Anti Tax terrorists kill law enforcement


Gold Member
Jan 10, 2009
In Louisiana, some of the anti American, tax radicals began a shootout with law enforcement:

Suspects in La. deputy killings linked to extremists

Label these groups what they are: DOMESTIC TERRORISTS, committing treasonous killings. Imprisonment, and Gitmo should be an option, for these radical anti Americans and sympathizers. The network of these violent anti tax monsters is complex, their motive, to destroy the US under the guise of "no taxes". A few years ago, they were buffoons, but the rash of mass killings, and right wing media cheerleaders, has turned them into the greatest internal threat the US faces: McVeigh, Laughner, Holmes, and Page; all connected with the extremist right egged on by Buttpimple, Coulter, Beck, et. al.; and decent Americans continue to die.

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