You need to be "disturbed"...


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World
Flake calls Trump supporters' 'lock her up' chants 'disturbing,' and fears for future of Republican Party

Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., said in a recent interview that he hopes somebody runs against President Trump in the 2020 election, and that Trump supporters' continued chants of "lock her up" — typically in reference to Hillary Clinton — are "disturbing."

Anyone who is "disturbed" by the idea of hitlery being prosecuted and jailed if convicted is worried about their own ass. (Or they're stupid bed wetting drones and don't matter). At this point everyone in DC is a total scumbag to me unless they're working to reduce the influence DC has on our lives. I can think of very few republicrats, and there are no democrooks doing anything but resisting efforts to make the federal budget...

Fuck when was the last one WRITTEN?????

We Know good and God damned well democrooks will rabidly oppose even the slightest decrease in anything but national defense, and cuts need to be made across the board and the pentagon might need to stop wasting billons on inane shit leftist infiltrators have us doing, as well as just stop policing the world in places that can police themselves.

Or Not, just don't piss and moan about somali pirates anymore.

Anyway not only would I be delighted if hitlery died in prison like Rudolph Hess, but anyone in DC who has taken money in exchange for passing laws and regulations without regard to the interest of the public. You can bet it's most of them, that's why there is so much terror in the concept of hitlery in a defendant's seat because you know that hag can bring a lot of fuckers down with her. That's how the game is played.
Snowflake has always liked Hillary...............

Not surprising.........And yeah.......she should be locked up for what she has done.
"Lock her up," is premature. But the fact that she was never indicted for breaking Federal laws that any internet-savvy person can find in five minutes...these people are reacting to an outrage that continues to this day.

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