You think the Campaigner-In-Chief will visit Israel??? HAHAHA!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Yadlin to Obama: Visit Israel to allay Iran fears

Former Military Intelligence head Amos Yadlin on Saturday urged President Barack Obama to visit Israel to allay fears that the US is not fully committed to stopping the Iranian nuclear program.

that preventing a nuclear Iran is a US interest, and if we have to resort to military action, we will,”

Yadlin to Obama: Visit Israel to... JPost - Iranian Threat - News

So now the MSM finally picking up on the story!!! After several days where are the Obama bashing stories with leads like "Obama rather Campaign, then Lead"... or "Israel:don't hold the door..till November!"

Where are all the calls for Obama to do something????
The US is not committed at all to Israel. obama has taken US committment to Iran where his natural sympathies lie. That's why he supports the muslim brotherhood.
That's the one thing I respect about Obama. He hasn't kissed kosher ass the entire time he has been in office,he has distanced himself as much as he possible can from Israel and their bullshit and still have a chance at getting re elected.
If obama wants to keep the Israel hating democratic vote, he won't go to Israel.
Yeah they are real special allies. The kind that bomb and try to sink your ship which is obviously flying an American flag and they also try to steal state secrets and we still give them billions every year!
Yeah they are real special allies. The kind that bomb and try to sink your ship which is obviously flying an American flag and they also try to steal state secrets and we still give them billions every year!

Ever ventured out of the trailer park and visited Israel?

I didn't think so.
Aw. Can't refute my points so you stick to name calling and accusations. Poor wittle warrior. Oh and I live in a house not a trailer. Thanks for the idiotic ASSumption though.

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