Your Thoughts.


que sera, sera
Feb 13, 2013
Jane is married to Joe. Joe's daughter (adult with her own children) is having probs in another state (daughter by the ex wife), so he goes there to help with the situation.

Joe winds up having sex with the ex wife. He goes home to Jane and Jane thinks something is wrong so checks his cell phone..which is hidden. She finds it while he is showering. The text messages are Joe and Ex talking about the good time they had and how much she looks forward to seeing him again.

Jane confronts Joe. He admits he did indeed cheat on Jane, and says he still have feelings for his ex. Jane is very upset.

Joe moves out, and in to the building of his employer where there is living quarters in the back of the shop. Jane stores what he does not take, into a storage unit and advertises for a roommate so she can pay the rent since he moved out.

2 days later, Joe arrives to get more of his stuff still at the house and says he still loves Jane. Jane is happy, but leary. Joe says his Ex has a boyfriend and no, he is not moving to the other state to return to the ex. He loves Jane, he says. that you got the gist....personally, I think he did indeed plan to return to the other state until he brought up to the ex that Jane found out about their little affair and the Ex said sorry to hear that but was just fling to her, so now he is scrambling to get back with jane. What are YOUR thoughts on this?
I suspect your right. I bet Joe would be willing to move out again if the right someone else from somewhere else came along. Joe's a shmuck. It's what shmucks do.

But, don't mind me. I'm big on kick 'em to the curb scenarios. I'm also available for temporary name calling when necessary until it's not necessary anymore.
I think men need to be men of honor and learn to keep their peckers in their pants when they've made other commitments.

In other words men, stop thinking with your dick!
For the record...Jane is not me. This is a friend of mine. I have been biting my tongue to NOT say what I think. Just offering support the best I can. Since he got busted, he spent the night with "Jane" one night. She has not heard from him in 2 days. She says it is because he is processing. I think its because he is trying to figure out what to do now.
Jane is married to Joe. Joe's daughter (adult with her own children) is having probs in another state (daughter by the ex wife), so he goes there to help with the situation.

Joe winds up having sex with the ex wife. He goes home to Jane and Jane thinks something is wrong so checks his cell phone..which is hidden. She finds it while he is showering. The text messages are Joe and Ex talking about the good time they had and how much she looks forward to seeing him again.

Jane confronts Joe. He admits he did indeed cheat on Jane, and says he still have feelings for his ex. Jane is very upset.

Joe moves out, and in to the building of his employer where there is living quarters in the back of the shop. Jane stores what he does not take, into a storage unit and advertises for a roommate so she can pay the rent since he moved out.

2 days later, Joe arrives to get more of his stuff still at the house and says he still loves Jane. Jane is happy, but leary. Joe says his Ex has a boyfriend and no, he is not moving to the other state to return to the ex. He loves Jane, he says. that you got the gist....personally, I think he did indeed plan to return to the other state until he brought up to the ex that Jane found out about their little affair and the Ex said sorry to hear that but was just fling to her, so now he is scrambling to get back with jane. What are YOUR thoughts on this?

She needs a good babysitter, the child isn't sure if he wants to swim or dive head first into concrete. Perhaps a group home until he matures, if ever. Many many do not think with their genitals, their stomachs lead them.
Jane is married to Joe. Joe's daughter (adult with her own children) is having probs in another state (daughter by the ex wife), so he goes there to help with the situation.

Joe winds up having sex with the ex wife. He goes home to Jane and Jane thinks something is wrong so checks his cell phone..which is hidden. She finds it while he is showering. The text messages are Joe and Ex talking about the good time they had and how much she looks forward to seeing him again.

Jane confronts Joe. He admits he did indeed cheat on Jane, and says he still have feelings for his ex. Jane is very upset.

Joe moves out, and in to the building of his employer where there is living quarters in the back of the shop. Jane stores what he does not take, into a storage unit and advertises for a roommate so she can pay the rent since he moved out.

2 days later, Joe arrives to get more of his stuff still at the house and says he still loves Jane. Jane is happy, but leary. Joe says his Ex has a boyfriend and no, he is not moving to the other state to return to the ex. He loves Jane, he says. that you got the gist....personally, I think he did indeed plan to return to the other state until he brought up to the ex that Jane found out about their little affair and the Ex said sorry to hear that but was just fling to her, so now he is scrambling to get back with jane. What are YOUR thoughts on this?

Does Joe have something Jane can sell?

If so she should do it, sell all his shit, or burn it. Paying for a storage unit is stupid.
I told her to come home. I would find a hole for her in this house. She refuses and says she needs to stay there. But...if she doesn't find a damn good job soon, AND a roomie, she will not be able to afford living there. Joe's boss pays the rent as part of Joe's pay. Since Joe no longer is living's only a matter of time before the rent is stopped being paid. Joe is settled in the shop back room.
It's a mess. And I don't dare say anything. She will get pissed off at ME for making her see the proverbial light.
Mostly, I wondered if my paranoia was taking over, which is why I asked y'all. All I know is what she has told me on the phone. "He said he loves the ex" then 48 hours later "He says he loves me and the ex has a boyfriend".
He signed the pink slip to the truck over to her, Samson. I think she is going to sell it. He is now driving the company truck.
Jane is married to Joe. Joe's daughter (adult with her own children) is having probs in another state (daughter by the ex wife), so he goes there to help with the situation.

Joe winds up having sex with the ex wife. He goes home to Jane and Jane thinks something is wrong so checks his cell phone..which is hidden. She finds it while he is showering. The text messages are Joe and Ex talking about the good time they had and how much she looks forward to seeing him again.

Jane confronts Joe. He admits he did indeed cheat on Jane, and says he still have feelings for his ex. Jane is very upset.

Joe moves out, and in to the building of his employer where there is living quarters in the back of the shop. Jane stores what he does not take, into a storage unit and advertises for a roommate so she can pay the rent since he moved out.

2 days later, Joe arrives to get more of his stuff still at the house and says he still loves Jane. Jane is happy, but leary. Joe says his Ex has a boyfriend and no, he is not moving to the other state to return to the ex. He loves Jane, he says. that you got the gist....personally, I think he did indeed plan to return to the other state until he brought up to the ex that Jane found out about their little affair and the Ex said sorry to hear that but was just fling to her, so now he is scrambling to get back with jane. What are YOUR thoughts on this?

He sounds like a jerk who wants to have his cake and eat it too.
That said.......... it's still up to Jane to either throw him to the curb or keep him.'s her choice on what to do. But dayum. It sure is hard for me to keep my mouth shut. has been 2 days. We email every day practically. Last email I sent said something along the lines of "I am so sorry you are experiencing this. I am not sure to say what I think or keep my mouth shut. Maybe it's best to just keep my mouth shut".
Haven't heard a peep from her since.
If he cheated once, he'll do it again..............They will never be the same..........end it.
For the record...Jane is not me. This is a friend of mine. I have been biting my tongue to NOT say what I think. Just offering support the best I can. Since he got busted, he spent the night with "Jane" one night. She has not heard from him in 2 days. She says it is because he is processing. I think its because he is trying to figure out what to do now.

You're doing the best you can, being supportive and "there". Understand that your input is worth exactly what it costs and don't be disappointed if what you recommend is ignored, in the long run. I have often wondered why women will put up with shit like this. Guy's a schmuck. He's trying to make sure he's got an out, regardless of how things pan out. Your friend should show him the door, and change the locks.
I just sent her another email...blah blah, doc visit wednesday, just ate a burger, hubby scored a nice persian rug over the weekend, yadda yadda. No mention of whats going on, on her end. I hope she responds.

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