down here is the solution, pay attention, support politicians who support America in more that just rhetoric. Buy American and let the corporations and media know you're on to them. Power is in numbers. Donald Trump won't be our next president, but I'm glad he brought up a bit of the reality of economics today.

Buy American and Thumbs up!
Lets try to figure out what was said.
Infrastructure - Shovel ready jobs, that aren't really shovel ready. Obama said it , I didn't. 1 trillion dollars wasted without results.
Tax policies - Who has been president for the past 6 1/2 years , where he talked about redistribution of wealth and the RICH GOT RICHER. yep liberals love to give our tax dollars to the liberal elite special interest groups.
When you are unionized and overpromise benefits, once the competition increases(in a capitalist society) the profits get smaller, so those promises cannot remain fulfilled. Yet unions, will adjust their pensions to their constituents, but not take a pay decrease to the union leaderships. They get paid to increase their memebership and if they don't, they just don't get a raise, a union worker walks off the job, he still must pay the dues or he gets blackballed and lose everything. Such stupid people who vote liberal.
ALL voters are stupid, not just the "Liberals". Go back and check who the voters have elected to serve in government over the past half century, and not just elected them once, but several times. Voters don't give a damn about anything except elected a representative of THEIR PARTY, period. You have die hard Republicans, die hard Democrats, and everything that has a label attached, voting for the damn crooks that make up "The Washington Brotherhood", which is directly responsible for many decades of "The Selling of America".
i will agree with most of this except the "all" voters are stupid....some of us dont vote for the same old shit over and over
what crap

the right used to believe in building infrastructure too.

then they went all stupid as hell
Conservatives believe in building infrastructure done with private firms, which would do a good job for a fair wage in a day. Today with the onions , you see overpaid with underperformed and over the amount of time that normally the job would be done. Also if you notice about the RECALLS that have infected the 3 automakers, just shows once again, unions = mediocre productivity. A contract that says , nothing more, nothing less, unions cant be exceptional.
Listening to Donald Trump talk about the Japanese dumping cars, China's monetary policies, Ford spending billions in Mexico has been interesting. Compare his comments with corporate MSM and you must wonder why the loss of well paying jobs confuses the talking heads. Open your eyes too to outsourcing.

Then you hear infrastructure work will create jobs, yep agreed. But which infrastructure? The inner cities need schools, parks, housing, and street work. Imagine what a kick in the pants for the local economy that would provide? Can you spell jobs.

America's extravagant tax policies only help the top and guess what folks, the top is doing fine, more than fine. We are now a country blind to itself, lost over fear of terrorism, immigrants, and black helicopters coming for your guns. It would be comedy if it weren't true.

"For example, the index gives an American-made car no credit in the profit margin category if the carmaker is based overseas. With Ford Motor Company and General Motors, DuBois argues, the majority of the company's shareholders are in the U.S., "and the profits go to the central coffers and are paid out" to mostly U.S. shareholders. With a foreign carmaker such as Honda, KIA or Porsche, the profits primarily go back to shareholders in their home countries, he says."


Factors Measured:

Profit Margin: Where the automaker's global headquarters is located

Labor: Where the car is assembled

Research and Development

Inventory, Capital, and Other Expenses: Location of assembly

Engine and Transmission: Location of production

Body, Interior, Chassis, Electrical, and Other: Location of production

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration AALA "Domestic Content" Score

2013 Kogod Made in America Auto Index Kogod School of Business American University Washington DC

Engineers on Autos and Jobs

Offshoring American jobs

America s Biggest Companies Continue To Move Factories Offshore And Eliminate Thousands of American Jobs

'America's Biggest Companies Continue To Move Factories Offshore And Eliminate Thousands of American Jobs'

And way down here is the solution, pay attention, support politicians who support America in more that just rhetoric. Buy American and let the corporations and media know you're on to them. Power is in numbers. Donald Trump won't be our next president, but I'm glad he brought up a bit of the reality of economics today.

Buy American and Thumbs up!
Lets try to figure out what was said.
Infrastructure - Shovel ready jobs, that aren't really shovel ready. Obama said it , I didn't. 1 trillion dollars wasted without results.
Tax policies - Who has been president for the past 6 1/2 years , where he talked about redistribution of wealth and the RICH GOT RICHER. yep liberals love to give our tax dollars to the liberal elite special interest groups.
When you are unionized and overpromise benefits, once the competition increases(in a capitalist society) the profits get smaller, so those promises cannot remain fulfilled. Yet unions, will adjust their pensions to their constituents, but not take a pay decrease to the union leaderships. They get paid to increase their memebership and if they don't, they just don't get a raise, a union worker walks off the job, he still must pay the dues or he gets blackballed and lose everything. Such stupid people who vote liberal.
ALL voters are stupid, not just the "Liberals". Go back and check who the voters have elected to serve in government over the past half century, and not just elected them once, but several times. Voters don't give a damn about anything except elected a representative of THEIR PARTY, period. You have die hard Republicans, die hard Democrats, and everything that has a label attached, voting for the damn crooks that make up "The Washington Brotherhood", which is directly responsible for many decades of "The Selling of America".
i will agree with most of this except the "all" voters are stupid....some of us dont vote for the same old shit over and over
Yes, there are some like myself that are smart enough to not play the game. I'm glad to know that you don't play the game either. Thanks.
ALL voters are stupid....

Do you vote?
YES .. I do vote ..........

So, you're calling yourself stupid? No argument here.
No, not at all. ... I vote, but I'm NOT stupid enough to vote for a professional politician, nor do I vote for a party. I always write-in a candidate. It's everyone's right to write-in a candidate of their choice. No one is forced to vote for a party, nor for a professional politician.
what crap

the right used to believe in building infrastructure too.

then they went all stupid as hell
Conservatives believe in building infrastructure done with private firms, which would do a good job for a fair wage in a day. Today with the onions , you see overpaid with underperformed and over the amount of time that normally the job would be done. Also if you notice about the RECALLS that have infected the 3 automakers, just shows once again, unions = mediocre productivity. A contract that says , nothing more, nothing less, unions cant be exceptional.
Foreign-owned auto companies have invested $44 billion into their U.S. operations, accounting for 80,000 direct vehicle-manufacturing jobs and an additional 500,000 dealer and supplier jobs, according to the trade group Global Automakers. Their 300 U.S. facilities also account for nearly half of all vehicles built in the U.S.
Foreign Firms May Drive U.S. Auto Job Growth InvestorPlace

Now why in the hell does a foreign company come to the US and build cars, make a profit and reinvest in the US manufacturing base, but US companies do not?
Albeit they are non-union, but the US manufactures can move to another state that is right to work and still be in the USA and produce their product. Why go out of the country, unless it's a plant to build cars closer to a market?
YES .. I do vote ..........

So, you're calling yourself stupid? No argument here.
No, not at all. ... I vote....

You said "ALL voters are stupid...."
ALL voters that vote for a professional politician. ALL voters that vote for a party.

That's not what you said.
That's what I meant to say. I stand corrected.
Listening to Donald Trump talk about the Japanese dumping cars, China's monetary policies, Ford spending billions in Mexico has been interesting. Compare his comments with corporate MSM and you must wonder why the loss of well paying jobs confuses the talking heads. Open your eyes too to outsourcing.

Then you hear infrastructure work will create jobs, yep agreed. But which infrastructure? The inner cities need schools, parks, housing, and street work. Imagine what a kick in the pants for the local economy that would provide? Can you spell jobs.

America's extravagant tax policies only help the top and guess what folks, the top is doing fine, more than fine. We are now a country blind to itself, lost over fear of terrorism, immigrants, and black helicopters coming for your guns. It would be comedy if it weren't true.

"For example, the index gives an American-made car no credit in the profit margin category if the carmaker is based overseas. With Ford Motor Company and General Motors, DuBois argues, the majority of the company's shareholders are in the U.S., "and the profits go to the central coffers and are paid out" to mostly U.S. shareholders. With a foreign carmaker such as Honda, KIA or Porsche, the profits primarily go back to shareholders in their home countries, he says."


Factors Measured:

Profit Margin: Where the automaker's global headquarters is located

Labor: Where the car is assembled

Research and Development

Inventory, Capital, and Other Expenses: Location of assembly

Engine and Transmission: Location of production

Body, Interior, Chassis, Electrical, and Other: Location of production

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration AALA "Domestic Content" Score

2013 Kogod Made in America Auto Index Kogod School of Business American University Washington DC

Engineers on Autos and Jobs

Offshoring American jobs

America s Biggest Companies Continue To Move Factories Offshore And Eliminate Thousands of American Jobs

'America's Biggest Companies Continue To Move Factories Offshore And Eliminate Thousands of American Jobs'

And way down here is the solution, pay attention, support politicians who support America in more that just rhetoric. Buy American and let the corporations and media know you're on to them. Power is in numbers. Donald Trump won't be our next president, but I'm glad he brought up a bit of the reality of economics today.

Buy American and Thumbs up!

Smoot Hawley trade protection caused Great Depression. No surprise illiterate liberals support it today!!
"With all their faults, trade unions have done more for humanity than any other organization of men that ever existed." Clarence Darrow

Egads, is it any wonder Americans feel lost when the replies are about unions and simplistic nonsense about the cause of the great depression. Did Smoot cause the great recession too? Too funny how Americans, especially on the right, have pat answers given to them by corporate and economic ideologues. Life is so simple when the answer is so easy to remember. Does anyone today read history?

But back on topic. There needs to be a balance and the balance means supporting America sometime. And calling out off shoring and outsourcing is a place to start. Check the data in the OP next time.

Writing Unions Out of the Story on Fighting Poverty US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Galloping Over The Minimum Wage Myth Page 5 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

"A closer look at causes and effects held out little hope for the near future. Real incomes had fallen so steeply that even a large increase in the number of working wives and mothers failed to improve the grim figures. In 1975, 47.4 percent of women with children were in the workforce, a figure that by 1988 had risen to 65 percent. By 1990 "Median weekly family earnings from wages and salaries, adjusted for inflation, went from $516 in 1979 down to $471 in 1981, up to $537 in 1988 and then fell precipitously, to $501 today, according to the Labor Department." Even before the recession many families barely scraped by. Between 1969 and 1989 median household income in constant dollars had risen from $28,344 to $28,906, which actually constituted a decline owing to the great increase in working mothers. For white males with high school diplomas but no college education, wages had fallen by about 20 percent. Few corporations handed out cost living increases anymore, mostly because few could afford to, given the absence of serious productivity gains. For reasons economists did not understand, during the seventies and eighties productivity-the output of the economy per hour of work-increased at only half the rate of the 1950S and 1960s, except in the ever-shrinking manufacturing sector.

In most other industrial nations Strong unions protected the income of workers, as they once had in the United States. But the trade union movement as a whole had become a shell of its former self. In some cases this resulted from union-busting campaigns, in others entire unionized industries like steel had shriveled away, victims of cheap imports and lower production costs overseas. As late as 1975 steel had employed half a million workers, but by 1992 only 120,000 steelworkers still had jobs in the industry, and their numbers continued to dwindle. In the private sector as a whole, the percentage of jobs held by unionized workers had fallen from its all-time high of 35.7 percent in 1953 to 12 percent in 1990. If not for modest gains in the public sector, this figure would have been smaller stilt In the service industry conditions, only fair at best, had also worsened. In the 1980s, when services added some 20 million jobs and employed almost four of five workers, the debate turned on whether these were desirable jobs, but steady growth could be taken for granted. Except for health services, by January 1992 this assumption had ceased to be valid. In this recession, service industries suffered more than during earlier downturns. More managers and professionals were let go than in the 1981-1982 recession. Retailers had been laying off workers for 22 consecutive months." p36,37 "A Bubble in Time: America During the Interwar Years, 1989-2001' William L. O'Neill

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