Young children could face bullying charges in California City

I'd go with spanking them personally, but I believe they are trying to make a point, and it's not a bad one. Of course, they are dealing with creatures without morals, which is why we spank them.
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Bullying needs to be defined. There needs to be criteria. It cannot be flipped and become a vehicle for the passive aggressive bullies to yell "bully" every time they don't get their way.
Young kids need a kick up the bum. Not a conviction.

I agree with that, but too many parents are accused of abuse, either mental or physical, if they get tough with kids. I was never spanked, but there were always consequences if I did something stupid. Kids today don't seem to worry about getting in trouble. Bullies have gotten away with being mean for years, yet I've lost count of how many innocent kids have been suspended for stupid stuff like biting a pop tart into the shape of a gun and other equally ridiculous reasons. The focus is on the wrong things.

Kids often get in more trouble for perceived wrongs (as in not being politically correct) rather than actual infractions. Kids flying a U.S. flag on their bike or wearing a flag t-shirt are more likely to be punished for being a racist bully than the real bully who beats a kid up for his lunch money.

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