You Occupy Wall Street supporters that lost relatives in wars..


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
consider the following:

1) NOT ONE Tea party attendee ever DID or EVER CONSIDERED what your
2) "Occupy Charlotte" did that cast total disrespect of your loved ones deaths!!!

2 U.S. flags burned at Occupy Charlotte land group in jail

CHARLOTTE, NC (WBTV) - Four protesters, including the spokesman of Occupy Charlotte, were charged after setting fire to two American flags early Friday near the Occupy camp in Center City, police said.

WBTV has learned that one of the men is the media spokesman for the Occupy group and has been the contact person listed on press releases from Occupy Charlotte

Flag burning Occupy Charlotte camp 4 charged - WBTV 3 News, Weather, Sports, and Traffic for Charlotte, NC

Remember Michelle Obama was NEVER proud of the USA either!!!

Honestly you OWS supporters are you really that dissatisfied with America that you totally agree with this barbaric, juvenile, sophomoric fire setting?
I mean it is one thing to crap on a police car and quite another to have your dead war relatives sacrifices so disgustingly DEMEANED!
I KNOW a few of you will be as disturbed that Americans supposedly protesting burn the US Flag as foreign terrorists/US haters do but the rest of you .. again you are beyond any forgiveness for your ignorant support!
Hey guy, my ancestors and relatives who have fought and died in every single military action by our country didn't do it for any god damned bank and that's for sure.
Hey guy, my ancestors and relatives who have fought and died in every single military action by our country didn't do it for any god damned bank and that's for sure.

And that just shows how f..king dumb and what a pawn for MSM/Democrats and people that want to destroy the USA!

If you think you know so much about exactly what the OWS protests were about
give me ONE just ONE FACT about the "god damned "bank that the protesters were protesting about?

DID YOU KNOW what the FDIC means to you?
I don't think so! But it is a Government backed insurance policy that you can get money out of the bank! ARE YOU AWARE of that?

NOW are you aware that on 9/18/2008 Soros and money market fund managers withdrew in 2 hours over $500 billion?
This caused the FDIC to raise coverage to $250,000!

(MAIN backer of Canadian-based Adbusters Labor unions, communists, “community organizers,” socialists, and anti-capitalist agitators have all joined together to “Occupy Wall Street” and protest against “greed,” corporations, and bankers. But despite efforts to portray the movement as “leaderless” or “grassroots,” it is becoming obvious that there is much more going on behind the scenes than meets the eye.

Billionaire financier George Soros’ fingerprints, for example, have been all over the anti-Wall Street campaign from the very beginning. And this week, the infamous hedge-fund boss publicly announced his sympathy for the protesters and their complaints about bailouts — despite the fact that he lobbied for even greater unconstitutional handouts to bankers in 2009.)

NOW why did the FDIC do that?
1) They KNEW BANKS FORCED by intimidation of ACORN/News Media protesters
had to make bad toxic loans that would never be paid back!
2) FDIC would close the banks because the ASSETS weren't there because of bad loans!
3) IF FDIC closed the banks THERE WOULD NOT BE ENOUGH money to pay you! Idiot!

So you tell me..
WHAT THE FU...K would you do?
A) Congress forced you to make bad loans!
B) FDIC force you to close if you kept them!

SOLUTION SELL the bad loans to Fannie/Freddie who had WHAT??

Oct. 23,2008 (Bloomberg) --
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have an ``effective'' federal guarantee, not the
"full faith and credit'' of the U.S. government, Federal Housing Finance Agency Director James Lockhart said after the hearing. That does give them effectively a guarantee of the U.S. government.''
Lockhart's Fannie, Freddie Guarantee Remarks Stir Up Confusion - Bloomberg

Giving bad loans that will default by the borrowers
BUT guaranteed not to fail by the U.S.government..

AND IDIOTS like YOU taking all your biased inaccurate information from the biased MSM/Democrats (WHO forced these CRA bad loans on banks through harrassment, protests of the banks if they didn't make the loans!!!) MADE BAD LOANS that were
guaranteed by the FEDERAL GOVT... and the chickens as Obama's minister has said.
"came home to roost"!!!

SO you dumb sh..t.... YOUR relatives died to keep America AND American businesses AND those BANKS you stupidly and grossly ignorantly blame the envy of the world!

I'll tell you YOUR dead relatives would be so pissed at your stupidity and ignorance about your country, your FLAG that would be all over you so bad because you are so STUPID!
Burning an American Flag is legal. It may be very distasteful but it is legal. They were arrested for damaging property,which is all-too common with OWS. They truly believe their rights are more important than all other Citizens' rights. But besides that,so much for them claiming they were non-partisan. The more you see of OWS,the more you realize who owns & controls them. It's all just a sad far Left George Soros,Democratic Party-funded scam. They've lost any credible support thay may have had early on.
Hey guy, my ancestors and relatives who have fought and died in every single military action by our country didn't do it for any god damned bank and that's for sure.
But they did it to ensure that BANK could do business freely without Gubmint intrusion/manipulation as with keeping with the entire ideals of LIBERTY didn't they?

*I* too have relatives that go back to the start of this Republic. ONE having a County in New York named after him...

*Go Figure*
Burning an American Flag is legal. It may be very distasteful but it is legal. They were arrested for damaging property,which is all-too common with OWS. They truly believe their rights are more important than all other Citizens' rights. But besides that,so much for them claiming they were non-partisan. The more you see of OWS,the more you realize who owns & controls them. It's all just a sad far Left George Soros,Democratic Party-funded scam. They've lost any credible support thay may have had early on.

I agree totally with this statement, I'd just change the bold word above to "entitlements".
Burning an American Flag is legal. It may be very distasteful but it is legal. They were arrested for damaging property,which is all-too common with OWS. They truly believe their rights are more important than all other Citizens' rights. But besides that,so much for them claiming they were non-partisan. The more you see of OWS,the more you realize who owns & controls them. It's all just a sad far Left George Soros,Democratic Party-funded scam. They've lost any credible support thay may have had early on.

I agree totally with this statement, I'd just change the bold word above to "entitlements".
This post has been peer reviewed and found to be accurate...Some belive they are entitled while not lifting a finger, and expecting all else to fall in line...or else.
Burning an American Flag is legal. It may be very distasteful but it is legal. They were arrested for damaging property,which is all-too common with OWS. They truly believe their rights are more important than all other Citizens' rights. But besides that,so much for them claiming they were non-partisan. The more you see of OWS,the more you realize who owns & controls them. It's all just a sad far Left George Soros,Democratic Party-funded scam. They've lost any credible support thay may have had early on.

NO QUESTION you are right.. i.e. THESE SCUM BAGS have the right paid for by Americans' lives protecting that right!

It just goes to show though the idiot ignorant supporters of OWS know so little of what happened when the total world economy ALMOST collapsed on 9/18/2008!
Called an Economic terrorists attack when "legally" terrorists like Soros manipulated the marketplace in such a manner it literally destroyed peoples' lives!

This all goes back to a fundamental weakness i.e. we don't teach with the same enthusiasm and zeal we've seen in the education system for "global warming"!
If the trillions of dollars and hours spent hammering in the kids heads how bad "global warming" HAD BEEN spent HAMMERING THE marvelous efficiency of the Golden Rule!

YET even as you read this cynicism will come .."yeal Gold Rule them that has the gold Rule"! and that is one of the major problems!
Almost EVERYONE thinks the "Golden Rule" is a religious element.
IT ISN'T!!!!
It is the MOST efficient method of civilizations progressing!

What costs more.. "cop on every corner watching for DUIs (now texters!!) or
people educated that driving drunk can cost them $10,000 or more their lives
versus golden rule.."I don't want drunks driving, so I won't drive"!!!

The "Golden Rule" for our civilization MUST be taught BECAUSE every day rules and regulations for THOSE of us that ABIDE are getting more involved, complex that most of us BREAK stupid RULES and Regulations and LAWS every day... we just haven't been caught!

The solution is teaching the Golden Rule that it....
A) Is the most efficient use of money
B) Is the best way to advance our society!
consider the following:

1) NOT ONE Tea party attendee ever DID or EVER CONSIDERED what your
2) "Occupy Charlotte" did that cast total disrespect of your loved ones deaths!!!

2 U.S. flags burned at Occupy Charlotte land group in jail

CHARLOTTE, NC (WBTV) - Four protesters, including the spokesman of Occupy Charlotte, were charged after setting fire to two American flags early Friday near the Occupy camp in Center City, police said.

WBTV has learned that one of the men is the media spokesman for the Occupy group and has been the contact person listed on press releases from Occupy Charlotte

Flag burning Occupy Charlotte camp 4 charged - WBTV 3 News, Weather, Sports, and Traffic for Charlotte, NC

Remember Michelle Obama was NEVER proud of the USA either!!!

Honestly you OWS supporters are you really that dissatisfied with America that you totally agree with this barbaric, juvenile, sophomoric fire setting?
I mean it is one thing to crap on a police car and quite another to have your dead war relatives sacrifices so disgustingly DEMEANED!
I KNOW a few of you will be as disturbed that Americans supposedly protesting burn the US Flag as foreign terrorists/US haters do but the rest of you .. again you are beyond any forgiveness for your ignorant support!

Four thousand plus died in Iraq NEEDLESSLY, in an unnecessary war that you happily supported. THAT was the real 'demeaning' of our troops.
consider the following:

1) NOT ONE Tea party attendee ever DID or EVER CONSIDERED what your
2) "Occupy Charlotte" did that cast total disrespect of your loved ones deaths!!!

2 U.S. flags burned at Occupy Charlotte land group in jail

CHARLOTTE, NC (WBTV) - Four protesters, including the spokesman of Occupy Charlotte, were charged after setting fire to two American flags early Friday near the Occupy camp in Center City, police said.

WBTV has learned that one of the men is the media spokesman for the Occupy group and has been the contact person listed on press releases from Occupy Charlotte

Flag burning Occupy Charlotte camp 4 charged - WBTV 3 News, Weather, Sports, and Traffic for Charlotte, NC

Remember Michelle Obama was NEVER proud of the USA either!!!

Honestly you OWS supporters are you really that dissatisfied with America that you totally agree with this barbaric, juvenile, sophomoric fire setting?
I mean it is one thing to crap on a police car and quite another to have your dead war relatives sacrifices so disgustingly DEMEANED!
I KNOW a few of you will be as disturbed that Americans supposedly protesting burn the US Flag as foreign terrorists/US haters do but the rest of you .. again you are beyond any forgiveness for your ignorant support!

Four thousand plus died in Iraq NEEDLESSLY, in an unnecessary war that you happily supported. THAT was the real 'demeaning' of our troops.

What part of "1991 Cease Fire" do you and evidently Saddam NOT understand?
When two parties agree to terms and then ONE part breaks the agreement,

NO matter though because TRAITORS like you standing on the sidelines with your silly skirts raising them to the Terrorists and saying YOU .. YOU TERRORISTS you are the good guys.. Our troops are killers. Our troops kill civilians. Our troops are terrorists"
So being the effective TERRORIST CHEERLEADERS you:
Reid the war is lost..
Kerry "Terrorizing kids"
Murtha "Troops cold blooded murderers"
AND OBAMA "troops kill civilians"

GEEZ do you think with HELP like that this Harvard study is just made up??
YOU F..kers prolonged what was a military victory into 3,000 unnecessary & $600 billion!

A Harvard study found here THE "EMBOLDENMENT EFFECT" asked:

"Are insurgents in Iraq emboldened by voices in the news media expressing dissent or calling
for troop withdrawals from Iraq?

The short answer is YES!!! according to Radha Iyengar, a Robert Wood Johnson Scholar in health policy
research at Harvard and Jonathan Monten of the Belfer Center at the university's Kennedy School of Government.

Are insurgents affected by information on US casualty sensitivity? Using data on attacks and variation in access
to international news across Iraqi provinces, we identify an “emboldenment” effect by comparing the rate
of insurgent attacks in areas with higher and lower access to information about U.S news after public
statements critical of the war.
We find in periods after a spike in war-critical statements, insurgent attacks increases by 5-10 percent.
The results suggest that insurgent groups respond rationally to expected probability of US withdrawal.

The study showed when politically motivated statements like these:
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "War is lost",
U.S. Rep. John Murtha(D) "Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,”
Senator Kerry "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in th dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."
Senator Obama said "troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"

YOUR CHEERLEADING for the Terrorists KILLED those troops!
YOU as..holes!!!
Hey guy, my ancestors and relatives who have fought and died in every single military action by our country didn't do it for any god damned bank and that's for sure.

You do realise that the banks own most of the politicians...both Republican AND Democrat right? You do realise that?
Hey guy, my ancestors and relatives who have fought and died in every single military action by our country didn't do it for any god damned bank and that's for sure.

You do realise that the banks own most of the politicians...both Republican AND Democrat right? You do realise that?

What are you talking about? Are you attempting to minimize the sacrifices made by my family for their country? Not a one of those proud hillbillies had the time of day for a banker but they could blow the shit out of some Germans.
hey guy, my ancestors and relatives who have fought and died in every single military action by our country didn't do it for any god damned bank and that's for sure.

you do realise that the banks own most of the politicians...both republican and democrat right? You do realise that?

what are you talking about? Are you attempting to minimize the sacrifices made by my family for their country? Not a one of those proud hillbillies had the time of day for a banker but they could blow the shit out of some germans.

canon fodder for rothschild who funded both sides the war
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WAR -(n) a bayonette with a worker on each end.

War n. When one kid selfishly wants what another kid has -- but on a larger scale.

But that is NOT the point of the thread!

Anyone who supports the goals of OWS i.e. destruction of the USA, the values the flag are like little sophomoric kids and they don't care their relatives died DEFENDING their hatred!
Hey guy, my ancestors and relatives who have fought and died in every single military action by our country didn't do it for any god damned bank and that's for sure.

Name them and I will honour them.

The problem you have occupied is you really don't have the english language down pat.:D

My ancestors and relatives in the same sentence? :badgrin: dead give away.

You have to get better at this. Wow. You were so easy to peg off.
WAR -(n) a bayonette with a worker on each end.

pray tell and I am a lover of weapons, how would you do that? that must me one they have just designed as compared to traditional.

that would be awesome to have a bayonette and yes I know what it is to have the capability of a double flip. sorry. vibing at the thought of it.

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