You cannot help the poor by giving more tax cuts to the rich

Kaz continues to drool the failed mantras of libertarianism. Truly sad. But, to make him feel better, he knows he will get to help his fellow humans. That will make him cheerful.

Libertarianism works because it's based on the truth that people look out for their own interest first. Liberalism fails because it's based on the lie that people will look out for other people's interest first and even the liberals don't do that themselves. Like Obama who thanked us for the refund (Bush tax cuts) that he's not donating to government and Warren Buffet who hires an army of accountants to evade the taxes he says he should pay or Daschle or Rangle who cheat on their taxes or the Clintons who take a $50 writeoff for donating a pair of Bill's underwear or...
There you go, making broad sweeping generalizations that have no fucking truth or proof them whatsoever. Good job exposing yourself as a partisan hack.

Here's one for you: Libertarianism is an extreme reaction to the basic concept of government. Cutting away everything ever that has to do with government isn't the solution. It wasn't even a principle that the Founding Fathers relied upon, even after they'd started a revolution.

Kaz, just because you see all welfare as a hand out doesnt make it so either. Your "screw em all if they can't take care of themselves" is not only uncaring, but it's a principle that would bite you on the ass if it were ever carried through with. The effect that ending welfare would have on this nation would be catastrophic...not just a return to the good ol' days like many conservatives believe.

Some conservatives think that if we just cleared out all the bums that the country's financial problems would be mystically solved. Sorry, kid. Real life doesn't work that way.

You don't know what "partisan" means dumb ass. Where have I supported a political party? I don't even support the Libertarian party.
There you go, making broad sweeping generalizations that have no fucking truth or proof them whatsoever. Good job exposing yourself as a partisan hack.

Here's one for you: Libertarianism is an extreme reaction to the basic concept of government. Cutting away everything ever that has to do with government isn't the solution. It wasn't even a principle that the Founding Fathers relied upon, even after they'd started a revolution.

Kaz, just because you see all welfare as a hand out doesnt make it so either. Your "screw em all if they can't take care of themselves" is not only uncaring, but it's a principle that would bite you on the ass if it were ever carried through with. The effect that ending welfare would have on this nation would be catastrophic...not just a return to the good ol' days like many conservatives believe.

Some conservatives think that if we just cleared out all the bums that the country's financial problems would be mystically solved. Sorry, kid. Real life doesn't work that way.

You don't know what "partisan" means dumb ass. Where have I supported a political party? I don't even support the Libertarian party.

Ok. Fine. You don't support a particular party...but you do oppose one, in a mindless, idiotic, knee-jerk way...with no thought or care for fucking facts or reality.

I thought you were at least organized and strong enough in your beliefs to back up the shit you type, but apparently not.

There, happy?
Kaz continues to drool the failed mantras of libertarianism. Truly sad. But, to make him feel better, he knows he will get to help his fellow humans. That will make him cheerful.

Libertarianism works because it's based on the truth that people look out for their own interest first. Liberalism fails because it's based on the lie that people will look out for other people's interest first and even the liberals don't do that themselves. Like Obama who thanked us for the refund (Bush tax cuts) that he's not donating to government and Warren Buffet who hires an army of accountants to evade the taxes he says he should pay or Daschle or Rangle who cheat on their taxes or the Clintons who take a $50 writeoff for donating a pair of Bill's underwear or...

Your nonsense above is why libertarianism always fails, while classical liberalism normally succeeds. Enough said.
You don't know what "partisan" means dumb ass. Where have I supported a political party? I don't even support the Libertarian party.

Ok. Fine. You don't support a particular party...but you do oppose one, in a mindless, idiotic, knee-jerk way...with no thought or care for fucking facts or reality.

I thought you were at least organized and strong enough in your beliefs to back up the shit you type, but apparently not.

There, happy?

Thank you for admitting your mistake saying that I'm partisan, that's all I asked.
Kaz continues to drool the failed mantras of libertarianism. Truly sad. But, to make him feel better, he knows he will get to help his fellow humans. That will make him cheerful.

Libertarianism works because it's based on the truth that people look out for their own interest first. Liberalism fails because it's based on the lie that people will look out for other people's interest first and even the liberals don't do that themselves. Like Obama who thanked us for the refund (Bush tax cuts) that he's not donating to government and Warren Buffet who hires an army of accountants to evade the taxes he says he should pay or Daschle or Rangle who cheat on their taxes or the Clintons who take a $50 writeoff for donating a pair of Bill's underwear or...

Your nonsense above is why libertarianism always fails, while classical liberalism normally succeeds. Enough said.

Yeah, liberalism is certainly succeeding. We have a $1.4 trillion dollar deficit, the government borrows 40% of what it spends, we've gone from the great recession to practically zero growth and are on the edge of another recession, we're no where near ending a 5 year housing downturn, we borrow trillions from the Chinese, we have a completely unsustainable entitlement system, government has gone from a historic 20% of GDP to 25%, government who already controls our retirements now is going to control our body's access to medical care.

If that's success, give me some failure, baby...
Kaz continues to drool the failed mantras of libertarianism. Truly sad. But, to make him feel better, he knows he will get to help his fellow humans. That will make him cheerful.

Libertarianism works because it's based on the truth that people look out for their own interest first. Liberalism fails because it's based on the lie that people will look out for other people's interest first and even the liberals don't do that themselves. Like Obama who thanked us for the refund (Bush tax cuts) that he's not donating to government and Warren Buffet who hires an army of accountants to evade the taxes he says he should pay or Daschle or Rangle who cheat on their taxes or the Clintons who take a $50 writeoff for donating a pair of Bill's underwear or...

Your nonsense above is why libertarianism always fails, while classical liberalism normally succeeds. Enough said.

OK...I've just got to ask...what the heck is "classical liberalism"? Sorry, Jake but I'm getting the feeling you're making half this stuff up out of broadcloth. Would you care to explain the difference between run of the mill liberalism (which I assume is the kind that's currently failing?) and your "classical liberalism" and if it's all so great then why didn't we see it in action the first two years of the Obama Administration?
There you go, making broad sweeping generalizations that have no fucking truth or proof them whatsoever. Good job exposing yourself as a partisan hack.

Here's one for you: Libertarianism is an extreme reaction to the basic concept of government. Cutting away everything ever that has to do with government isn't the solution. It wasn't even a principle that the Founding Fathers relied upon, even after they'd started a revolution.

Kaz, just because you see all welfare as a hand out doesnt make it so either. Your "screw em all if they can't take care of themselves" is not only uncaring, but it's a principle that would bite you on the ass if it were ever carried through with. The effect that ending welfare would have on this nation would be catastrophic...not just a return to the good ol' days like many conservatives believe.

Some conservatives think that if we just cleared out all the bums that the country's financial problems would be mystically solved. Sorry, kid. Real life doesn't work that way.

I'm also curious as to when you WOULD see welfare being a hand out? If you've got families that are on their fifth or sixth generation of collecting welfare...with the practice so ingrained into their way of thinking that collecting a check is just a part of life...would THAT constitute a hand out? Or would we still be talking about a hand up?
Oldstyle and Kaz believe their mish mash of beliefs is some how libertarian and liberating. Neither predicate adjective accurately describes what they think. Neither believe in classical liberalism, and thus they can be dismissed with the overwhelming majoritiy of far righty extremists.
There you go, making broad sweeping generalizations that have no fucking truth or proof them whatsoever. Good job exposing yourself as a partisan hack.

Here's one for you: Libertarianism is an extreme reaction to the basic concept of government. Cutting away everything ever that has to do with government isn't the solution. It wasn't even a principle that the Founding Fathers relied upon, even after they'd started a revolution.

Kaz, just because you see all welfare as a hand out doesnt make it so either. Your "screw em all if they can't take care of themselves" is not only uncaring, but it's a principle that would bite you on the ass if it were ever carried through with. The effect that ending welfare would have on this nation would be catastrophic...not just a return to the good ol' days like many conservatives believe.

Some conservatives think that if we just cleared out all the bums that the country's financial problems would be mystically solved. Sorry, kid. Real life doesn't work that way.

I'm also curious as to when you WOULD see welfare being a hand out? If you've got families that are on their fifth or sixth generation of collecting welfare...with the practice so ingrained into their way of thinking that collecting a check is just a part of life...would THAT constitute a hand out? Or would we still be talking about a hand up?

Welfare helps people get does not allow them to live a fruitful life.

I believe MOST on welfare would give their right arm to get off of it if they could.

However, there are some that find it so much easier to take the check and not do for themselves.

We cannot let that minority ruin it for the majority.

I have no issue with welfare.
Perfectly said.

Yeah well.....


Reforming regulatoions on businesses is something that needs to be done. Most businesses are ethical and do the right thing...but there are a select few that will capitalize on the reforming of regulations for selfish gain.
We can not let the majority of ethical businesses suffer for the actions of the few.
Simple common sense, this have never happened in history. Repug thinking...snooze!!!!!

according to Pelosi Food Stamps and Unemployment is the way
to go to create jobs


Dont forget those shovel ready jobs.


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