Your first official act as President of the United States


Type 40
Jul 1, 2011
There seems to be a fairly wide range of opinions on this site, on many different subjects.

So, I am curious... what would your first official action as President of the United States be? Would you support a particular bill? Would you push for raising taxes? Would you push for lowering taxes? Another stimulus? Push to revoke legislation?

Anything that is within the powers of the president is fair game, but no partisan hackery please. Go for it. What would you do first?

Here's mine:

First, remember I am a conservative. I believe in a strong national defense. However, my first official action as President would be to order the defense department produce a list of every military base we have in every foreign country, citing the entire compliemnt of manpower and materials, as well as any and all reasons for the installation to remain.

I would use that as a basis to begin discussing with my military and foreign policy advisors, the possible closing/relocating of bases, materials and manpower.

Again, I believe in a strong national defense. However, I also believe we can cut certain expenditures in the military without compromising the security of ourselves or our allies.

your turn.
Thats a good start, I'd follow up with ending all foriegn aid, and subsidies. If they are truly are friends they'll understand, if not F@%k them. The next move would be to review the effectiveness of congress, and government in general.
Thats a good start, I'd follow up with ending all foriegn aid, and subsidies. If they are truly are friends they'll understand, if not F@%k them. The next move would be to review the effectiveness of congress, and government in general.

none of which is soley within the powers of the president, which is a requirement for the question asked in the OP.
Park all our naval ships in port for 6 months and review whether we need 13 aircraft carriers. Withdraw our military forces from abroad and close bases overseas. The world is a different place than it was in the mid twentieth century. Military force is still needed but only in response to a threat not as a deterrence. We still need a military but a slimmed down one. We now have the ability to strike with robotic weapon systems from our home territory, with lethal silence and stealthiness.

We have a threat to our national security today and it grows daily and that is the inability to pay for our standing army. We can reduce our Army by 50%, our Navy by 40% and our Air Force by 70% and still no one will be able to mess with us conventionally. Tank are obsolete in warfare today. The lethal ability of the individual soldier and aircraft (manned and unmanned) make them sitting coffins. Yet the cost of just one is enormous. The same goes for ships and aircraft. The future is in unmanned fighting vehicles, smaller, more lethal and greater range. It is time to convert and bring our people home.
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i dont know about removing foreign aid and subsidies...i think part of the reason you would want to prosecute bush is because of the image he portrayed globally of america. removing foreign aid would only make that image worse, and you'd then be guilty of the same "crime"

Thousands of lazy-assed, useless Federal employees and useless Federal agencies will all be sent home.

For good!

Also - CUT all Congressional salaries and perks. No bonuses. No recesses. No vacations. Those who drop below a 55% approval rating among their costituants, given the boot.
I'd do the same thing my brother-in-law did when his wife almost put them into bankruptcy........cut up the damn credit card. The idea of spending more than you make......and the government doesn't make mornonic. You spend within your means......and that doesn't mean keep taxing more and more because you want to spend more. It means you make tough decisions about what you need as opposed to what you want and spend based on what you have in your pocket.
#1. Order the closing of ALL US Government bases, embasies and other facilities outside of the United States; recall all foreign ambassadors and staffs; deport all foreign government officials from US property (including all UN Members); give all non-American citizens living in the US 30 days to be gone from US soil; and close the borders.
#1. Order the closing of ALL US Government bases, embasies and other facilities outside of the United States; recall all foreign ambassadors and staffs; deport all foreign government officials from US property (including all UN Members); give all non-American citizens living in the US 30 days to be gone from US soil; and close the borders.

Repeal Obamacare and hire the best organizational management group to pinpoint all inefficiencies at government agencies and take their advice ASAP. I would have such a surplus that I would be paying off the debt within two years.

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