You Know Why Rich Republicans Don't Give A Damn If We Have Another Great Depression?


Senior Member
Sep 13, 2011
It will only make them more envied and powerful and they'll just take a long vacation till it's over:


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IF we have a great depression it is Obama's fault and his alone. Why should the rich pay for everything when over half the country doesnt pay 1 dime in federal income tax. Tax them first then ask the rich for some more money.. And I dont care if the lower class pays a 1.00 a year they need to pay something!
I'm not as old as the OP, but I hope I don't become this repetitive and post the same thing over and over when I get there..

IF we have a great depression it is Obama's fault and his alone. Why should the rich pay for everything when over half the country doesnt pay 1 dime in federal income tax. Tax them first then ask the rich for some more money.. And I dont care if the lower class pays a 1.00 a year they need to pay something!

A rich man's fable. A working man pays, sales tax, gas tax, payroll tax, excise tax, if he's lucky property tax, etc. A working man ends up paying close to half his gross earnings in some kind of taxes or fees. A muther sticker like Romney makes $20 million and if he's unlucky still has about $16-$18 million after taxes.

I repeat...when are the wealthy going to start doing something for the country again? They used to serve in the military and pay a high tax they do nothing except shuffle papers, screw around with other people's money and look pretty...well maybe not.

Wealthy people in this country should look at the way things used to be because in the last thrity years we've lost it:

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IF we have a great depression it is Obama's fault and his alone. Why should the rich pay for everything when over half the country doesnt pay 1 dime in federal income tax. Tax them first then ask the rich for some more money.. And I dont care if the lower class pays a 1.00 a year they need to pay something!

They do pay other taxes.

Its a republican lie that they pay no taxes
IF we have a great depression it is Obama's fault and his alone. Why should the rich pay for everything when over half the country doesnt pay 1 dime in federal income tax. Tax them first then ask the rich for some more money.. And I dont care if the lower class pays a 1.00 a year they need to pay something!

Sorry, it will be 100% on the right wing trash. Obama has been doing everything he can since day one to get the economy in order, and all the GOP wants to do is destroy the nation just as long as their corporate cronies are taken care of.
It will only make them more envied and powerful and they'll just take a long vacation till it's over:



So let me get this Straight. Obama looked into those Cameras in the Debate and Promised us all we would not go over the Fiscal Cliff, Yet here you guys are already warming up your Excuses for why he failed to keep yet another Promise.
IF we have a great depression it is Obama's fault and his alone. Why should the rich pay for everything when over half the country doesnt pay 1 dime in federal income tax. Tax them first then ask the rich for some more money.. And I dont care if the lower class pays a 1.00 a year they need to pay something!

They do pay other taxes.

Its a republican lie that they pay no taxes

They pay no Federal Income Tax TM, It's a Liberal lie to say we claim they pay no Taxes at all.

However about half of those who don't pay any Federal Income Tax, Actually get so much more back than they paid in to the Fed, that it covers most if not all of the other taxes they pay. So about Half of them do not pay any taxes at all in the end.

I know, I have had bad years where me and the wifes income was so low, that with all the Credits, and Deductions we got, we actually got just about every Penny we paid in back.
IF we have a great depression it is Obama's fault and his alone. Why should the rich pay for everything when over half the country doesnt pay 1 dime in federal income tax. Tax them first then ask the rich for some more money.. And I dont care if the lower class pays a 1.00 a year they need to pay something!

Sorry, it will be 100% on the right wing trash. Obama has been doing everything he can since day one to get the economy in order, and all the GOP wants to do is destroy the nation just as long as their corporate cronies are taken care of.

Can you cite any economic theory which supports your babbling?
the Depression will keep their labour costs to a minimum ... to bad for them their bought Tea Party took a hit in the Senate.

Dems don't have to work, they can sit in their government subsidized apartments and call each other on their Obamaphone, just like the Little Romneys they are
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Depressions raise the value of the dollar and if one has lots of dollars he suddenly becomes even richer. Labor becomes cheaper, products become cheaper, the rich lead an even better life during a depression and their political dollars influence even more people. How many dollars does it take today to convince one poor person to vote to reduce taxes on the rich, well it takes even less dollars during a depression.
The problem, however, the poor start to look at the rich a little differently, not as job creators, not as special people, not as building things themselves, but as people that picked their parents with extreme care.
You know why Cammmbell is such a fucking idiot? Me neither, he is what he is.

Spoken like a typical right wing prick who waits with bated breath for the next words from Faux and Lush Rambo. Just keep on humpin' Grover Norquist and your kids will read about the ancient GOP
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IF we have a great depression it is Obama's fault and his alone. Why should the rich pay for everything when over half the country doesnt pay 1 dime in federal income tax. Tax them first then ask the rich for some more money.. And I dont care if the lower class pays a 1.00 a year they need to pay something!

They do pay other taxes.

Its a republican lie that they pay no taxes

They don't pay income taxes, so they don't care if income taxes are increased. However, that will change when the Bush tax cuts expire, that is, they will pay taxes if they still have a job.
IF we have a great depression it is Obama's fault and his alone. Why should the rich pay for everything when over half the country doesnt pay 1 dime in federal income tax. Tax them first then ask the rich for some more money.. And I dont care if the lower class pays a 1.00 a year they need to pay something!

They do pay other taxes.

Its a republican lie that they pay no taxes

So do the rest of us you mind numbing moron and then we get to pay federal income tax you pole up you ass dummie.
IF we have a great depression it is Obama's fault and his alone. Why should the rich pay for everything when over half the country doesnt pay 1 dime in federal income tax. Tax them first then ask the rich for some more money.. And I dont care if the lower class pays a 1.00 a year they need to pay something!

Sorry, it will be 100% on the right wing trash. Obama has been doing everything he can since day one to get the economy in order, and all the GOP wants to do is destroy the nation just as long as their corporate cronies are taken care of.

He's been doing everything he can to dispense ill gotten swag to his constituents. Flushing trillions of dollars down the welfare sewer doesn't do a thing for the economy. Destroying the energy sector doesn't improve the welfare of the average family. Opening the flood gates to illegal immigration doesn't help the working stiff.

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