You know how you can tell this civil war BULLSHIT is manufactured?

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
It didn't become offensive until 2017. And even then the offensive nature of it is manufactured.

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I'm offended by everything. Actually, I'm offended by everything the liberal elite teaches me to be offended by, and it's progressive.
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When liberals run out of shit to be outraged about they just make up more shit to be outraged about. It never ends with them.
When liberals run out of shit to be outraged about they just make up more shit to be outraged about. It never ends with them.

That is exactly what they do. Create a problem to pit people against each other in the hope that government will ultimately take away more of our liberty to "solve" the problem.

They did it with transgender people and bathrooms. There was no problem until they created one. Then, as they predicted, when people objected to husky looking men entering the women's restroom, they were accused of being against all LGBT people. Love how they lumped them all together to ensure they could cast a wider net when vilifying people.

Obama began his divisive rhetoric from day one. He got involved in small local matters and the obedient media made sure all little issues were bought to the attention of the country. Never mind that police were not doing anything wrong. Facts didn't matter. The race baiters, like Al Sharpton, jumped in and made it sound like racists were running rampant and out to get every black person. They first created fear, then anger and now it's progressed to getting even. They don't want apologies or solutions. They want blood. Many feel justified in attacking whites and cops. They feel like they are at war. Many who are marching are actually paid to do so. When locals are interviewed, they often disagree with BLM and other protesters who are wreaking havoc in their neighborhoods. If you listen to the media, you'd think every minority in the country is outraged. It's actually a fairly small group but the media portrays them as average people who share the same views. And they treat them as if all their actions are valid and beyond reproach. You are the racist if you don't sympathize with their plight.

What is their complaint? Yes, racism exists but racists have not stopped anyone from chasing the American dream. It hasn't put them in prison unfairly. The actions of individuals is at fault for their lot in life and blaming others will not solve things.

The left has worked diligently to ramp up this violence we are seeing. These KKK groups have been around forever and people dismissed them as the fools they are. Why now are they pretending that these evil people represent anyone but themselves? The media puts the alt right and all these radical groups in bed with Republicans. Notice how they would never dream of lumping the communists and Marxists in with the Dems. Never mind that the communist party and Marxists served as delegates at the DNC conventions these past years.

The left has exhausted every trick in the book to divide people. When the race card became worn, they found new ways to incite anger. They blamed cops. When that started having less of an effect, they simply declared that white people are inherently racist by virtue of their skin color. The left would have you believe that you are born racist and until you repent can not rise above it. Repenting means stepping aside and allowing minorities to have your jobs. Finally, it means reparations. And allowing minorities to shape the country as they see fit and whites must go along.

Take down all the statues. Favor blacks when accepting college applications, regardless of merit. Favor blacks for jobs regardless of skills.

Even favor minorities for public office regardless of experience.

If you don't ignore qualifications in favor of race, you are a racist.
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Didn't become offensive until 2018, huh? :lol:
I certainly NEVER heard any national complaints about it until now. Coincidentally I've noticed RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA has all but disappeared from the msm...

Ever heard of Dylann Roof?

What about him?

2015. "Hate crime". Went to a black church and mowed people down because he's a racist asshole. Left one alive as a witness.

Surrounded himself with Confederate flags, which became a flashpoint symbol for racism as a result.

Nikki Haley and the state legislature then took that flag down.

That's where it started -- what he calls "this Civil War bullshit".

OP seems to have "no memory" of that. I understand the memory is the second thing to go.
Either that or maybe he didn't find what Dylann Roof did "offensive". I dunno.

I suspect he won't respond to this, just as he didn't respond to the last time I shot down his selective memory bullshit.
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Didn't become offensive until 2018, huh? :lol:
I certainly NEVER heard any national complaints about it until now. Coincidentally I've noticed RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA has all but disappeared from the msm...

Ever heard of Dylann Roof?

What about him?

2015. "Hate crime". Went to a black church and mowed people down because he's a racist asshole. Left one alive as a witness.

Surrounded himself with Confederate flags, which became a flashpoint symbol for racism as a result.

Nikki Haley and the state legislature then took that flag down.

That's where it started.

OP seems to have "no memory" of that. I understand the memory is the second thing to go.

I suspect he won't respond to this, just as he didn't respond to the last time I shot down his selective memory bullshit.

Yeah, your timeline is off. People were protesting confederate flags before Dylan roof. Racists, white supremacists, nazi have hijacked the confederate flag long before Dylan Roof.
When liberals run out of shit to be outraged about they just make up more shit to be outraged about. It never ends with them.

That is exactly what they do. Create a problem to pit people against each other in the hope that government will ultimately take away more of our liberty to "solve" the problem.

They did it with transgender people and bathrooms. There was no problem until they created one. Then, as they predicted, when people objected to husky looking men entering the women's restroom, people objected and were then accused of being against all LGBT people. Love how they lumped them all together to ensure they could cast a wider net when vilifying people.

Obama began his divisive rhetoric from day one. He got involved in small local matters and the obedient media made sure all little issues were bought to the attention of the country. Never mind that police were not doing anything wrong. Facts didn't matter. The race baiters, like Al Sharpton, jumped in and made it sound like racists were running rampant and out to get every black person. They first created fear, then anger and now it's progressed to getting even. They don't want apologies or solutions. They want blood. Many feel justified in attacking whites and cops. They feel like they are at war. Many who are marching are actually paid to do so. When locals are interviewed, they often disagree with BLM and other protesters who are wreaking havoc in their neighborhoods. If you listen to the media, you'd think every minority in the country is outraged. It's actually a fairly small group but the media portrays them as average people who share the same views. And they treat them as if all their actions are valid and beyond reproach. You are the racist if you don't sympathize with their plight.

What is their complaint? Yes, racism exists but racists have not stopped anyone from chasing the American dream. It hasn't put them in prison unfairly. The actions of individuals is at fault for their lot in life and blaming others will not solve things.

The left has worked diligently to ramp up this violence we are seeing. These KKK groups have been around forever and people dismissed them as the fools they are. Why now are they pretending that these evil people represent anyone but themselves? The media puts the alt right and all these radical groups in bed with Republicans. Notice how they would never dream of lumping the communists and Marxists in with the Dems. Never mind that the communist party and Marxists served as delegates at the DNC conventions these past years.

The left has exhausted every trick in the book to divide people. When the race card became worn, they found new ways to incite anger. They blamed cops. When that started having less of an effect, they simply declared that white people are inherently racist by virtue of their skin color. The left would have you believe that you are born racist and until you repent can not rise above it. Repenting means stepping aside and allowing minorities to have your jobs. Finally, it means reparations. And allowing minorities to shape the country as they see fit and whites must go along.

Take down all the statues. Favor blacks when accepting college applications, regardless of merit. Favor blacks for jobs regardless of skills.

Even favor minorities for public office regardless of experience.

If you don't ignore qualifications in favor of race, you are a racist.

Didn't become offensive until 2018, huh? :lol:
I certainly NEVER heard any national complaints about it until now. Coincidentally I've noticed RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA has all but disappeared from the msm...

Ever heard of Dylann Roof?

What about him?

2015. "Hate crime". Went to a black church and mowed people down because he's a racist asshole. Left one alive as a witness.

Surrounded himself with Confederate flags, which became a flashpoint symbol for racism as a result.

Nikki Haley and the state legislature then took that flag down.

That's where it started.

OP seems to have "no memory" of that. I understand the memory is the second thing to go.

I suspect he won't respond to this, just as he didn't respond to the last time I shot down his selective memory bullshit.

Yeah, your timeline is off. People were protesting confederate flags before Dylan roof. Racists, white supremacists, nazi have hijacked the confederate flag long before Dylan Roof.

You think that's what he means by "this Civil War bullshit"?
I figured he's talking about the taking down of statues and monuments. Beginning with Nikki Haley and the SC state legislature. But if you're correct then his timeline is off way more.

He appears to have run away, so I guess we'll never know. :dunno: Evidently his memory doesn't extend any further back than "2018".
That's SNL Kenan Thompson and he would never wear that racist shit.
Is there even one honest deplorable?
Didn't become offensive until 2018, huh? :lol:
I certainly NEVER heard any national complaints about it until now. Coincidentally I've noticed RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA has all but disappeared from the msm...

Ever heard of Dylann Roof?

What about him?

2015. "Hate crime". Went to a black church and mowed people down because he's a racist asshole. Left one alive as a witness.

Surrounded himself with Confederate flags, which became a flashpoint symbol for racism as a result.

Nikki Haley and the state legislature then took that flag down.

That's where it started.

OP seems to have "no memory" of that. I understand the memory is the second thing to go.

I suspect he won't respond to this, just as he didn't respond to the last time I shot down his selective memory bullshit.

Yeah, your timeline is off. People were protesting confederate flags before Dylan roof. Racists, white supremacists, nazi have hijacked the confederate flag long before Dylan Roof.
I don't pretend to think racism itself is something new. It's been around since the beginning of time and I suspect it will be here to the end.

Having said that, one off attacks in years past are not an indication of a growing problem but rather a sign that some of the nuts are more insane than their counterparts. Those statues, flags & memorials are inanimate objects that have NO CONTROL over anyone who doesn't give them control.
If you want to find a reason to be offended one only has to leave their house or turn on the tv if they are that weak minded.

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