You Could Be A Liberal If....


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
As our friend Editec perused in a discussion of liberals and conservatives,

“Few of us can be easily described by a single word.

ESPECIALLY when the word no longer has a recognizable meaning that we can agree upon.”

So true.

When each side defines the others’ title, the definition is, not surprisingly, unacceptable…but if you agree with most or all of this list, you could be a liberal.

1. Choosing paper over plastic is a way to save the environment.
2. Senator Joseph McCarthy almost singlehandedly ruined America.
3. Gore won.
4. The best days of the United States are behind her.
5. J. Edgar Hoover was a cross-dresser.
6. Global warming is largely due to human beings.
7. FDR’s policies took us out of the Depression
8. Raising taxes increases revenue
9. Cheney and Libby ‘outed’ Valerie Plame.
10. The right has more of a propensity toward violence than the left.

And, it would be interesting to see your list that defines conservatives…just restrain your language.
As our friend Editec perused in a discussion of liberals and conservatives,

“Few of us can be easily described by a single word.

ESPECIALLY when the word no longer has a recognizable meaning that we can agree upon.”

So true.

When each side defines the others’ title, the definition is, not surprisingly, unacceptable…but if you agree with most or all of this list, you could be a liberal.

1. Choosing paper over plastic is a way to save the environment.
2. Senator Joseph McCarthy almost singlehandedly ruined America.
3. Gore won.
4. The best days of the United States are behind her.
5. J. Edgar Hoover was a cross-dresser.
6. Global warming is largely due to human beings.
7. FDR’s policies took us out of the Depression
8. Raising taxes increases revenue
9. Cheney and Libby ‘outed’ Valerie Plame.
10. The right has more of a propensity toward violence than the left.

And, it would be interesting to see your list that defines conservatives…just restrain your language.

1. Choosing paper over plastic is a way to save the environment.-- Plainly, a silly notion.
2. Senator Joseph McCarthy almost singlehandedly ruined America.-- Plainly, a silly notion.
3. Gore won. Well, actually -- the old fraud DID get more of the popular vote ... but still. He LOST! :D (Thank GOD!)
4. The best days of the United States are behind her. -- Plainly, a silly notion.
5. J. Edgar Hoover was a cross-dresser. Hm. I do believe he did like to wear women's clothing. I sure hope that doesn't make me a lib.
6. Global warming is largely due to human beings.-- Plainly, a silly notion.
7. FDR’s policies took us out of the Depression-- Plainly, a silly notion.
8. Raising taxes increases revenue-- Plainly, a silly notion.
9. Cheney and Libby ‘outed’ Valerie Plame.-- Plainly, a silly notion. She's not even gay.* :D
10. The right has more of a propensity toward violence than the left. -- Plainly, a silly notion.

* And she wasn't a secret agent, either.
4. The best days of the United States are behind her.

This one stood out to me. Isn't this exactly the opposite? "Progressives" is a term often used to describe liberals would indicate that we are looking to the future and making progress and change, not backwards. Where as the rallying cry of many on the right seems to be "we want our country back" and hence a return to the way things use to be or looking back in time.
You could be a Conservative if

1. You believe the world was created in six days about 6000 years ago.
2. That all the Founding Fathers were Christians, and they founded this as a Christian nation.
3. That the Confederates won the Civil War, and the history has been altered since by Liberals.
4. That the Masons are behind it.
5. That the Jews are behind it.
6. The the blacks are not behind it, because they are too stupid.
7. That FDR created the First Great Republican Depression.
8. That President Obama created the present Great Republican Recession.
9. That Sadam had WMD.
10. That Bush created a perfect Democracy in Iraq.
11. That Palin is correct, Africa is a country.
12. That the Delaware Dingbat will win :lol::lol::lol::cuckoo:
13. If you live in a single wide, with a six foot high heap of beer cans out back.
14. Can afford a Browning BMG, even as your kids go to school barefoot.
As our friend Editec perused in a discussion of liberals and conservatives,

“Few of us can be easily described by a single word.

ESPECIALLY when the word no longer has a recognizable meaning that we can agree upon.”

So true.

When each side defines the others’ title, the definition is, not surprisingly, unacceptable…but if you agree with most or all of this list, you could be a liberal.

1. Choosing paper over plastic is a way to save the environment.
That's dumb.
2. Senator Joseph McCarthy almost singlehandedly ruined America.
I think he ruined lives, but I have more faith in America than that. No single person has the power to "ruin" America.
3. Gore won.
The popular vote? Yes. The Electoral College? No.
4. The best days of the United States are behind her.
I don't know any liberals who believe that. I do know a bunch of Libertarians who obsess over the imaginary Coolidge-era free market utopia though.
5. J. Edgar Hoover was a cross-dresser.
Well, that's pretty well documented. I don't see how that has any "liberal"-ness to it.
6. Global warming is largely due to human beings.
I agree with this. So do the vast majority of climate scientists.
7. FDR’s policies took us out of the Depression
I agree with this too. So do most economists.
8. Raising taxes increases revenue
This is too general a statement. I believe that the Laffer curve exists - but we're nowhere near hitting it.
9. Cheney and Libby ‘outed’ Valerie Plame.
I believe this as well.
10. The right has more of a propensity toward violence than the left.
I think there are nutcases on both sides. I don't agree that political philosophy has ANYTHING to do with a propensity towards violence.

And, it would be interesting to see your list that defines conservatives…just restrain your language.

I guess I'm a "liberal" then. Here's what I refer to when I say Conservatives:

1. Believe in a pure free market.
2. Believe that the media is entirely controlled by Liberals in general, or the DNC in particular.
3. Against gay marriage, against repealing DADT, against gay teachers and adoptive parents.
4. Believe that Sharia law is creeping into the US, and if we don't do something about it, we'll all be subjugated to it.
5. Believe that the majority of racism in this country is institutionalized, and targets white people. (Affirmative action, etc).
6. Believe that Obama is a Muslim/Kenyan/etc.
7. Believe that George Soros is somehow different from the Koch brothers.
8. Think that ACORN was a criminal organization.
9. Believe that Obama is a "Socialist", or a "Marxist", or a "Stalinist", or a "Nazi"

That's what I've got now. I'm sure I'll think of more.
1. Believe in a pure free market.
Nope, I don't believe a "pure free market" is either possible or good.
2. Believe that the media is entirely controlled by Liberals in general, or the DNC in particular.
Not entirely.
3. Against gay marriage, against repealing DADT, against gay teachers and adoptive parents.
4. Believe that Sharia law is creeping into the US, and if we don't do something about it, we'll all be subjugated to it.
5. Believe that the majority of racism in this country is institutionalized, and targets white people. (Affirmative action, etc).
Nope. Racism is colorblind.
6. Believe that Obama is a Muslim/Kenyan/etc.
7. Believe that George Soros is somehow different from the Koch brothers.
nope. they're all opinionated people with a lot of financial power.
8. Think that ACORN was a criminal organization.
The orginization was not criminal but some of their activities were.
9. Believe that Obama is a "Socialist", or a "Marxist", or a "Stalinist", or a "Nazi"
Nope. He's just clueless.
What do our opponents mean when they apply to us the label “Liberal?” If by “Liberal” they mean, as they want people to believe, someone who is soft in his policies abroad, who is against local government, and who is unconcerned with the taxpayer’s dollar, then the record of this party and its members demonstrate that we are not that kind of “Liberal.” But if by a “Liberal” they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people — their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights, and their civil liberties — someone who believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad, if that is what they mean by a “Liberal,” then I’m proud to say I’m a “Liberal.” JFK 1960
1. Choosing paper over plastic is a way to save the environment. -- No, not by itself. We need comprehensive, science based environmental controls and reforms.
2. Senator Joseph McCarthy almost singlehandedly ruined America. -- America has not been ruined and was never in any danger of it, but McCarthy was a vile fuckwhit.
3. Gore won. -- Fuck no, and thank God.
4. The best days of the United States are behind her. -- This makes no sense to me.
5. J. Edgar Hoover was a cross-dresser. -- So I have heard. I sincerely hope so.
6. Global warming is largely due to human beings. -- I dunno; pollution does seem to threaten the planet.
7. FDR’s policies took us out of the Depression -- along with WW II, yes.
8. Raising taxes increases revenue -- no, but permitting ever-greater concentrations of wealth in fewer hands whilst narrowing the middle class is a recipe for disaster.
9. Cheney and Libby ‘outed’ Valerie Plame. -- who in the hell is Valerie Plame?
10. The right has more of a propensity toward violence than the left. -- no, individuals and mobs can be violent on either side.
4. The best days of the United States are behind her.

This one stood out to me. Isn't this exactly the opposite? "Progressives" is a term often used to describe liberals would indicate that we are looking to the future and making progress and change

Just because you move forward toward change, does not mean things will get better.

So far this Change we have gotten is simply More Spending of Money we do not have, and more Debt obligations, and more intrusive Federal Government.

You can try and call that progress if you want, but the Majority of Americans do not agree.

Liberals calling themselves Progressives is a silly word game meant to put a happy sounding name on an Ideology most Americans do not like.
4. The best days of the United States are behind her.

This one stood out to me. Isn't this exactly the opposite? "Progressives" is a term often used to describe liberals would indicate that we are looking to the future and making progress and change

Just because you move forward toward change, does not mean things will get better.

So far this Change we have gotten is simply More Spending of Money we do not have, and more Debt obligations, and more intrusive Federal Government.

You can try and call that progress if you want, but the Majority of Americans do not agree.

Liberals calling themselves Progressives is a silly word game meant to put a happy sounding name on an Ideology most Americans do not like.

I think these labels are pretty meaningless. We should demand our politicians state their proposals in some concrete form and stop reacting to bells like Pavlov's dog.
Liberals calling themselves Progressives is a silly word game meant to put a happy sounding name on an Ideology most Americans do not like.
Actually, progressives and socialists (same thing, really) in the Democrat Party stole the term "liberal" --which meant libertarian when we had honest semantics-- back in the '20s, to obfuscate their real agenda.

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