You’re never going back to normal

How many of you realize this?

We all just lived through the Golden Ages (post WWII-COVID-19)

there is a cycle that goes

1 Tough times create strong men
2 Strong men create good times
3 Good times create weak men
4 Weak men create tough times

Can you guess what stage we’re at?

There has always been a battle of Good vs Evil since the very begging of Mankind, with evil forces set on destroying God’s creation.

It’s in the very first chapter of the Bible with ‘the forbidden fruit’

Look at all the war, genocide, slavery, and inequality throughout history. We’ve never experienced it in our lifetime. Those who did, (grandparents) are mostly dead or to old to do anything.

The reason why so many are sheep and unaware of what’s going on is because they have ‘VERY LITTLE KNOWLEDGE OF HISTORY’ and would therefore never think that their own government would purposely do them harm.

Then there are people who hated their pre-Covid life and enjoy seeing pain and suffering. They are called DemonRats
Christ life is easy. If you have not built a good life here it is your own damn fault. Quit crying , get off your ass and do something about it. What a little bitch.
I guess you are the Anti-Alex Jones. Instead of seeing socialists everywhere you see them nowhere,
it looks like. Sorry I woke you up.

Boo has spent his entire life waiting for the revolution. When the Sandinista's overthrew Nicaragua, with Soviet and Cuban forces waging war on Honduras, Boo had a dream that the Soviets would be through Mexico and on the Southern border, with spontaneous revolution in America as the oppressed proletarians rose up to welcome the Communist liberators with open arms.

But it never happened. The hatred Boo has for Trump is nothing compared to the hatred he has for Ronal Reagan, who destroyed his dream of America ruled by Moscow.

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