You will be declared a terrorist and have your citizenship removed.

Comments on Enemy Expatriation Act (H.R. 3166) - YouTube

So, the NDAA and then this?

So Obama, American Citizens will not be harmed by the NDAA? What if you can remove their citizenship?

This allows them to do that, welcome to the fucking future.

I mentioned this in passing in my thread about whether or not the POTUS has the right to violate the law or the Bill of Rights as president and CinC.

This kind of BS has been going on for years. The so-called threat of terrorism was used as the justification (excuse) for suspending the constitutional rights of all Americans (in theory) and specific Americans in practice.

The way it is now, an American can be stripped of his citizenship AFTER he's convicted of treason. That means a person would get to exercise his constitutional rights prior to losing citizenship. Now, apparently, that's too much of a burden for the State. They'll just eliminate that pesky problem of the Constitution by stripping a person of his citizenship without having to go to all that trouble of proving their case (of treason) in a court of law.

Our representatives should actually READ the US Constitution. Maybe that would make a difference.

Involuntarily Losing Your US Citizenship (Denaturalization)

Both the State Department and the USCIS have specfic laws and regulations they must follow in determining whether someone’s US citizenship should be taken away.

1. Convicted For An Act Of Treason Against The United States

Treason is a serious crime, and the Constitution defines the requirements for convicting someone of treason. Treason is waging a violent war against the United States in cooperation with a foreign country or any organized group. It includes assisting or aiding any foreign country or organization in taking over or destroying this country including abolishing the Constitution. Treason also consists of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the US government or of betraying our government into the hands of a foreign power. If you are caught and convicted of treason, you can pretty much count on losing your US citizenship as well as serving lots of jail time. -- Losing US Citizenship

Allow me to burst a bubble or three and correct a fundamental misunderstanding.

A natural born U.S. Citizen (possibly including our President!) (j/k) CANNOT lose his citizenship.

A NATURALIZED citizen in theory COULD be stripped of that gift bestowed upon him if he is convicted of treason.

But a citizen BORN with U.S. citizenship cannot be involuntarily stripped of it. At least not yet.
Comments on Enemy Expatriation Act (H.R. 3166) - YouTube

So, the NDAA and then this?

So Obama, American Citizens will not be harmed by the NDAA? What if you can remove their citizenship?

This allows them to do that, welcome to the fucking future.

I mentioned this in passing in my thread about whether or not the POTUS has the right to violate the law or the Bill of Rights as president and CinC.

This kind of BS has been going on for years. The so-called threat of terrorism was used as the justification (excuse) for suspending the constitutional rights of all Americans (in theory) and specific Americans in practice.

The way it is now, an American can be stripped of his citizenship AFTER he's convicted of treason. That means a person would get to exercise his constitutional rights prior to losing citizenship. Now, apparently, that's too much of a burden for the State. They'll just eliminate that pesky problem of the Constitution by stripping a person of his citizenship without having to go to all that trouble of proving their case (of treason) in a court of law.

Our representatives should actually READ the US Constitution. Maybe that would make a difference.

Involuntarily Losing Your US Citizenship (Denaturalization)

Both the State Department and the USCIS have specfic laws and regulations they must follow in determining whether someone’s US citizenship should be taken away.

1. Convicted For An Act Of Treason Against The United States

Treason is a serious crime, and the Constitution defines the requirements for convicting someone of treason. Treason is waging a violent war against the United States in cooperation with a foreign country or any organized group. It includes assisting or aiding any foreign country or organization in taking over or destroying this country including abolishing the Constitution. Treason also consists of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the US government or of betraying our government into the hands of a foreign power. If you are caught and convicted of treason, you can pretty much count on losing your US citizenship as well as serving lots of jail time. -- Losing US Citizenship

Allow me to burst a bubble or three and correct a fundamental misunderstanding.

A natural born U.S. Citizen (possibly including our President!) (j/k) CANNOT lose his citizenship.

A NATURALIZED citizen in theory COULD be stripped of that gift bestowed upon him if he is convicted of treason.

But a citizen BORN with U.S. citizenship cannot be involuntarily stripped of it. At least not yet.

In understand that.

And that's why he has to take your rights away. He knows what's best for ya.
I mentioned this in passing in my thread about whether or not the POTUS has the right to violate the law or the Bill of Rights as president and CinC.

This kind of BS has been going on for years. The so-called threat of terrorism was used as the justification (excuse) for suspending the constitutional rights of all Americans (in theory) and specific Americans in practice.

The way it is now, an American can be stripped of his citizenship AFTER he's convicted of treason. That means a person would get to exercise his constitutional rights prior to losing citizenship. Now, apparently, that's too much of a burden for the State. They'll just eliminate that pesky problem of the Constitution by stripping a person of his citizenship without having to go to all that trouble of proving their case (of treason) in a court of law.

Our representatives should actually READ the US Constitution. Maybe that would make a difference.

Allow me to burst a bubble or three and correct a fundamental misunderstanding.

A natural born U.S. Citizen (possibly including our President!) (j/k) CANNOT lose his citizenship.

A NATURALIZED citizen in theory COULD be stripped of that gift bestowed upon him if he is convicted of treason.

But a citizen BORN with U.S. citizenship cannot be involuntarily stripped of it. At least not yet.

In understand that.

Well, STOP in-understanding.

START understanding!

This was a poison pill to be sure. At least Obama watered down the language and issued a signing statement objecting to the clause.

I would have preferred a veto..but that would have assured a one term presidency.

That's already assured.

This cannot survive constitutional challenge, but how much damage will it do in the meantime?
please show me where I stated such an opinion on HR 3166.

My apologies, maybe I read your sarcasm wrong.

Do you or don't you support it?

regardless of whether or not I support the bill as written, you made an assumption I'd be okay with politicians overstepping the law as written. you were incorrect.

For the record, as written, I have no problem with someone who is found guilty of 'engaging in or purposefully and materially supporting hostilities against the United States'... "hostilities" being defined as any conflict subject to the laws of war... being stripped of their US citizenship.

If you willfully and materially support hostilities against your own country, are tried, found guilty, you SHOULD be stripped of your citizenship.
I agree, as long as it isn't abused instripping anyones citizenship for just voicing their opinions.
Comments on Enemy Expatriation Act (H.R. 3166) - YouTube

So, the NDAA and then this?

So Obama, American Citizens will not be harmed by the NDAA? What if you can remove their citizenship?

This allows them to do that, welcome to the fucking future.

This was a poison pill to be sure. At least Obama watered down the language and issued a signing statement objecting to the clause.

I would have preferred a veto..but that would have assured a one term presidency.

If he objected to it, he should have vetoed and sent it back. Is our military more important than our country?

Nothing is more important to Obama than another term.
I agree, as long as it isn't abused instripping anyones citizenship for just voicing their opinions.

Upon what constitutional grounds can the citizenship of a person be stripped?

Please cite the article or amendment you base your opinion on.

No natural born American CAN be stripped of citizenship.

Naturalized Americans, however, might not be so lucky.
I agree, as long as it isn't abused instripping anyones citizenship for just voicing their opinions.

Upon what constitutional grounds can the citizenship of a person be stripped?

Please cite the article or amendment you base your opinion on.

No natural born American CAN be stripped of citizenship.

Naturalized Americans, however, might not be so lucky.

How far is it really from stripping naturalized citizens to stripping natural citizens?

History is pretty ironically clear that the line is INCREDIBLY blurry.
Upon what constitutional grounds can the citizenship of a person be stripped?

Please cite the article or amendment you base your opinion on.

No natural born American CAN be stripped of citizenship.

Naturalized Americans, however, might not be so lucky.

How far is it really from stripping naturalized citizens to stripping natural citizens?

History is pretty ironically clear that the line is INCREDIBLY blurry.

Well, as long as we're talking about things that don't exist, we might as well discuss the long and sordid history of alien abductions of sitting Presidents.
No natural born American CAN be stripped of citizenship.

Naturalized Americans, however, might not be so lucky.

How far is it really from stripping naturalized citizens to stripping natural citizens?

History is pretty ironically clear that the line is INCREDIBLY blurry.

Well, as long as we're talking about things that don't exist, we might as well discuss the long and sordid history of alien abductions of sitting Presidents.

No country in history has descended from freedom to tyranny.

How far is it really from stripping naturalized citizens to stripping natural citizens?

History is pretty ironically clear that the line is INCREDIBLY blurry.

Well, as long as we're talking about things that don't exist, we might as well discuss the long and sordid history of alien abductions of sitting Presidents.

No country in history has descended from freedom to tyranny.


WTF does THAT have to do with the alien abductions?
Well, as long as we're talking about things that don't exist, we might as well discuss the long and sordid history of alien abductions of sitting Presidents.

No country in history has descended from freedom to tyranny.


WTF does THAT have to do with the alien abductions?

You act like freedom has never been taken from a population by its own government in history. We both know as fact that isn't true. We should always suspect the motive of our government when they would state a purpose to remove more of our freedom.

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