Your Bias is Showing.


American Mutt
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2008
Your Imagination
Are you D, R or truly an I

Study suggests many 'Independents' are just kidding themselves.

The Handy Link Below said:
Are Independents Just Partisans In Disguise? : It's All Politics : NPR

The idea behind the test is simple. If you are a Republican deep-down, you'll quickly categorize things that are Republican with things about yourself, because you identify with the Republican Party. You'll be slower to group things connected to the Democratic Party with things about yourself.

You can try the test for yourself here:

Kind of a reflection of money pushing the process down to only 2 choices, IMHO.

I'll shame the devil and tell the truth, my bias hangs toward the left these days.

Given the choices today, WYGD? :dunno:
The definition of insanity is expecting a different result from a process repeated, and 'trickle down golden showers' was tried in earnest, definitively failing in October of 2008.
Are you D, R or truly an I

Study suggests many 'Independents' are just kidding themselves.

The Handy Link Below said:
Are Independents Just Partisans In Disguise? : It's All Politics : NPR

The idea behind the test is simple. If you are a Republican deep-down, you'll quickly categorize things that are Republican with things about yourself, because you identify with the Republican Party. You'll be slower to group things connected to the Democratic Party with things about yourself.

You can try the test for yourself here:

Kind of a reflection of money pushing the process down to only 2 choices, IMHO.

I'll shame the devil and tell the truth, my bias hangs toward the left these days.

Given the choices today, WYGD? :dunno:
The definition of insanity is expecting a different result from a process repeated, and 'trickle down golden showers' was tried in earnest, definitively failing in October of 2008.

I'll shame the devil and tell the truth, my bias hangs toward the left these days."

Last edited:
I used to be more right wing. I just dislike Romney as a person. I disliked Clinton as a person.

It would be nice if we did what France does. Instead of this insanity of an electoral college where only about 8 states are going to decide this thing, we have a multi-party election where you have run-offs until one party gets 50%+1.
Are you D, R or truly an I

Study suggests many 'Independents' are just kidding themselves.

The Handy Link Below said:
Are Independents Just Partisans In Disguise? : It's All Politics : NPR

The idea behind the test is simple. If you are a Republican deep-down, you'll quickly categorize things that are Republican with things about yourself, because you identify with the Republican Party. You'll be slower to group things connected to the Democratic Party with things about yourself.

You can try the test for yourself here:

Kind of a reflection of money pushing the process down to only 2 choices, IMHO.

I'll shame the devil and tell the truth, my bias hangs toward the left these days.

Given the choices today, WYGD? :dunno:
The definition of insanity is expecting a different result from a process repeated, and 'trickle down golden showers' was tried in earnest, definitively failing in October of 2008.
Are you D, R or truly an I

Study suggests many 'Independents' are just kidding themselves.

The Handy Link Below said:
Are Independents Just Partisans In Disguise? : It's All Politics : NPR

The idea behind the test is simple. If you are a Republican deep-down, you'll quickly categorize things that are Republican with things about yourself, because you identify with the Republican Party. You'll be slower to group things connected to the Democratic Party with things about yourself.

You can try the test for yourself here:

Kind of a reflection of money pushing the process down to only 2 choices, IMHO.

I'll shame the devil and tell the truth, my bias hangs toward the left these days.

Given the choices today, WYGD? :dunno:
The definition of insanity is expecting a different result from a process repeated, and 'trickle down golden showers' was tried in earnest, definitively failing in October of 2008.

I'll shame the devil and tell the truth, my bias hangs toward the left these days."


You too, eh? What Ya Gonna Do? :dunno:

Sucks having just the two choices. Too bad the Republicans are clinging to that trickle-down bullshit.
imagine w a world with three choices.

Only a third of the people woudl be choosing our reps
Interesting test. My results came out pretty much as I expected:

"Your data suggest a moderate automatic identification with Republicans compared to Democrats."

Meh, no consideration for Libertarian. :p
I used to be more right wing. I just dislike Romney as a person. I disliked Clinton as a person.

It would be nice if we did what France does. Instead of this insanity of an electoral college where only about 8 states are going to decide this thing, we have a multi-party election where you have run-offs until one party gets 50%+1.

Yeah, things are working so well for France right now.
I used to be more right wing. I just dislike Romney as a person. I disliked Clinton as a person.

It would be nice if we did what France does. Instead of this insanity of an electoral college where only about 8 states are going to decide this thing, we have a multi-party election where you have run-offs until one party gets 50%+1.

Yeah, things are working so well for France right now.

No better or worse for anyone else in the industrialized world.

Really, a large part of this world wide recession is because for 200 years, the "First World" (Europe, the US and Japan) redistrubuted the wealth of the world by draining from these countries they had under some kind of colonial domination.

Now the wealth is ebbing back due to their abundance of cheap labor. And the very same corporatists are responsible for it.

Certainly not because of any one political system or party or politician.

The electoral college sucks. The very fact that most of us live in states that are too far one way or the other to even make a difference at this point disenfranchises all of us.
I am a hardcore LIberal, but I opened my eyes and saw that the Nation has done nothing but tank since Obama Pelosi and Reid came to power.

I was expecting hope and change and the oceans to recede and the earth to heal. I am sooooooooo disappointed.

So I am done with them.

Straight Republican ticket for me from here on out!
I am a hardcore LIberal, but I opened my eyes and saw that the Nation has done nothing but tank since Obama Pelosi and Reid came to power.

I was expecting hope and change and the oceans to recede and the earth to heal. I am sooooooooo disappointed.

So I am done with them.

Straight Republican ticket for me from here on out!

"I am a hardcore LIberal"

I read all of what you said but I have to admit that you had me fooled. I would have never thought you came over from the darkside.
I am a hardcore LIberal, but I opened my eyes and saw that the Nation has done nothing but tank since Obama Pelosi and Reid came to power.

I was expecting hope and change and the oceans to recede and the earth to heal. I am sooooooooo disappointed.

So I am done with them.

Straight Republican ticket for me from here on out!

"I am a hardcore LIberal"

I read all of what you said but I have to admit that you had me fooled. I would have never thought you came over from the darkside.

Yes. Unlike all the intellectually dishonest Leftists such as OP who come here and pretend they something other than a government dependent with Marxist tendencies, I am not afraid to admit it. :D
I am a hardcore LIberal, but I opened my eyes and saw that the Nation has done nothing but tank since Obama Pelosi and Reid came to power.

I was expecting hope and change and the oceans to recede and the earth to heal. I am sooooooooo disappointed.

So I am done with them.

Straight Republican ticket for me from here on out!

"I am a hardcore LIberal"

I read all of what you said but I have to admit that you had me fooled. I would have never thought you came over from the darkside.

Yes. Unlike all the intellectually dishonest Leftists such as OP who come here and pretend they something other than a government dependent with Marxist tendencies, I am not afraid to admit it. :D

It wouldn't be far-fetched to think that some of the posters here are paid Obama operatives. No one can be as obtuse as some of them.
I used to be a right winger until my last boss fired me after I ran up too many medical bills.

Then I realized that the Republicans aren't on the side of the working guy, and a working man voting for Mitt Romney is like a Chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.

I am with you, soul brother!

I changed my entire outlook on life, everything I was raised to believe, all of my views on morality and my entire value system - just because I didn't like my old boss!


Blue collar liberal here. Don't tread on me.

Don't bother to tell me about your ideologies, or the way things ought to be. Show me where the policies you are pushing were put into effect, how they worked, and for whom they worked.

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